+575 One-Uppers are some of the worst people to talk to. You could lose your job, car, house, dog and parents in the same day, and they'll tell you about a time when they had an even worse day. They're not relating to you, they're being obnoxious, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would say that pessimists are much worse to talk to.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've got a friend like this.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well I bet I'm friends with more one-uppers than you.. So ha.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ew my boyfriend's brother is like that. Its so irritating. Not only is he a one-upper though, he's a 'talk down to er' and a 'I'm so much better than you er.'Lol. Like when you're talking to him he really doesn't pay attention and cuts you off a million times to put in his two cents (which don't even pertain to the story) and the second you're done talking (if he even let you finish) he's talking about his own story like its the most important fascinating thing ever. Ugh, fuckin piece of shit. Ha

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How do you lose your job, car, house, dog and parents in the same day? Unless.. You work at home, and you crash into your room while your dog and parents are there.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm even more annoying to talk to than a one-upper!

by Anonymous 13 years ago