+436 You have wanted to punch a screaming baby in the face at one point or another, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ugh yesss especially when they throw a tantrum at the store for some candy it's like shuutttt up! omggg they are soo annoying.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's sick. They don't know any better and you were the exact freaking same when you were one or two. It's just retarded to say that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No. Not all children are like that. When stupid ass parents ignore they're kid and let them throw tantrums like that I was to punch the shit out of both of them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*their *want

by Anonymous 13 years ago

acutally he said baby, so yeah all babies scream and cry. all of them, if they didn't something would be wrong

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No shit Sherlock, but not all children start whaling in the middle of a store. Like I said, parents that allow their kids to do that in public deserve to get knocked the hell out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

On a plane is the worse :p

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Instead of complaining try helping them OR the parent.. Well, it's different when the parent is actually TRYING to shutup the baby :|

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hated that and still do. My mom told me when I was like 4, baby wwas screaming in a store for candy and I said to my mom "Can somebody shut that kid up?!?!" I was a special child

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wtf is wrong with u? u cant say things like its wrong and disgusting and u probably did do that some point in ur life. and if the parent ignores them, that seems like a good way to get them to shut up. if u were whining to someone and they said "im not talking or listening or reacting to u until u stop" and then ignored u i really doubt that u would keep talking. also ur a douche

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have five younger siblings, two of which I consider my babies. And it's so stupid to want to punch anybody in the face because a child is screaming, because when they're that age they do that just because it's what they do! It's not the parents fault until they get older and they are still screaming in stores. So grow the fuck up. I'm 14 and I'm more mature when it comes to handling situations like that then you, and that's sad.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay you guys are going way to far. the op didnt mean that every crying baby there is you should punch it in the face, i'm pretty sure the op means that when the kid is going way to far and the parent is telling them to stop, you pretty much want to handle it yourself because the parents obviously needs help. There is a time when you do feel like punching the baby but you dont actually do it cause you know they dont know better, but you still have that feeling that you want to punch them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually I think the OP was just trying to piss people off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago