+264 You wouldn't be offended if someone said "That's so straight" so why are people offended when they say "That's so gay", amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So would you be okay if every time I saw something stupid, annoying, or weird, I said, "That's so PotatoQueen"?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thats not the same thing at all, that is a name, not a sexuality. Im not saying "Thats so Fabio" or something

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But it's still who you are.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Saying "that's so gay" is offesive because it is belittling to a person of that sexuallity. I don't want to be rude but some people seem to be to dense to understand that it's insulting and offensive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The problem is, people need to more secure with themselves and their sexuality. IF people are offended by 'thats so gay' then they feel their sexuality is under threat, and feel they need to assert their heterosexuality. Since this is usually a masculine thing, a boy feels they need to assert their masculinity in this way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well this is wear our views differ.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

gay is still used and defined as happy as well. Maybe that's so gay is a compliment. Or maybe people need to relax and stop being so gay.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Anonymous):haha funniest post ever but seriously I'm gay. And I say that's so faggot. People need to relax and get the stick out of their butts about every little thing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When someone says "That's gay" I never think of gay people. When someone says "I'm gay" I never think of stupid or shitty or anything. I think "gay" is a word that has different meanings, much like the word "right" (right-left, right-wrong). But at the same time, I understand why gay people are offended, but my main thought is that (read last sentence of above post).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would think it's more offending to say "that's retarded" than to say "that's gay", but no one seems to think that way anymore. Everyones going to continue using those phrases as a joke, not to insult anyone. People need to lighten up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually schools are pushing people to stop saying that. The principal came to all of our classrooms to tell us that "Gay is not an insult. There are many homosexuals in the world. It'd be a shame to possibly not have a friend just because you use "gay" instead of "stupid and lame" " and then she made saying "that's so gay" reportable. if you're caught saying it, you're suspended. So I'm pretty glad that people are starting to say "that's so gay" less because of the schools.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

because it's meant to put down gays. and even if it's not that big of a deal, if you're offending so many people and it's so controversial, would it really kill anybody to just say "that's so stupid" instead? you know when you use "gay" instead, you're going to offend somebody whether you mean to or not, so why not take the tiny bit of effort to just not? thanks

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Reposted using different phrasing of mine.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because straight is good. Gay is another term for a creature whose mind is defective enough to shun one of evolutions three most basic survival instincts- mating. A gay therefore is mentally inefficient as their minds are ultimately pitted against survival of the species. So when one calls somebody gay, they are calling them a massive failure to the contribution of human evolution. Cheers, Brave and Vigilant Knight

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): Umm... have you heard of artificial insemination or of surrogate mothers??? yes, at the time when the bible was written you couldnt do these things because it was supposedly considered an "abomination"... i dont see people standing outside of a couple's apartment who isnt married and making love saying that they're going to hell!!! there should be no punishment or insult derived from homosexuality because it is, unfortunately, viewed wrong by so many people. Being a homosexual should be treated just as normal as being a heterosexual !!! So next time you read your bible "to the t" keep in mind all the other "sins" that have been completely ignored by today's society.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God you guys are so gay!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

woah, don't insult ME like that. I will never be one of... those.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's funny that no one is offended by the use of the word "lame". Seeing as that word means cripple. Poor undefended cripples.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I used to shy away from saying "That's so gay." because I thought it was offending to gay people. Then one day I was hanging out with my cousin (who's a lesbian and extremely into gay rights and stuff) call her girlfriend a faggot and they just laughed about it. Over time she kept saying that's so gay and stuff along the lines of that. So I asked her why and she said "Its all about being comfortable with yourself." Ever since then I stopped shying away from it cause I started to realize that a lot of gay people that I know speak like that to each other. (Yeah I'm aware that I have horrible grammar in this post)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, well, well. Someone's a douchebag.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Does anyone else really want to hit BraveAndVigilantKnight?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some people are comfortable with their sexual orientation (great for them!) and are not offended by people saying "that's so gay!" - but others are not. It's rude to just expect someone to not be offended by it; it's unnecessary. Save the people out there who are still trying to become comfortable in their own skin and refrain from using "that's so gay" often. I don't care if you're gay or not, but it's still offensive to use the word.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

words and words and people need to SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP GETTING OFFENDED BY THEM. The only time you should ever get offended over a word is if the word was purposefully used to offend you. Like if you're black and they purposefully come up to you and say "You're such a nigger!" but if somebody's just chillin with their friends and they call each other niggas when hanging out, why are we going to get offended? People are so politically correct today it's not even funny. One day every word will be offensive because god forbid somebody might somehow get their feelings hurt over. Buncha fucking pussies on this site.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sometimes I say "that's so gay" or something. But I don't mean, like, gay people are stupid. I'm all for gay people! haha :p It's not a big deal so it's kind of dumb when people get offended by it. in my opinion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

See what havoc queers have brough upon things as simple as conversational vernacular?! They're defected in the mind, so they feel the need to make others feel inferior as well, by attempting guilt trips while they engage in the destruction of society. Nowadays, guys wear pants two sizes too small and call it "fashion" because of the faggots. Millions of dollars and hundreds of hours are FUCKING WASTED on issues for the namby-pamby homosexuals who whine and whine and form special interest groups that do NOTHING but clog political agendas and prevent any real progress from getting made in this county. Two ass rammers can't get married, boo fucking hoo. There's unemployed, homeless, starving people who need help, but noooooooo, queers think they're more important than real issues. They think they deserve "equality" while acting rambunctious, having those disgusting parades. I'd be damned if some dude in makeup and a tubetop deserves any decent rights, much less the same rights as a sin...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(BraveAndVigilantK...): you're no knight. Your an asshole who is scared of change and hides behind a book with outdated beliefs. To you and your precious bible homosexuality is an abomination. According to the bible, so is shaving, having a tattoo, eating shrimp, working on a saturday, having a vegetable garden and bunny rabbits are all abominations equal to homosexuality. At one point in Americas history, slavery was justified by the bible. You and all other close minded pricks need to realize that your beliefs are outdated and wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

it would be offensive if you meant straight as a good thing and gay as bad. being gay is not a bad thing and that's why it is offensive. yes, people should calm down about it but how hard is it to say a different word?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

being gay is a horrible thing. Political correctness has made all of you soft.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Where did I say anything about the bible, you stupid self rightious whore?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And of all the posts defending the wretched mental disease known as homosexuality, yours has among the least intellegence. It was so lacking any intellect it may as well have been written by a queer, since they're useless like you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago