+352 The great thing about adoption is that later on, the baby will grow up and possibly find his birth parents to thank them for not being selfish and giving him a chance at life, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, because in this overpopulated world (and clogged up, extremely beurcractic adoption system) any other option besides adoption is "selfish".

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes; selfish. To kill another human being that is growing inside of you (because it is a human being once they are conceived), because *I* don't want to have the baby, or *I* don't want to get a large stomach, or *I* don't want to go through the pregnancy or *I* made a mistake and want to get rid of it or *I* don't want to take responsibility for my actions, sure sounds like a selfish thing to me. When you are so concerned with *ME* and *MYSELF*, that you can't think about another person or thing, that is being selfish. Funny you say clogged up adoption system. I gave my baby up for adoption and found a family within a week. Not very "clogged up" when I had to go through hundreds and hundreds of family profiles, all of whom were waiting for that selfish person's "mistake" and can't have them because the selfish person decided that they just didn't want to "deal" with anything.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You gave your baby up for adoption? :O Omg, I can't imagine how hard that was, that's the Definition of SELFLESSNESS. (notice I said Opposite of selfish)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd say you're pullin some bullshit outta your ass. There are VERY FEW adoptions that happen like that. The fact is, over 800 thousand kids live in physically, emotionally, sexually abusive adoption homes their entire lives until they're 18 and put out on the streets with absolutely nothing. Let's not try to sugar coat anything. Do you know the suicide rate for kids in the foster system? I personally have spoken with kids who straight up without a doubt will say they would rather not had life at all than live in the conditions they do. Its true. But hey, if you truly had a good experience, that's great. But those situations are a less than 10%. Sorry to break it to you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but: Okay so who are the kids least likely to be adopted? The older ones. Whose parents were selfish and attempted to keep them only to give them up later in life, causing ridiculous emotional stress.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Go through Bethany Christian Services. Look it up and check out all the couple's profiles of who is waiting for a child. I'm saying putting your baby up for adoption, not children who are born then moved to foster care. I've had friends who have gone through the foster care program, and it is horrible. I definitely agree with you on the conditions the people have to go through when they go through a foster care system.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Its great that you were lucky enough to have such a good experience with it but realistically its so rare for things to happen like that. There may be a lot of couples wanting to adopt but its expensive, and the state and home workers would rather keep getting money than lose the money after a kid is adopted.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You know this one lady I met was adopted. You know why? Her mother was 15 when she got pregnant. And she was raped. Most women who get raped and become pregnant go through abortion because they don't think that child should be alive. But this one lady wanted life for her child. And now her child is a grown lady and she goes around the country telling teens about abstinence and stuff like that! I think that is a good story =)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Except the fetus doesn't really know anything...not sure about you, but I don't remember being in my mothers stomach at all.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not sure about you, but I don't remember anything as a baby. So I guess it's ok to kill babies because they don't really know anything?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The difference between babies and a fetus, though, is that babies are alive. Fetus's are not living.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Brrhrrhrr, abortion is tasty, brrhrrhrr. Oh wait, I'm not a friendless troll.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

So people who are pro choice are trolls? Interesting...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No... Clearly you haven't seen JimmyBrrHrrHrr on here...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@ 633828 (Mike): so what if it doesn't know anything? Its still a human being and just cause you don't remember it doesn't mean you didn't know anything. Your memory just wasn't developed yet. You knew how to move your fingers, kick your legs, open your mouth, curl you toes, etc.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh silly girl, you don't abort when it is that developed. You abort very early in the pregnancy when it's not even recognizable as a human.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

so what if it doesn't know anything? Its still a human being and just cause you don't remember it doesn't mean you didn't know anything. Your memory just wasn't developed yet. You knew how to move your fingers, kick your legs, open your mouth, curl you toes, etc.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm adopted. I went through the foster care system. My adoptive parents are foster parents as well and provide a loving, caring home for EVERY child they get. Of the MANY foster homes I know of and adoptees and foster children I know, only one is what could possibly be called abusive. What people that criticize the minstry don't realize, is that most of those children don't come from easy or nice situations. Typically, the birth families are abusive and tormenting. Children in there situations will often create fantasies and become seclusite into their own worlds, re-writing their history in their mind. There children often grew up being told the foster system is evil, social workers are to be avoided at all costs, and to run from the police. I could give you a million and two examples of each case from personal experience. Also, children will also seek attentionm and make up stories, or to get back to their birth families. You do not understand the values these children were rais...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

often distinctly exaggerates the information they recieve and will often skew and bias the report. So the next time you say the ministry and ect is so bad, realize you haven't been in that situation and statistics don't show the whole picture.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

For all that think aborting a fetus is meaningless because the fetus doesn't know anything think about this. It is true that the fetus doesn't know anything. It is also true that every person starts as a fetus. It is also true that you all know something now. Even if the fetus doesn't know anything, it grows into someone who does.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not always in some place you can abort at any time during pregnancy. with that being said its still not right no matter when you do it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i bet your anti gun control and pro war too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

or, you know, they'll be bitter and hate their real parents.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

um no. I have absolutely no problem with guns and not much of an opinion on war. Only thing I really have a problem with is the murder of tiny little babies that could've had a future but selfish people chose to end that for them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I fully agree! Imagine all the little babies that could have grown into people, if their "mothers" would have let them. The "mothers" could have killed off the one person who, later on in their life, could have found the cure for AIDS or cancer.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly my thoughts.

by Anonymous 13 years ago