+984 Party in the USA's line: "Welcome to the land of fame excess" doesn't make sense... the real lyrics are probably "Welcome to the land of fame and sex", amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So right cuz after she says that it goes "Whoo" in a naughty/surprised way.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I just realized that, you're right

by Anonymous 14 years ago

My sister is convinced it is welcome to the land of flaming sex.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

it sounds like that too... ooh bad miley!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

fame excess makes some sense...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

a little bit but not much

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Until I read this I had no idea that it was "fame excess" I always thought it was "fame and sex"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's "welcome to the land of famous X". stupid

by Anonymous 14 years ago

no it isnt. if u google the lyrics, all the websites say "fame excess"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I thought it was welcome to the land of fame and success (but secretly I always thought it was originally fame and sex)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I always thought it was famous sex...haha

by Anonymous 14 years ago

isnt the line "welcome to the land of fame except... ooh am i gonna fit in?"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Fame excess makes plenty of sense because there's an "excess" of famous people how does that not make sense?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm pretty sure it's "Welcome to the land of L.A.X" ...L.A.X meaning Hollywood.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

unhtil i saw this post, i had no idea what any of the lyrics were, but sure that sounds good!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

lol. its kind of like the lyric of a britney song (if you seek amy) they have a subliminal message. haha.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

if - F you- U see-C ka- K my- Me

by Anonymous 14 years ago

especially considering she says am i gonna fit in? right afterwards ;)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

That's what I thought she said before I found out what the lyrics were. They must have done this on purpose, you know, subliminal messaging *shifty eyes*.

by Anonymous 14 years ago