+603 "Because the Bible says so," is never a good argument, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Especially when it has something to do with gay marriage, or homosexuality in general.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm agnostic, used to be athiest, and I hear that a lot. I used to be athiest because I didn't believe in God and that other stuff, but now I'm open to religious ideas, as long as there is proof behind them besides the Bible. But I think people shouldn't base their lives on a book, which for all we know, could've been written by some crazy hobo since the author remains unknown. I respect your beliefs, as much as I disagree with them, but please respect mine.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The author is certainly not unknown. It was written by seceral people, a lot of which are known.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

eh, I wouldn't know. =]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Then don't say it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It is good for the basis of a moral argument such as abortion, but you must have other stuff to back up your argument as well.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why is this voted down? I'm not all that much Christian but I agree with you in this statement, the bible is a lesson on morality, if rough in some parts.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It depends. You should be able to at least cite where it says so in the Bible at least if you are going to say that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I mean there's a lot of things in this world we can't explain no matter how hard we try and somethings we will never be able to understand.... As much as I enjoy thinking of myself as a 'logical' person, I know that I don't have the answer to everything

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yes I agree because not everything in the Bible has things that God wouldn't be proud of, such as sinning or your sexuality because God loves everyone no matter what they do or say.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Bible never says ANYWHERE that God doesn't love sinners or homosexuals. Or that we should hate them, too. Homosexuality is a sin, just like lying, and stealing, and coveting. It keeps you out of heaven, just like every other sin. If you repent, and do a three sixty away from your sins, along with asking for forgiveness, you are forgiven, because Jesus bridged the gap, and you can make it into heaven. God still loves everyone. It's the sins that he cannot be a part of, and that keeps you out of heaven. God cannot exist with sin, just like darkness cannot exist in the light.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"if you repent, and do a three sixty away from your sins". i hope you know that a 360 just gets you back where you started...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Woops. Good catch. I meant one eighty? yeah well I was posting quickly

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Excuse me? Homosexuality is NOT a sin, nor does it have anything to do with stealing, lying, and coveting. According to others, sins are to be hated. And homosexuality isn't a choice. You can't say, oh, I'll like _____! It is NOT a sin. I respect that if you think a marriage is for men and women. But truly, going so far to say it's a sin, frankly insults me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sorry, Beep. It is a sin. I don't care if it insults you, it's the truth. You can choose not to engage in an active relationship with someone of the same sex. Homosexuality isn't a sin in itself, it's the lusting after one of the same sex, or any sex. It's an abomination, and unnatural. Says so in the Bible, if you scroll down. Don't post your thoughts as truth, you can put I think at the front of your post, but you act like you know more about the Bible than I do, claiming it isn't a sin.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wait, where does it say it's a sin?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1 Corinthians 6:9 "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you are my hero :) perfectly said!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Bible is the truth so it's like saying "Because it's the truth"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The bible is not the truth. It's nothing but a book with no more truth in it than Harry Potter.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I sorry you think so...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think so, I know so. The bible is nothing more than a work of fiction to me. As a matter of fact, I'm reading a book of myths and fairy tales, and Genesis is in it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Weird, I'm pretty sure I saw a marathon on stories from the Bible being real on the History channel.... Get your facts straight, there are things in the Bible that the human mind can't comprehend, but just has to accept as truth, historians are discovering new things everyday to prove the Bible true.... There are things described in the Bible that have only been invented in the past century.... Explain to me how people from a couple of thousand years ago knew the kind of technology that will come today?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You can't just say "The Bible is the truth" and use that and absolutely nothing else to back up what you say. I could write my own book and say whatever the Hell I want; it doesn't mean that everything in it is the truth.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're not god...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God didn't write the Bible. Besides, why is the Bible automatically the truth, but the Qur'an (sorry if I misspelled that) and all other holy books wrong? They have no more evidence then you. There were thousands of religions before Christianity and there will probably be more after it's gone; whose to say it's the only correct one? I doubt you'd beleive in it if you hadn't been born to Christian parents who indoctrinated you when you were a child.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There may have been religions before Christianity, but not before Judaism. Christianity was founded after Jesus died and rose again. The Bible has infallible facts. People say it contradicts itself, but give me an example of that, and I'll refute it. It has no lies. Only things left up to judgement that cannot be proven, such as the burning bush. You can't prove that a bush burned, but neither can you disprove it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not even going to continue this. You clearly don't know what you're talking about if you think that Judaism was the first religion ever.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Really? I do believe so, because God made the earth, and the first two people on the planet started Judaism. Hmm. Maybe they started hinduism or something.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If I were you, I'd get out from under your rock and go learn something. We're done here. Have a nice day.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I still notice how you haven't come up with an inconsistency. Having trouble?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In the earliest religions, people worshipped the sun, the moon, the sky, and the earth. They created a god for each of them. There religion is just as valid as any other in my opinion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And either are you. Who are you to know he exists?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

because he has reviled himself to us through the holy scripture.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are miracles that happen daily, the evidence is all around us, open your eyes and look around, the people who have experienced a miracle such as coming back from dead are considered "crazy" I mean if you make fun of people that know the truth and turn to scientists who can't explain it.... Then you are avoiding the truth on purpose. How can you take the word of todays scientists who make theories to explain what people SAW in the ancient times? This is the main thing, scientists make THEORIES, they haven't proven it true... And yet people take their word as fact and don't believe the people that first reported it, that makes no sense at all

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He revealed himself to you... through a book. In all reality, all current religions are probably wrong. Also, just because some things from the bible are true, doesn't mean that most of the things are. we have books similar to that. They're called historical fiction... imagine, one day, if a historical fiction book became big enough, it can be the basis of a religion as big as christianity.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay, so in your logic something is false until proven true, that's what I got from reading it. Now I personally am not a scientist, but I do like to study this kind of stuff and looking at it, there are some things that are true in the Bible and the rest has stuff that's uncertain, NOT PROVEN TRUE OR FALSE. Yet I see a pattern forming, this is true, this is true, this is true.... Hmm maybe they're all true, why do we need to waste our time proving something to be true? I mean the most important thing about religion is faith, after the whole Bible has been proven true, then it becomes something that is taught as a lesson instead of as a religion.... I mean how many historical fictions predict the future? Are you going to say they're time travelers? Or maybe psychic? And if you don't have a problem believing these things, then why do you have trouble believing the Bible?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you are a dumbass. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In my opinion, the people that use the bible as reasoning for everything and follow 'his word' are the most hypocritical of anyone. My parents didn't force me to be any religion so when I was younger I did my experimenting with friends' families. I was open to anything at first but after going to diff churches and whatnot it really just proved how hypocritical it all was.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree. The Bible is kind of something to fall back on, you know? "The Bible says it, therefore it's true," kind of thing, right?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When I was 13 I wanna say my friends and I started going to a youth group. Everyone was very friendly and loving towards us, until one night another friend came. He was very obviously gay, and when the pastor and whoever else saw him we were treated completly differently and eventually told we weren't welcome anymore. Yeah. Fuck that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not just a poor arguement, it's an invalid one. That book, written by men as fallible as any, carries way too much weight. I say, if religion makes you a better person, have at it. I don't need threat of otherworldly torture, or promise of otherwordly riches, to be a good person. I am kind because I like to be kind; I don't kill or hurt people because I have no desire to. Not because I'm afraid I'll burn.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The men are fallible, but not the information they wrote down. "All scripture is God breathed"- 2 Timothy 2:16 Also, find an inconsistency and post it here, so I can refute it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

LEV 11:6 And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. Hares do not chew the cud. Ever.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's too long to post here. So go to this link. It'll refute it better than I, anyways. http://www.tektonics.org/af/cudchewers.html

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think that's a bit of a stretch, but I'll accept it. John 13:38 Jesus answered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice. Mark 14:67-68 And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him, and said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth. But he denied, saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch; and the cock crew. Peter does go on to deny Jesus another two times in Mark 14, but the prophecy of John 13:38 has already been voided.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey, doesn't god, you know, say not to kill, but kill multiple times throughout the bible?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wait, so, if I understand what you're saying, the Bible is true, because it says so in the Bible?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, the bible is infallible because you cannot deny its truth. My argument up there was against figurative interpretation of it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How do you know the Bible is the truth? Because it says it's the truth, right?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No because it hasn't been disproved, and it's been proved over and over. Boom shackalaka!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You could say the same about any other religious book. There are several fiction books that are not believed to be true that cannot be disproven. Should I believe in all those books too?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, because they don't line up with science. Question, does your belief line up with science? Ill tell you right now it doesn't. Anyways, why'd you quit replying on the homophobe post by breakfastfan?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't quit replying. My last comment was about how there was no word for homosexual in the greek language, and I never got a notification that you repliedi

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, unless you're Also santi2013 you didn't reply.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's my girlfriend. I told her to reply to a comment for me since my computer was being stupid. I guess she didn't log in to my account to reply.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay. I ignored it because I had no idea who that was. I'll reply.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No... just no... Nowhere does the bible mention same sex love. It mentions same sex lust, adultery, idoltry, and rape. But all those things are bad no matter who it's between. The word homosexual wasn't added to the bible until 100 years ago. Homosexuality is love between two people of the same sex. Would a god of love condemn love? No.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Give me some facts. Give me one credible source where your "facts" are presented. Nowhere in the Bible? Nowhere? Are you as mentally handicapped as I think? You haven't read the Bible! It says it consistently. I showed my friend last year 10 cases, and I'll look them up right now. "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22 Now, you can claim all those other things that Leviticus says, so I'll dig up another one. "For this reason [idolatry] God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error." Romans 1:26-27

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't quote Leviticus unless you follow ALL of the rules in Leviticus. Also, that verse from Romans is about straight men and woman committing adultery with someone of the same sex. It wasn't calling gay sex unnatural, it was calling gay adultery unnatural. Also, there are only 6 verses in the bible that mention same sex acts, none that mention same sex love. If you've found ten, please quote all ten for me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You are forgetting, conveniently, that little sentence I wrote saying that Leviticus has all the laws and such. However, most of those were to not be "unclean," and yet Jesus in Matthew 15:11 says, "What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.'" Also, the rituals to forgive yourself from sin, Jesus fulfilled the prophecy, and forgave us for every sin we have, or ever will, commit. But I'll dig up another, non-believer. In Deuteronomy 23:17 it says, "There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel." Sodomite is synonymous with a homosexual. "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and will be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh." Matthew 19:5. Wife, not husband, wife. Not husband, wife. Understand? Once again, Matthew 1:26-27 (in next post)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged the natural sexual relations for unnatural ones, 27 and likewise the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed in their passions for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error." Do not presume to say that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, for that is preposterous and a bald faced lie. Check out this link if you have any objections, http://bible.org/article/homosexuality-christian-perspective

by Anonymous 13 years ago

All you're arguments are using the bible. The bible doesn't hold water against a non christian. Give me real proof, and I'll believe you. And don't use gays can't procreate, because not even all heterosexuals can have children.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's not my argument. That is not my argument. Let me say it again: THAT ISN'T MY ARGUMENT. Understand? You posted this lie: ": No... just no... Nowhere does the bible mention same sex love. It mentions same sex lust, adultery, idoltry, and rape. But all those things are bad no matter who it's between. The word homosexual wasn't added to the bible until 100 years ago. Homosexuality is love between two people of the same sex. Would a god of love condemn love? No." And I refuted it. Using the Bible to which you were referring to. Don't change the argument.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay then, give me a verse that condemns same sex LOVE. You have yet to do that. So far you've only shown me where the bible says I can't cheat on someone with someone of the sex and where it mentions opposite sex marriage. What's so wrong with same sex love?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh my goodness. You don't understand. In Matthew 1:26-27, it means they turned gay. Not that they had a wife, and then cheated on her. They were gay, and they had sex. Homosexuality is unnatural, and perverted. Nobody is born 'gay.' People claim that God makes them that way, but there is zero evidence for that. In fact, I don't mind someone being homosexual, as long as they don't commit immoral acts with someone else. God doesn't condemn the person who hasn't sinned. It's only a sin to act on your homosexuality, not to be inclined towards the same sex. Answer your question?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Does that condemn same sex love? I don't think so. Also, you're still using the bible to say homosexuality is wrong. I asked for another reason.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It doesn't condemn same sex love. As long as they don't act on it. As long as they go through their life a virgin, and never lusts. Understand?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So me being attracted to a girl is lust, but a guy being attracted to a girl is okay? I don't think so. I do not lust after my girlfriend, I love her. We have not had sex, but we will one day. Also, I am agnostic, so no, I do not understand your biased religious rules. There are over 360 verses condemning opposite sex acts (acts, not love), but heterosexuality is okay. There are only 6 verses condemning same sex acts (again, acts, not love) but it is not okay. That doesn't even begin to make sense.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You, once again, misunderstood my entire post. Lust is when you look at someone whilst thinking of having sex with them. If a person stops lust and goes through life single, yes I don't mind him/her being gay. However, I have a problem with you having a girlfriend, because that is immoral. Because you intend to have sex. Because you are giving in to homosexuality. If a person were stronger than that, is respectable. You have to not look lustfully. I'm not making my point very well.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Please explain to me, without using religion, why me having a girlfriend is bad. I love her very much. I feel for her what I could never feel for a guy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can't. You have a secular worldview. I have a Christian worldview. My morals are founded in a moralistic, infallible book, while you decide what yours are. Secular worldviews teach us that Lesbianism is okay, and abortion is right, and generally, is pretty much the opposite of the Bible. Not always, but usually. There is not an argument against homosexuality outside of religion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly. And not everyone is religious so using religion in an argument is pointless. I am sorry if I don't have faith. But I still have morals. I don't kill, I only lie to protect people I love, I am against abortion, I don't steal or cheat. I don't hurt people intentionally. I just don't see how consensual love can ever be wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But, that isn't the argument here. You said earlier that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality. My whole point was refuting that. It's a whole different topic to argue about your most recent post. I simply corrected your made up "fact" about the Bible. I'm not here to explain morals to a non-believer.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And my made up fact was...?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also, I get the impression that you don't believe non believers have morals. My christian girlfriend seems to think I have morals@391070 (pikabeau):

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Christian girlfriend. I find so much hypocrisy amusing. She isn't a true Christian if she still knowingly and intentionally sins. Also, your made up fact was really an entire paragraph how God doesn't condemn homosexuality. "No... just no... Nowhere does the bible mention same sex love..Homosexuality is love between two people of the same sex. Would a god of love condemn love? No." That is just part of the whole post. I know non-believers have morals, and I like how you said "I get the impression" rather than stating it as fact.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

http://www.soulforce.org/article/homosexuality-bible-gay-christian This is where I am getting my facts about the bible. I don't expect you to read it, it's pretty long, but here's some of what it says: "many Christians don't know that: Jesus says nothing about same-sex behavior. The Jewish prophets are silent about homosexuality. Only six or seven of the Bible's one million verses refer to same-sex behavior in any way -- and none of these verses refer to homosexual orientation as it's understood today"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Something else it says about people misusing the bible- "The Bible has been misused to defend bloody crusades and tragic inquisitions; to support slavery, apartheid, and segregation; to persecute Jews and other non-Christian people of faith; to support Hitler's Third Reich and the Holocaust; to oppose medical science; to condemn interracial marriage; to execute women as witches; and to support the Ku Klux Klan. Shakespeare said it this way: "Even the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Shakespeare is right. You can take the Bible out of context on almost any subject, and twist it to your own meaning. You have to be careful not to be deluded by the half verses put on websites intending to make a point, when the rest of the verse is totally opposite. Anyone can twist a single verse to a whole meaning, and the Bible has a verse condemning that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I saw that earlier on my quest for a site. This is mine, other than my own, personal knowledge: http://bible.org/article/homosexuality-christian-perspective But you still haven't denied that the Bible condemns homosexuality. My site shows that it does, and in my opinion, far better than yours in the opposite. But that just may be because I'm more inclined to be preferential towards my own.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You basically just admitted that you were biased. I have read your source before, but as an outsider looking in, it did not sway my opinion. The bible does not condemn homosexuality (love between two people of the same sex). The bible never condemns any kind of love. Your source was made for Christians to strengthen their personal beliefs. My girlfriend used to believe as you do, but she read my link and saw she was wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Obviously I'm biased, as are you. You say that you aren't swayed by mine, and yours doesn't sway me either. It does condemn homosexuality! 1 Corinthians 6:9, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals" Passive homosexual partners, and practicing homosexuals. Those who engage in homosexual.. sex. But that doesn't mean there isn't a hope for homosexuals. They can repent. Same with the sexually immoral.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry, but that doesn't mention same sex love. You're taking that verse out of context and bending it to your needs. I know it seems pretty straight forward, but you're still taking it out of context. I am not biased, I just do not make my beliefs on the bible. That does not make me biased, it just means I think for myself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Explain to me how I'm taking it out context. You say that, yet I doubt you even understand what that means, and what the Bible says about the subject. You are claiming that I take it out of context, but if you look at 1 Corinthians 6:8 it says, "Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers." Then, in verse nine, it lists some sins people are committing. It is saying homosexuality is wrong. I'm not taking it out of context. Just look at the other verses.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No it's not. Prove it. Ask "God" if He really thinks homosexuality is a sin. Tell me what he says please.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Bible is the Word of God. I've shown you what it says, yet you keep denying it. Changing your argument, yet again. You said I was taking it out of context. I gave you the previous verse. Now how am I taking it out of context? Hmm? And I can tell you what God says. Homosexuality is a sin. It says so in the book where he inspired every sentence.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

As a non christian, what you just said means nothing to me. I know what modern paraphrased translations of the bible says about homosexuality. I know what the original texts says about homosexuality (which is absolutely nothing). Also, using religion to prove something wrong is not okay. Not everyone is part of that religion. I do not believe in god, so the word of god is nothing more than the word of steven king or some other author to me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Quick question. God created the earth and all the animals right? There a a couple of species of lizards that are entirely female and reproduce by stimulating sex with one another. He created these homosexual creatures. Just saying.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's not humans. That's how they were made, however I don't know if they exist, I'll just take your word.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Trust a Christian to blindly believe something without proof...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stone cold, and there a historical sources backing the Bible, Jesus's existance, and the flood. The flood is evidence, not a source, though. And that is a little thing. Also, lost an argument so you must resort to insulting? Hmm..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't lost, I was merely making a statement. You said homosexuals are sinners (I'm paraphrasing) so why can't I say you believe things without proof? Calling me a sinner is an insult.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually you are a sinner. That's a fact, not an insult. I am a sinner, too. Everyone is, and if anyone tells you different, they are lying, and that's another sin. Only Jesus resisted the temptations and lived a sinless life. I don't believe things without proof. That's a blanket generalization unfounded in fact. Understand?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You believe the bible with little to no proof.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Once again, a bald faced lie, and a typical generalization. Seriously, do you make up half the things you say on the spot? I can give you bookoodles of evidence for the Bible. Read "The Case for Christ" (Should be italicized, not in quotations) by Lee Strobel, if you want hard evidence for it. Only fools think that there is little evidence for the Bible. Not one expert believes that. They decide the evidence isn't convincing enough, but there is plenty of evidence, and those cold-hearted to the Bible cannot understand it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Scrantoncity is a perfect example of the hypocritical fucks that think they're better than everyone else and that their religion is superior. Can't prove a bush burned? Uhm, it was on fire, now its ash. But not, no way it could have burned. Ignorant fuck. Mhm.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You, sir, are incredibly ignorant. I said some things cannot be proven. The bush burned over 4,000 years ago, and there are no historical sources to provide evidence for it. None. Therefore, we cannot say it happened, but also you cannot disprove it. That was an example. And give me one example where I said that I am better than anyone else? Please base your accusations on fact, like I do.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

You really like the religious stuff, huh? You had a 20 comment long debate about how being gay is fine on one of my posts. XD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I prefer arguing for gays over the religious stuff. My school doesn't have a debate club anymore so this is the only outlet I get :) It's good practice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I bet. :]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We should argue, this one is a little long and I don't want to read the whole thing, but I will take the side of anti gay and pro religion, personally I really couldn't care less about the sexuality of a person and I'm really not that religious, however since my roommate moved out I haven't had anyone to argue with, so I'm desperate.... I'll check this post again so find a post similar to this or just pick a new topic if you want and put the link here, I'll check it out

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, there is SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that a person is born gay. Its in their brain. Ignorant ass.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lol sir, I'm def not. Anyways. The bible is not fact. Period.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually most of the stuff in the Bible is being proven true by scientists, the same ones who come up with ideas that fill your head with lies, are proving it true, they are realizing the truth and you are here arguing with outdated ideals

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thank. You. So. Much! I didn't want to argue with such an obviously steadfast, and misguided person, and you articulated it perfectly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

HEY!!! I just realized that most of the things in my historical fiction book is true! This must be entirely true! Or, you know, seeing how it's written by man, who is flawed, can take advantage of the gullibility of man and slip some truths with a bunch of lies to fool the flawed man...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey this historical fiction book from a thousand years ago describes atomic weapons, hey these people must be aliens from outer space who time traveled to the past.... NO, most of you guys who deny the problem have no problem believing 'aliens' from outer space can time travel, just because it sounds scientific.... I mean the scientific explanation for the Bible makes no sense and nobody seems to have trouble accepting it as truth. I mean you would believe people who are guessing about the past OVER the people who actually saw it happen IN THEIR LIVES....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In addition, most scientists or historians or anthropologists or archaeologists or whoever else is a professional in this field will tell you that the event in the Bible DID happen, however the reason behind it might not be what the people said it is. So I'm saying how can we take the word of those guessing over those who were there?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not necessarily so. The Bible isn't the ultimate source of authority in all facets of life but it generally provides good ideas and doctrines on how to live. Would I consult the Bible on everything? No. There are parts of the Bible missing, literally lost in translation. However, it is the word of God as far as it is translated correctly and in most circumstances it is a valid source of insight.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

As a non christian, what you just said means nothing to me. I know what modern paraphrased translations of the bible says about homosexuality. I know what the original texts says about homosexuality (which is absolutely nothing). Also, using religion to prove something wrong is not okay. Not everyone is part of that religion. I do not believe in god, so the word of god is nothing more than the word of steven king or some other author to me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I refuse to believe that you actually that dumb. You asked me to tell you what God says about homosexuality, and then change the topic saying that you don't believe in religion. I'm done if your counter to my well thought out points is simply "I am not a Christian!" Yeah well then I'm talking to your 'Christian' girlfriend and other 'Christian' homosexuals who claim to be connected to the lord.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This conversation has been going on for days. You can't possibly expect me to reread each comment everyday. I just read to the most recent one and reply accordingly. My girlfriend is just as connected to God (if he even exists) as you are. You've done nothing but use verses that have been proven to be mistranslated.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Honestly i would rather live like there is a God only to find out there isn't one instead of living like God isn't real only to find out he is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago