-242 “Thirty-one percent of children ages 8 to 10 have cell phones, but is that too young?” Is like saying: “100 percent of people who become pregnant are women, but does that mean that only women can be pregnant? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

OH! At first I was confused about the post, but I get it now. Silly me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Kids should not have phones until they are AT LEAST 13. what could they possibly need them for? wherever theyre going there has to be a landline or a parent with a cell phone

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why are you agreeing with him and then arguing his main point?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

sorry, i have the impulse to click yeah you are before i even read the question. and then i forget to change it and comment. i dont even fully understand the post hehe

by Anonymous 13 years ago

THAT WAS MY POINT! obviously it's too young!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, your point did not come across very clearly.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They need them to contact people. In the event of a crash or kidnapping or something, a child needs a way to communicate and try to receive help

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't have one, and I'm 15. I'll get one when I start driving. If it is really necessary for me to have one, I can borrow my mom's.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Some kids walk home. I wish I had a cell phone when I was 10 so I could have called the cops on the old man that was following me hold and asked me if I wanted a ride 20 bajillion times. My mom worked 12 hour days, there isn't always a parent with a phone, and as I wasn't home yet, there obviously was no a landline nearby. Unlimited texts and minutes for a 10 year old is too much, but a phone where the kid can either only call a limited number of contacts or has a very limited number of minutes is perfectly ok, especially for kids who have to walk to and from school or any other activities. Besides functional uses, 8-10 is around the time kids start to develope independence from their families and hang around with their friends more and talking on the phone and hogging the landline from everyone. You really can't put an age on what age a kid owns a phone, it's situational.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

OP you're an idiot, how old are you?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Did nobody get the point of this post? I saw that quote about kids 8-10 having phones, and I think that's ridiculous! But obviously, a hord of 9 year olds must have gotten on amirite and disagreed with me! Of course 8-10 is too young for a phone, that's the point of this post! ok im done ranting now.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow really? Haha, you really phrased it in the most confusing way evarr. Haha well I mean that or my English is worse than I thought. It's my third language, but I thought you were saying they should get it. I'm kind of embarrassed about going off on you then. I apologize for calling you an idiot and no I'm not a 9 year old, add 10 to it haha I even recast my vote

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well okay i guess you're forgiven

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"I guess you're forgiven." Are you five? First of all, Script did nothing wrong. Second of all, why do you "guess" you forgive someone who didn't do anything?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, they just worded it confusingly. Your English perfect =]

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not worded confusingly. The problem with this post is that the logic of the two questions is not the same at all, therefore the joke falls completely flat.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I really, really don't understand this at all. Is OP saying that kids that age should have cell phones, or that they shouldn't? (Personally I think everyone should have a phone by the time they're 12 or so)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

12, really? I still think that's too young.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well I got a phone when I was 9... And most people I know had one by the time they were like 10/11/12. I only know one person in my entire school who doesn't have a phone yet. (And he used to have one, he just got it permanently confiscated) I think 12 year olds would kinda need phones 'cause that would be the age you'd start going to/from school by yourself, what if you got lost or something, and that's (probably) the age you'd start wanting/needing to talk to your friends outside of school a bit more... What age do you think is a good age? :/ (I actually knew a 6 year old who had a phone. That *is* too young...)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah 12 is young, I bought mine when I finished high school, because I didn't see my parents that often.... And @539564 (smokiinlikeablunnt): you got a kick ass name

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Meh, I don't have a phone anymore either, I actually like it a lot more. It's less stressful I think I think you should atleast be 13 though. I guess it'd really depend where you live. Around here you HAVE to ride the bus to get to school, unless someone gives you a ride. I understand what you're saying though. If you lived in the city or whatever and you started walking to school, you should probably have one. I don't think they should have those fancy high tech ones though. A simple tracphone would suit them just fine until they got a little older. @541156 (KickAss): Haha, thanks. (: As do you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am a freshie in high school, and I don't have one. There are a couple people in my class that don't have one. In all honesty though if I didn't have two older siblings that didn't get phones until the were 16, I probably would have one. My parents are just trying to be "fair" I think.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People this is stupid. I am TWELVE and do not have a phone EVERYONE I know does and it FREAKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not too YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No offense, but the capitals and exclamation marks would make you come off as immature to a lot of people, so they'd be a bit more likely to disagree with you... I agree though. I had a phone when I was 9.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Relax kid I didn't get one til I was 15, Did I like it? No. Did I live...yes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Go outside and play, kid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Honey, I'm fifteen, and I don't have one. Get over it. I live. If you want to call someone, use the landline. If you want to text, see if you can borrow your parents' phones. Trust me I know how it feels to have all your friends have one, but it isn't a huge deal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm 18 and don't have one. I promise, you'll survive to a very ripe age without a cell phone, provided that a bus doesn't run you over.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I understand what you're saying, but that's an awful comparison.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is the most stupid post for such a statement.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, it's ridiculous when sixth graders have fancy expensive phones. However, I do think that it's okay for eleven year olds to have cell phones if it's a simple, cheapy cell phone that can only make calls or maybe limited texting.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

phones are not good in general. they are unhealthy and lead to major addictions, not to mention infertility (look it up). the less people who are obsessed with them, the better

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Your examples are nothing alike. I literally had to read this five times before I could understand what you were trying to say. That statistic about 31% of children does nothing to prove that 8-10 year-olds are too young to have cell phones, while saying "100 percent of people who are pregnant are female" is just another way of restating that only women become pregnant. In addition, cell phones can be neccessary sometimes. I tutor a 10-year-old who has one, and she's used it to contact me if I'm running late or if she's not going to be there. She also uses it to call her mom if something's come up. It really depends on the circumstances.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The post meant (or at least how I thought it meant) was basically "31% of young people have cell phones. but is that too young?" well obviously it's too young, if they're young. The last part doesn't work like that, though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This post could not have been worded more confusingly O_o And I think a kid getting a cellphone should be based on necessity, not age. My sister and I got ours when we got into 7th grade (12/13 years old) because that is when we started doing things like sports after school and needed to be able to contact our parents. I don't think little kids should have big fancy phones, but if they need one for whatever reason, let them have one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think many people understood this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didn't quite understand that the first time through, if I'm being honest. Anyway, the thing about kids getting cell phones too young... I kind of agree with that, at first thought, because really, what 8 year old needs a phone? Upon further thought, however, I realize that every situation is different and maybe there are SOME little kids out there who actually NEED to have a cell on them after school or whatever, so I can understand maybe a basic phone that has a certain amount of minutes and texts available to use per month or whatever, just in case. What I DON'T think 8 year olds should have is iPhones and tablets and iPod touches or whatever the latest trend is these days; THAT is too much for a child. There really is no logical reason for a child to have something that expensive. I got my first cell phone when I was eleven, and it was a pay-as-you-go thing, where I had a certain amount of minutes I could use every month and my parents just had to buy me a phone card every now and then. And really, the only reason they bought me that was because I was a safety patrol officer after school back then and they wanted me to have it just in case.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And some of these brats nowadays have shit that's much more expensive and high-tech than what I have. And that's what gets to me the most. That, and the fact that some parents think their children actually NEED some of that stuff. But that could just be me...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree. There's no reason for a little kid to have an expensive phone. However, I do understand that some do need a phone due to emergencies, etc. My younger brother (he's 8) just got his first phone because he's started walking to and from school and my parents want to be able to contact him in case of an emergency. It's just a really basic Nokia (cost $20 AUD), that basically can only make calls and text, and it's prepaid so my parents only have to buy a recharge voucher every three months or so. I got my first phone when I was 12, because I didn't need one until then. But the fact that I know a 6 year old with an iPhone annoys the fuck out of me. Who the hell are they even going to call?

by Anonymous 12 years ago