+348 Certain people are the best at telling jokes or stories. Other people shouldn't even try. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes and one of those people is me. I can't tell a story worth sh**. I always seem to drag on forever and ever and I just can't stop. Very sad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My dad's family all seem to be the best joke-tellers in the world. Christmas dinner party will make you crack up until you can't breathe.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think I could be a decent story teller if I actually got to the point instead of rambling on and on and on and on. I mean I seriously can't stop talking. This one time I was at the dinner table, well it's probably a had to be there moment, but it's still pretty funny, well anyway so I'm sitting there trying to tell my mom this story, she has a dark sense of humor so I could tell she'd like it, but my sister kept interrupting me, which she does all the time I mean seriously what is wrong with her? She honestly can't let me get through one story. So I'm sitting there trying to tell this story, but we were eating steak, and trust me my mom makes great steak, but it's so hard to cut. I mean I need a machete to cut that shit. Oh wait.... Where was I?

by Anonymous 12 years ago