+310 It's disgusting how people who come from good homes say awful things about their parents. Not to sound like a preacher, but your mom gave you life and you swear at her because of some stupid thing she didn't let you do and it was for your own safety? It's pretty shameful, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

EVERYBODY does this these days. -_- It's so sad. I mean, my parents could do the worst things to me and I don't even have to try to love them. I appreciate them so much! Everyone should.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Especially when it goes something like this: *status on Facebook* OMG I heyt my mom. Shez such a bitchx I wih she waznt even my mom. Shez So StUpIddddx!!!"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I dunno... Sometimes they deserve it. I would never say I hated my parents, because I do love them, but I was pretty fucking angry when my dad put my dog to sleep because she was too aggressive, but did it while I was at school so I didn't get to say goodbye to her. Or when my step mom spent the better part of a couple months criticizing everything that I did (and I do mean everything. "*I* had a job when I was 10!" "-.- Tavan, I've been the right age to work for 2 weeks." "Well *bitch out about how she babysat and had family friends who let her work and how she made good grade in school while being a sports star and working*!"). But the people who complain because their parents won't buy them something or won't take them somewhere are really annoying, and their parents don't deserve that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It will be funny when those kinds of people grow up and have ungrateful kids...

by Anonymous 13 years ago