+422 It's weird when people say things like, "I hate Harry Potter/Twilight/etc. I'm never going to read it." If you've never read it, how would you know if you hate it? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because they are so overexposed right now that you can know the basic story and the important parts without ever having touched the book/movie. I think I can give you the summary of both without ever having read or watched twilight, and having stopped reading/watching harry potter around book 5. There are so many good books in the world it's a shame to waste time with bad ones.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because clearly books that are among the all-time best-selling are bad, amirite? And if you've ever read a book then you should know that the most "important parts" don't involve the basic story line, they involve the subplots, the character development, the intricacy of the words, and the emotion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well in his/her opinion, they are bad. Just because they're in all time best selling list doesn't mean that everyone is going to like them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's not what I was implying. If these books weren't good, then they wouldn't be among the all-time best-sellers. Obviously not everyone is going to personally enjoy them, but you have to concede that they're special.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I enjoyed the books. Great story, just decent writing. The only thing that makes me mad are the fans. That last sentence was probably irrelevant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Have you read Twilight? Saying that that's good because it's a best seller is like saying [insert least favorite food item here] are good because they're sold in bunches at stores. Bad analogy, I know.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Irrelevant question and nonsensical analogy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"If these books weren't good, then they wouldn't be among the all-time best-sellers." Twilight is not good. Twilight is a bestseller. Your comment implies Twilight is good.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Books do not become bestsellers by mistake. It takes a truly special book to sell 100 million copies worldwide. And you have to understand that there's a difference between not liking something and thinking something is bad. I don't particularly care for the Yankees, but I concede that they're a good team.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Goodness can be a subjective quality. Sometimes the reason we do not like something, is because it is bad, to us. I don't like sushi, I think that it tastes bad. Does that mean it's bad to everyone else? No, but it is to me. Twilight is a well written book, but I think that the themes are a little bit messed up, and that decreased the goodness of the books to me. The critiquing of literature, movies, music, and art is very subjective.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Of course it is subjective and of course not everyone likes/dislikes something uniformly. I didn't say anything on the contrary. What I am saying is that there's a difference between not particularly and liking something and thinking something is flat-out poor quality.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But at the same time, if someone dislikes something, it could be because he or she finds it to be of poor or bad quality. This is especially true when it comes to books. My favorite book is Brave New World, because I think that it is a good book. But what about someone who finds it disturbing? Who doesn't like the plot, diction, characters, setting, etc.? Will he or she think that it's good? No, (s)he'll probably think that it's a crappy book. He or she could think that it is a bad book. Many people think that Twilight is a good book, many think that it is a bad book. That doesn't make them wrong, it's just their opinions. It's the value they individually attach to the book.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

http://amirite.net/642833/1435232 Some large fan base.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because an amirite post that 20 people voted on makes the fact that the series sold over 100 million copies meaningless, amirite? This is completely irrelevant to what we were discussing, anyway.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Fine, it has a decent fanbase. But there's a huge anti-fanbase too. My point is that there's a large group of people that don't enjoy it, though it is a bestseller.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Twilight is not good to you. Granted, I wasn't in love with the series either, but it /does have a large fan base. The books gathered a lot of followers; in that sense, they have something about them that makes them good to those many people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ok. Look. Just because a book is a best seller doesn't make it good, it makes it catchy. Most best-sellers are not the groundbreaking amazing books, but books made easy to read. Think shitty romance novels. Think John Grisham(not bad, but a very easy read). Think that chick with the time traveler's wife(grooaaan. It had a good premise and all, but the simplicity in style was a huge turnoff). Think Coelho, with his 5-8 word sentences. Sure, every now and then you get a jewel in the best-seller list(like Stephen King, for example), but it's rare. Saying something is good cause people buy it is prepostorous. Rebecca Black, Britney, etc made millions of sales, does that mean it's good? Most people I know that read it were either teenagers or people who only read it to get laid/get out of the "you can't say it's bad because you haven't read it" group. Oh, also, yes, the main plot is the skeleton of a book. The rest is mostly detail. If the main plot sucks so hard and excerpts of the book are around to show that it's all shitty purple prose and adjectives describing edward...welll, no; can't save it. Also, Brave New World was amazing <3.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

its even more annoying when you say you hate twilight then everyone says "HAVE YOU EVEN READ IT??" and you actually have...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My friends used to be OBSESSED with Twilight. They dragged me to the movies and because I didn't want to read them of my own volition, basically read the first two books to me. I can understand the appeal, but nothing makes real sense. (werewolves =/= shape-shifters) Somehow I found "Alex Day reads Twilight" and I swear I have never agreed more strongly with anyone in my entire life.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

do you like getting raped by pedobear?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i agree with this post but i have to throw my two cents in here: i've read all the twilight books and seen all the movies that have come out. in fact i read the first twilight book in early 2007, before it really became popular, so i didn't have any preconceived notions of it at the time. but i hate twilight because IT PERPETUATES RAPE CULTURE.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, I'm just going to step in and clarify here... I wasn't defending Harry Potter or Twilight in this post. In fact, I actually think Twilight is pretty overrated. But the reason I think that is because I actually read it; I didn't just take one look at the movies and say, "Wow, this entire thing sucks except for Taylor Lautner's abs," like some people do. Actually, it annoys me just as much when people say they love a book series that they've never read. Few things infuriate me more (okay, that could be an exaggeration, but still) than the people who call themselves "hardcore Harry Potter fans" when they've never actually read the books. Moral of the story: Don't judge a book by its movie.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Personally, I think it's alright for someone to say they don't like something because they didn't like the movie, but if they haven't read the book, they have no right to say it (the book) was bad. There's a difference between being uninterested in the concept of the book and thinking it is poorly written.

by Anonymous 12 years ago