+685 Guys: When a girl asks, "Are you asking anyone to homecoming?" she's not asking, "Are you asking anyone to homecoming?", she's saying, "ASK ME TO HOMECOMING!!!!" amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and yet boys dont get the hint!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i knowww!!!! SO annoying! home page it. maybe they'll get the hint then:)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why the helll don't you just SAY ''will you go to prom with me''. Stop being sexist and just ask him out. And if you are sexist, instead of asking ''Are you asking anyone to homecoming'', just say ''Ask me to homecoming'' if you're too stupid not to try the first suggestion. When will you learn how words work? Saying something means what you're saying. ex. The word ''dog'' means ''dog'' not ''table''. If you want to tell someone ''table'', say ''table'', not ''dog''

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hehe. you're obviously a guy. You don't get it...at all. and no, i'm not being sexist.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh he quite gets it, he just thinks it's bull. I agree with him. And technically, by following gender roles, you are being sexist.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no. He doesn't get it. And neither do you. Quite frankly, maybe I am being sexist. I didn't mean to. And I honestly don't care. I was politically incorrect but I'm not going to apologize for it. Get over yourselves.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I do get it. You think guys have the power to read minds. Most of us know that when you say ''I'm fine'', you mean ''I'm not fine'', but we act like you are fine just to make you stop expecting us to read minds. Also, it is sexist. Thinking guys only have the power to ask out means you thing girls DON'T have authority over the realationship. Meaning you consider guys dominant, when means it's sexist. Just like saying Blacks can't vote is racist.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

OKAY. Let's get a few things straight, okay? I DON'T think that guys have the power to read minds. I never, ever, not ONCE said that only guys have the power to ask out girls. I NEVER said that girls have NO authority over the relationship. ALSO I NEVER SAID BLACKS CAN'T VOTE. I don't consider guys dominant. Let me make one thing clear: I was only saying what I MEANT. I want guys to ask me to homecoming, not the other way around...I didn't know if other people would agree with me, I was only stating myyy opinion, not all girls. Yeah, I do want a guy to ask me to homecoming. Would I ask him? no. Do I think guys are more dominant than girls? no. So shut the fuck up, and stop putting words in my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm a girl, and I don't get it... Then again, I'm not getting anything today, and maybe I'll understand later. :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The one time I asked a boy to go to a dance with me he said he was trying to puck up the courage to ask me himself and I was "underestimating his manliness" or some other BS.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And when guys say yes/no, they probably mean "I don't want to ask you."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you REALLY wanted to go with them, then you'd ask. I'm a girl and I don't play this stupid ass game. Speak what you feel because one day, you might not get the chance to do so.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why the FUCK do girls expect us to know? If you want us, GO FOR IT. If you ger rejected, then you DON'T GO AT ALL or just GO WITH FRIENDS. Don't bother playing these fucking stupid games with us, and if you expect us to know what you mean, we either do know and don't want to go with you, or we don't know what the hell you girls are saying. /end rant

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

If the girl asks the guy out, the guy usually says no. Because they think the girl was being to "out there."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not always... I've asked people "are you going with anyone to the dance?" just for conversation. :]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

this whole argument is ridiculous if you guys are too much of a pussy to ask out a girl you like, then she doesnt deserve you. argument settled.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's like a lose-lose situation really. Like i'm a guy, and my first thought was "It'd be perfectly fine for a girl to ask me!" but if i think about it more, I might think it's a little untraditional in the back of my mind and it might cause me to say no....i'm not sure...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

haha, yeah. Some schools have it traditionally for the girls to ask...but definitely not mine. i would hate to ask a guy. too much pressure hahah!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I mean im guy and girl was like who are you going prom with I was like I dont know. I think I pssed her off was she waiting on me to ask her

by Anonymous 12 years ago