+586 If we didn't have a sense of taste, there would be fewer overweight people in this world, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is actually an inexpensive and much less riskier alternative to other things people do to lose weight.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There's a kid I know who weighs 70 pounds and he's about 5'2". He says it's because he has severe asthma and has to take this medicine that rids his appetite. He never gets hungry, and therefore he doesn't have a signal to remind him that he needs food. Because of this he doesn't eat much, and even if he tried to eat a lot, he couldn't because his body is so used to having so little food.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A study on mice found that even if they bred the mice to have no sense of taste, they still preferred to drink water with added sugar rather than plain water. Consequently the mice became obese off the sugar water with no sense of taste. The point is that your brain controls appetite, not your taste buds.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

While that is true, if you didn't have taste buds, you'd be more willing to eat heather foods, and junk food wound't exist since it only purpose is its delicious flavor.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And if the sidewalks were all treadmills

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And if humans didn't find sex pleasurable, there would be no pedophiles. And if humans weren't greedy, half the world problems wouldn't exist. And if humans weren't constantly unsatisfied, they would be normal animals. What's your point? The list just goes on and on.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Wouldn't be worth it. I'd rather be fat, and be able to enjoy food. I did once watch a documentary on people who couldn't taste, and they were a lot healthier, but they basically had to be told by a nutritionist what to eat. And, because they didn't have taste, then enjoyed textures of food - like, one of them really liked avocado and shredded coconut. But, yeah, you're right, if it weren't for taste, there's no reason to eat things like chocolate or fast food burgers.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Actually, eating chocolate causes our brains to release endorphines and serotonin, among other things (I haven't fully studied this). People tend to crave chocolate when they are stressed/anxious. Even without taste, our bodies would probably still recognize the benefits of chocolate. I think it's likely that most "comfort foods" probably affect us similarly without us being very conscious of why we are attracted to them. :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Food does alter the chemicals in body and mind, but I'd reckon that chocolate releasing endorphins has a lot to do with it's taste rather than the ingredients in it. Actually, if you take the taste away, eating chocolate would feel similar to eating wax.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, you make a very good point about the taste. However, chocolate has somewhere around 300 chemicals (I read somewhere) and our bodies do react to and benefit from them, aside from feelings of happiness it is also said to be a mild pain reliever. I don't know, maybe I just stumbled upon an article written by a complete fatass, huh? Lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

One of my friends was in a car accident, and now she can't smell or taste anything. However, she says she still gets cravings for foods, like pizza or cake. Even though she can't taste it, she says the craving disappears after she eats it. Crazy stuff.

by Anonymous 12 years ago