+505 If you're a girl and want your boyfriend to be a little more femine, and you're a boy and want your girlfriend to be more masculine, that's probably a good sign that you're not as straight as you think you are, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, that doesn't really change much because alot of feminine guys can be really nice and they take care of themselves and usually have good style...they don't necessarily have to be gay/a girl cuz they still have a penis...and as for masculine girls some are nice and cool and aren't annoying squeaky girly girls and some people prefer that and it doesn't make them less straight but I guess I see what you're saying...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(TailFeathers) That doesn't make him gay at all, maybe he wants a girl who has more in common with him but she wouldn't have a dick and that doesn't mean that she's any uglier than some preppy girl.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"If you're a girl *yada yada* and you're a boy" whut????????????????

by Anonymous 13 years ago