+261 It's a much better idea to have 3-day weekends and 4 days of school a week and a slightly longer school year than what we have right now, especially with the recent educational budget cuts, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I apologize for my recent ignorance, but how would budget cuts have anything to do with what you have stated above

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's better to get school over with quicker with 5 school days and 2 weekends so you get a longer summer break. Besides, if the school system had 3 day weekends and 4 days for school, everyone's going to start complaining that 4 day weekends and 3 school days are better, etc etc...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I seriously doubt that we will extend the school year (though we really really need to) until the government is ready to devote more money to education. Just to begin with they'd need more money to pay teachers and more money to keep the AC running. Then more money for supplies like paper and chalk/markers. Plus, the textbooks would wear out sooner and would need replacing. There are many more things to consider cost-wise. Although the education system needs a makeover, I doubt it will happen anytime soon.

by Anonymous 13 years ago