+155 The cashier always asks 'paper or plastic? ' so when one asks 'plastic or paper'? you are momentarily confused. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't want to sound stupid or anything... but can you explain this to me? I'm sure it's a very simple thing but just don't understand it :l

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The cashiers at supermarkets and other places some times ask if you want your things put into plastic or paper bags. I actually have never been asked this before. It's always just assumed you're going to want plastic.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I get it now! Thank you. You've never been asked that?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Nope, not once in my entire life haha. I think it's partially because paper bags are a bitch to use

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Paper bags aren't hard to use once you get used to them. I prefer bagging with paper. Now, if my dumb ass manager orders them without handles, I'm ready to cut her and every customer that asks for them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Gosh, you are soooooooooo dumb.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They don't even have paper bags at supermarkets where I'm from. They ask "Would you like a bag/packet/plastic?" and then you can buy one for around 20c. The only paper bags are the small ones they put your medicine in at the chemist or the ones you can get biltong in.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I've never been asked this question. Kiiiinda bummed

by Anonymous 12 years ago