+113 child leashes should be against the law. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah get rid of something that helps kids stay with their parents in large places like Disney world. So pedophiles can take them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I was a leashed child and I turned out fine. Honestly, if I hadn't been I probably would have either died or been kidnapped. I was a crazy kid, I used to like to play a game where I hid in clothing racks in department stores. I also had bells attached to my shoes so my parents could hear me if I tried to run away. If I had me as a child I would have done the same thing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I remember being 10 years old at the mall with him dad and me wondering away for 2 seconds to get a gumball and him freaking out. Imagine loosing your 3 year old who wouldn't even know how to find you if you got seperated.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I see your point, I always feel bad when I see a kid with one, but it does keep them safe. There's no reason for them to be illegal.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It depends on the age of the child.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Child leashes help kids stay safe and not be lost in large crowds. Honestly, get over yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

call me crazy but i don't understand what someone "getting over themselves" has to do with anything...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

honestly I can't stand them. They're kids, not animals, and if you can't keep an eye on your child to the point where you need a leash, you need to be a more watchful parent.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i would rather have a leash then dash into the street and get hit by a car or something

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude, wait untill youre a parent. I'm not but i babysit an extremely rambunctious three year old boy. He's hard to handle to compared to other kids his age (my brothers older and my aunt has like 6 and im around small children a lot) but I've seen way worse. Thank god not related to me, but my brothers kids foster moms other adopted kids. It will be SO hard for you to do anything at all while looking at the child the entire time and hand holding in bigger places. Try to do anything you have to pay money for, and deal with getting youre money out for 5 seconds, and youre little kid ran off cuz you used both hands to hold your wallet and counting it out or pulling a card out and swiping it. It doesnt take much time for them to get away from you.its not like youre gonna make them wear it to the park or something, just open places with people and by roads if youre going by traffic. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art16092.asp

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It only takes a few seconds for a kid to wander off. Even if you make them hold onto your purse/pants while you check out (which I think is worse than a leash, way less room to walk) they can still let go and be intermixed into a large crowd before you know it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not like the parents are using choke collars!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I dunno, sometimes the kid has a serious mental problem and has to be kept on a leash. And then there are kids that're just fuckin crazy

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think they are only okay if your child is under five, its the backpack kind so it doesn't completely look like a lease, the kid has run off before and almost gotten hurt and/or you are going to a really crowded place.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i personally think leashes are horrible. your child is is not equivalent to a dog or any other animals no matter how wild he or she is. It is the parents responsibility to take care of their child. saying that my child will run away and so i need a leash is no excuse. what kind of a parent are you if you need a leash to make sure your child does not get lost??? hold your hands child tightly or carry him or her. Dont use a leash for gods sake. i know many people were leashed kids and have turned out fine but the point is not that. the point is that it just looks horrible to see your parents tying you with something that is used on animals. i was a very wild kid as a child and my parents would always hold my hands tightly or carry me around in really crowded areas.I'm sure its not that tiring to carry a 3 year old kid. I would have felt really bad if i had ever come to know that my parents used a leash to control me. not trying to stir up a debate. just giving my views on leashes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

see how youre back is after toteing around 30+ lbs all day

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude, wait untill youre a parent. I'm not but i babysit an extremely rambunctious three year old boy. He's hard to handle to compared to other kids his age (my brothers older and my aunt has like 6 and im around small children a lot) but I've seen way worse. Thank god not related to me, but my brothers kids foster moms other adopted kids. It will be SO hard for you to do anything at all while looking at the child the entire time and hand holding in bigger places. Try to do anything you have to pay money for, and deal with getting youre money out for 5 seconds, and youre little kid ran off cuz you used both hands to hold your wallet and counting it out or pulling a card out and swiping it. It doesnt take much time for them to get away from you.its not like youre gonna make them wear it to the park or something, just open places with people and by roads if youre going by traffic. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art16092.asp dogs are smart as 2 year olds.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I see where you're coming from. Though imagine buying some dip 'n dots and you need to put them down/let go of their hand to dig in your purse for money. The child sees someone with a balloon, and follows them. Your kid is now lost, even though every other moment you were carrying them or holding their hand. It only takes a second.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, it is the parents responsibility to take care and watch their child. However, when you are out places with a lot of other people it is very difficult. You can't always hold onto your child's hand, like when you have to take your wallet out. Also, you're suggesting to carry around the child? It actually is very tiring to carry around a 3 year old, due to how much they weigh. Leashes make it easier to watch your child and make sure that they do not get lost.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@1218525 (Unavailable): totally agree. that's exactly my point. so many parents up till now have controlled their kids without a need of a leash. so why now? and seriously kids will not wander of just about anywhere anytime if you hold on to your kids properly as baby. besides on the contrary, kids will only wander of any moment IF they are on a leash all the time because they will look forward to those small little seconds where they are not on a leash.so the parents will find even more of a need to use a leash. seriously, if you can just be a responsible parent and look after your babies and control him from a very small age, they will never have a need to use a leash. a responsible parent, would have never used such a thing on their child.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

furthermore on the issue of weight, i know many women who carry around their child even though they are on the heavy side. and that has actually developed a sense of belonging in the child towards his mother. which is why the child never leaves his mom in a crowded area and hence no need of a leash. if you want a leash just because your back hurts when you carry your child, then im sorry, but maybe you shouldnt call yourself a good parent then.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

" and seriously kids will not wander of just about anywhere anytime if you hold on to your kids properly as baby. besides on the contrary, kids will only wander of any moment IF they are on a leash all the time because they will look forward to those small little seconds where they are not on a leash. hence the parents will find even more of a need to use a leash." Don't you think they bought the leash after they discovered their child was a curious one? everything you just said: no no no NO they will not you have not had children. I googled "how to get your child to stay by yourside in public" and i got nothing. its very rude of you to say that they are irresponsible, by the way. It is just a contravery subjet, like breat or bottle cloth or disposible. about 50% of people disagree with this. I suppose 50% of people will be irresponsible parents. you find whats best for YOUR child, i hope you never actually tell someone "if you were a responsible parent..."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wow ok you need to chill a bit and improve your spellings. the reason there is a comment section is so people can give their opinions. and my opinion is that if parents are responsible, they will never have a need to use a leash. you're obviously someone who have been a leashed child or a parent who uses a leash. whatever it is, your opinions will not make me change my stance. and on the part where you have quoted me, let me clarify that. as i have said if you look after your kids well as a baby, and create a sense of belonging in the child towards the mother, the child will never wander away in public areas without their mom. only those parents, who do not want to carry their "heavy" and wild child apparently, uses a leash. and yes, i believe that is a very horrible thing you can do to your child and it is just not right. that is all. im sorry if you find that rude

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't go correcting spelling if you're not even going to attempt proper grammar. Anyway, kids are naturally curious. They WILL wander off. I'd much rather have a safe child on a leash than a lost child. Also, it is important for your child to learn some independence and not hold onto them ALL the time. It's not healthy to constantly be coddling your child, especially when they're at that age where they want to wander and learn and experience. Kids need some freedom, and a leash provides that while keeping them safe. Simply from reading what you've said, I don't think you actually know what your talking about (IMO).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ok -.-

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Normally I'm pro-advancement, but leashes are a step too far. The human race has survived for hundreds of years raising their kids without a leash. Are people really such pansies now they need to treat their children like dogs? Just the phrase 'putting your child on a leash' sounds wrong. Learn to be a better parent. Hold their hand. I'm aware there are places that aren't safe, but leashes? Really? If your child is so uncontrolled that you can't take them out in public, you NEED to be a better parent. call Supernanny or something. I can understand that some parents might be so worried when their children wander off for just a moment, and the streets aren't safe anymore, but putting your kid on a leash... that's not right.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We survived for years without cars too. U walk everywhere?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hmm. I phrased that badly. This shouldn't be seen as a technological advancement, it's more of a 'trend.'

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not really a trend. I've only seen 2 or 3 people with their kids on a leash.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's also not a new thing, so it can't really be a trend. I believe someone mentioned their grandma used to use rope? The difference is that now they have actually designed these things to be comfortable. I've also only seen 2 or 3.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What exactly is the problem with it? Restricting the kid's freedom? Because the kid's freedom is just as restricted if you're holding their hand or making them stay by your side--that's the point. Kids can't be free to just wander off whenever they want, they need supervision. Discomfort? These leashes are made so that they're comfortable for kids or they wouldn't be legal. They're not putting them on choke chains for heaven's sake. As for those who need leashes being "irresponsible parents," I totally disagree. Little kids move amazingly fast, and they can get lost in a crowd even faster. Anything (safe) you can do to reduce the risk that that will happen, you should do. I think the main problem people have with leashes is that *they* don't like seeing a kid on a leash because it offends some misguided sensibility of *theirs* that leashes are for dogs. Get over yourselves. Not everything is about what you do and do not want to see

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So basically your solution to a kid wandering is just jerking them back on the leash? I'm sorry, but YES, we do have a misguided sensibility that leashes are for dogs. As a kid, I would have despised being treated like that. It's also a matter of respect. You need to raise your kid right from the very beginning. They should learn not to wander off, learn to respect their parents and be respected in return, and they shouldn't be 'trained' not to wander off. I agree it could be useful in the midst of a crowd, or for people with disabilities. But for a child over five, it's terrible. And a child younger than five can be pushed in a stroller or carried. Plus most children on leashes aren't even used for issues like crowds and disabilities, like someone said in a comment below. They're used by parents who are busy being distracted and can't be bothered to look after their kid properly. I don't think they should be illegal, but they should definitely be socially condemned.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, whether or not children know not to wander off, it can still happen. A child isn't born with an IQ of 160. They can't comprehend everything you tell them. Besides, I've seen people with children on their leash. They don't "Yank" them back. They just either follow the leash back to their child in the middle of a crowd, or hold the leash so the child doesn't wander too far.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What about for parents who have some kind of disability, like having to use a power chair or walk slowly because of an artificial leg? Until their children grow up enough to know to stay close some kind of leash would probably be really helpful.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm on the fence about this. I think maybe it's okay when a child has either a serious mental issue that causes them to be a danger to themselves or when the child is ABSOLUTELY crazy, not just "They threw a fit in the mall once so they have to be restrained." On the other hand, what I've seen so many times is when a parent is talking on their cell phone and paying no attention to their child, but when the child starts to just go touch or look at something because their naturally curious, the parent gets instantly annoyed and pulls them back. That just sickens me. Like Unavailable said, just hold their hand. And if you think that won't work, teach them that they have to stay with you at home and practice it. I have 4 siblings, and my parents never had to use a leash. Even so, I'm no expert on it, and I'm sure there are many situations where a leash is completely necessary, but many times they are used wrongly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think you really do still need to watch your kid if they're on a leash, because what if they pick something up off the ground and try and eat it? The idea, to me, is for those moments when you have to look away and use your hands, that you know they'll be ok. Obviously, neglect is not good.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

seriously who cares stop arguing. For the other commenters, this argument is tl;dr.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think you don't understand how a website revolved around opinions works...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what do you achieve by arguing over the internet? Close to nothinng

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You learn other people's opinions and learn to look at things from a different point of view. For example, I have been proven wrong on this very post. That doesn't mean I haven't accomplished anything. I think that this site has actually helped me write better essays than 9 years of English classes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol shut up faggot you're wasting your time

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You are the most pathetic anon I've ever met... Should I point out your grammar? Your terrible use of the word "lol"? Your lack of punctuation? You're probably simonwang12 as an anon. By the way, SimonWang is a disgusting name.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What the hell how was that me? Why the hell would i even bother to comment anonymously when i have an account? I hardly ever use "lol" in the beginning my sentences so stop fucking accusing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stop wasting your fucking time dude...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

stop wasting your fucking time dude...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stop forgetting about capitalization, dude.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

who the fuck cares about grammar and punctuation dude this is the internet not an english test

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Loads of people care about grammar and punctuation. This is, after all, a website about making yourself smarter.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no its not you idiot lol this is the internet mate i can choose not to use punctuation or grammar if i wanted to and this website's purpose is to show people's point of views getting smarter from this website is optional and is not the website's objective. don't bother replying on this because i wont even bother to check so fuk u

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What's the "internet mate"? That sounds like a virtual sex toy. If you were implying direct address, you should've used a comma...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't necessarily agree with putting your child on a leash, but sometimes kids just don't understand that they have to stay with an adult (or, more often than not, WHY they do). I've been places with kids who hate staying with me, and nothing works - they yank away and throw themselves on the floor when you hold their hand, they kick you and try to climb down when you hold them, they get out of carts and strollers when you put them in... A leash possibly could've helped. And while I don't think "only irresponsible parents need to put their kid on a leash," all the children I've encountered that refuse to stay, have parents who will let them wander rather far half of the time, yet gets mad if the child steps a foot away the other half.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Says a person who doesn't have kids who like to run off at the speed of light, and throw tantrums if you try to stop them. :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think it's funny, so every single child should be on a lease.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, all the people who are saying it is only a matter of controlling your child, obviously don't have kids and have never taken one to a store. I don't use a leash on my 3 year old, but I have seriously considered it a million times. You can't discipline your child in public without everyone freaking out, so all you can do is try to out-manuever them around the movie display. I suggest taking your younger sibling/or a friends younger sibling to the store to see exactly how it feels before you assume you know it all. But then, I said the same thing about leashes before I had a kid...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

O', and this isn't a new thing, my grandma used rope tied to my dad's wrist (that would be 60+ years ago. Kids like to explore, so it gives them the chance without having to be chased down.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My brother and I were both leash kids. My brother was ADHD, and they had a hard time keeping him with them otherwise. It's rather hard to chase a child through a store, and it's even harder when they make a game of trying to get away from you when you're not looking. I wasn't anywhere near as wild, but they used the leash on me as a means of keeping me from getting snatched while they weren't looking. I don't have any bad memories of it. Except the Velcro was itchy. That's about it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

As someone who has taken care of my now 2 and a half year old nephew since he was born, without a leash, I don't think children should be put on leashes UNLESS the parent is disabled or has several other small children. But when it's just one child, and you don't have enough authority over a freakin 2 year old, then you need to teach the child how to mind.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How else would you keep the little fuckers in line? Seriously, I feel like I can't go out anymore because of all the little morons running around sans leash.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1 word to end all arguments: discipline

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is random but some old paintings gave kids on these weird strings attatched to their clothes (like bows on dresses). Those where leashes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago