+591 You get annoyed when your eating McDonalds, Wendy's, or something from any other fast food joint, and your friends are telling you how bad fast food is for you. Nobody cares! Fries are good. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

just because you don't care doesnt mean that "nobody cares"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lard ass

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Fries taste good...that doesn't necessairaly mean that they are good. They're actually really bad for you. And yes just because you don't care that doesn't mean "nobody cares" because as shocking as it may seem to you, people care about their health and nutrition.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well of course fries aren't good for you, anyone could tell you that, wouldn't it be obvious that I meant they taste good by saying they "are" good? And I'm sure you can't tell me that you have never, once in your life, said something is good when it is unhealthy, not saying it tastes good, OR when something trite annoyed you, you said nobody cares, everyone does it, it's human nature. You're overlooking the big picture, which is, if you are content with your own body image, and happy, then it's nobody else's place to tell you what to do and make you feel bad about yourself (even if they're not intentionally trying to make you feel bad about yourself.) I thank you for your input on my post and assure you that I am not trying to start any arguments, I just felt you deserved an explanation to the above issues.

by Anonymous 13 years ago