+431 Everyone complains about the deficit. Everyone is blaming Obama for spending too much, but what's he supposed to do? Whenever he tries to cut spending for something, you hear a ton of people go "NOOO!! you CAN'T cut funding for that. It's WAY too important!!" And so the cycle continues, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Welfare and extended unemployment aren't too important. I understand some people do need welfare, but they only need the bare minimum. I know some people who are getting fancy electronics and whatnot while on welfare. And extending unemployment also isn't really fair. Some people legitimately can't find jobs, but the majority of people aren't trying.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wouldn't say that the majority don't try; plenty do. There aren't a lot of jobs, but many people who are unemployed just are looking for a job that isn't available. If you really need a job, you need to be ready to take something even if you consider it 'below' you. And even then, there aren't a lot out there :/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

every president before obama has gone through the same thing, but gotten the criticism you're talking about. obama isnt some poor guy, he knew what he was signing up for .

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Apparently, anon has no idea how the unemployment system works; to receive it, you *have* to make some effort to find a job. The problem is, they just don't exist, and that's why the extensions. I wonder if all the kiddies on this site moaning about welfare and unemployment have any idea what it's like to try to support a family when you can't find a job... military is where spending should be cut. End the "war", save the $. No more dead kids in a stupid war against a fucking concept. Thanks again, Dubya 8-|

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You can't just end a war. Last time we just left somewhere [after destroying their government, nonetheless], chaos broke out in that country. And cut military spending? It seems like a good idea, but won't it also cut the pay for the soldiers? Those people are risking their lives for us and our country.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you ended the war, which I agree is far more difficult than they made it seem, military spending would be dramatically reduced, and I believe that was their point.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That is true, but it's too difficult/risky to end the war.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Eh, regardless of what he's doing, he IS a politician. No matter what he does, someone, somewhere will find something to complain about.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they all voted for him cuz hes black,, but when they put him in office,,, they say hes a bad man,, doing alll this bad stuff... just shut the hell up!!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Here's a thought - cut the paychecks of our *cough cough* hardworking politicians *falls off the bed from laughter*............... okay, now that I'm back. Seriously though, they make a nice cushy paycheck for doing just about nothing but worrying about themselves until it comes to election time again. Cut their pay. And as for the jobs, they do exist, but for many they aren't "good enough". I know one family personally where the dad has been out of work for almost 2 years now. His wife lost her job, and not 2 months later, she had work. It's at wal-mart, and not the most glamorus job, but you know what, it pays the bills. Work is out there for those who want it bad enough - In Most Cases. *And let the my burning commence*

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Alright, i hate politics. But imagine if you were in his position and every move you made was going to make someone unhappy. so stop bashing him and start understanding that what you need isn't what everyone else needs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sorry for changing the topic, but Obama is a baby killer, voting to fund abortion and everything. And then lying about his position. Who agrees?

by Anonymous 13 years ago