+392 I wish they'd make adult swings. They would stand like 40 feet tall in a big field, and I could do some serious swinging. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Uh oh, this is from that phase when I randomly stole shit to post. THIS ISN'T MINE!!!! I have no idea whose it is. I don't even remember.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"adult swing"? hello http://www.intimatemedicine.com/typo3temp/pics/e/e1/e1cc7ed8be_e.jpg

by Anonymous 11 years ago

classless fool

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I loved swings as a kid, on sunny days if head down to the park near my house and play a game that me and my friends called "shoe kick". The way of the game was two people would swing beside each other on the swings and each of them would try to kick their shoes off as far as they could, whoever ended up kicking further would win. One of the older kids would sometimes play with us and he claimed that he had once kicked his shoe so far that it had gone into the basketball hoop of the house across the street. From then on that was our goal, day after day we'd improve our technique. Swinging lower and faster, pumping the swing harding enough for maximum velocity, but too high to avoid over arching and having a bumpy descent. Then one day the amazing happened. My friend had launched his shoes, both of which had done poorly and I prepared myself to kick. I swung fast and low and kicked my shoe off hard and as it left my foot I knew. With a cry I watched my shoe arc gracefully across the street and land into legend, or in other words the roof of the house across the street. I never did beat that kick. TLDR: I went home without a shoe that day.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

*I'd Curse this iPod

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They do, at certain activity camps. I remember when I went on a school trip when I was 11 to this activity camp, they had this MASSIVE swing, you and a partner sit in a couple of parachute harnesses, then the rest of the group uses a pulley system to get you 50 feet in the air, then, at the top, you pull this little string , and WHOOSH, you're off. It's seriously fun.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Hmm... Have you seen the likes on this thing? http://ctrlv.in/86587

by Anonymous 11 years ago