+179 It's not fair that the people who don't believe in the world ending 2012 will get to rub it in everyone's faces if it's really is fake, while the people who actually believe it can't gloat if the world ends, because they'll be dead, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We have a huge party planned the 20th december, where we'll buy this old car and go wreck it and such; pre-apocalyptic party. Just in case it does end, we'll at least go out with a bang ;)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Destruction. What an enlightened way to leave what some perceive to be your last mark on the world.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Only of our own property ;) And with a fun clean-up plan for the day after, since I'm still convinced it won't end.

by Anonymous 12 years ago