+245 Emo is simply short for 'emotional'. Since when do people have to cut themselves to show emotion? Sadness isn't all humans are capable of feeling. Happiness is an emotion (and a much more pleasent one) too, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's called depression. Some people can't control it and have to take meds. Don't be so ignorant.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Emo doesn't mean emotional. Just because someone is emotional doesn't mean their emo. Emo is some little craze-stereotype that doesn't even have a definite meaning. It can't be described in any way other than the way someone acts, the music they listen to, the clothes they wear. Prove me wrong, please.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Emo is supposed to mean emotional. But nowadays, "emo" is a style. If you wear all black and neon, dye and cut your hair strangely, and get piercings, people generally think you're "emo". But the real emos aren't the people who flaunt it with clothing and stye. They're the ones hardly anyone talks to, the ones who you never hear complain about their lives, but that go through more than "emo" kids will in their lifetime.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

^ Agree.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

For certain people sadness is the only emotion they can feel. Its call depression. People need to understand that these people cant help it and they need as much support as they can get.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well, originally "emo" was short for emotional, but I think the meaning of the word has changed as it has become more commonly used. I used to be an "emo kid" when I was in high school, as far as my taste in fashion and music went. I also was a cutter for all of high school and for a while after I graduated, even after I had outgrown the emo style. Therefore I feel I am qualified to clarify: Not all emo kids are depressed or cut themselves. Some just like the style and actually are quite happy. Also, just because someone is depressed and/or cuts themselves, does not make them emo. I know people who are/were preps, jocks, techies, band geeks, hipsters, you name it - who have been depressed. On a similar note - the term "jockey" refers to a person who rides horses professionally in races. However, the word is commonly used nowadays to describe any person who is exceptionally athletic. It's an accepted use of the word, although it is not the literal definition.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

That isn't emo; don't say you're emo back then, you were never emo. That was just depressed. Why don't you read the Wikpedia article about it -- the origin of it and not this contemporary bullshit.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You don't know me, actually, and don't know anything about how I am or used to be. And I think you completely missed the point of my comment. I was saying that I was both emo and depressed, but that one does not necessarily have to include the other. There are depressed people who are not emo, and there are emo people who are not depressed.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

lol A lot of the "emo" people I knew in high school acted a lot happier than the rest of the crowd

by Anonymous 14 years ago

They would be scene.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

"emo" stands for emotive hardcore. As in the music genre. People have just twisted the meaning over the years.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Forget this "emo" bullshit. Self mutilation is a form of physical sensation. I have cut myself without any sort of depressive emotion at all. I just wanted to bleed, and see the blood. I wanted to see that my existence is real! Cutting for attention is one thing, cutting for personal reasons is something totally different.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I believe that I could stylistically be classified as emo, but I'm not significantly emotional in any sense. Even if it originally did mean emotional, it was never an accurate stereotype.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Thanks to the idiotic and ignorant people I can never actually talk about anytime I'm feeling depressed (Yes, I'm not emo. I have depression. kthx.), because I'm either marked as emo or attention seeking. Don't you just like the marks society puts on people?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i kno. technically that makes my boyfriend emo, cuz hes shy and he never talks about himself and he occasionally cuts...but hes not...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Goddamnit. Emo doesn't mean emotional. Like what the other guy said. It's emotive hardcore. It's a musical style, not people. It emerged in the late 80s by Rites of Spring, and other D.C. scene bands. Emo is not this sad shit people think it is; emo is just music.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Emo is short for "emotionally unstable". Dumbass.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You really don't know the history of the word. Stfu now.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You spelt PLEASANT wrong, I pity your mother :L

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Isn't "emo" the new word for "goth"?

by Anonymous 13 years ago