-322 why dont they just use lie detectors to tell if people committed a crime or not instead of going through all those trials and stuff? amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they aren't always accurate because they're based on your stress levels and not every guilty person stresses out from lying and some innocent people might be stressed just from being accused

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And besides, they say that there is no basis in scientific fact about lie detectors. And that they're barely more accurate than a flip of the coin. And for those who grew up during the Cold War, you may remember the Soviet spy who beat the lie detector TWICE.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lie detectors aren't always accurate, and they use lie detector results as evidence in court quite often.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've passed a lie detector test. And I was flagrantly lying. Ha.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lol you probably thought you just came up with a genius idea...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what if the criminal was going to court for lying to an official?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah i mean we should obviously depend on inaccurate tests for murderers and everything

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're stupid if you believe that lie detector tests are always 100% accurate. So, say they did a lie detector test on Kasey Anthony. Maybe she would be charged for a crime she didn't commit, why? Inaccurate test results. Although, I wouldn't say a trial would be any better. It's not like they're going to find any proof when all anybody ever worries about it how Lindsay Lohan just got out of jail.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They aren't always accurate and they'd still have to give a defense even if er know who did it. They might plead insanity, or self defense, and the criminal might not even be completely aware of their crime or the details of the crime, if they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or other extenuating circumstances.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they're really inaccurate, and a lie detector isn't valid in a court of law. They can't use it against you. it merely measures stress levels, and I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty stressed if I were being tried for a crime, even if I didn't commit it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Right sure, but it measure stress changes, so if you were consistently stressed the entire time you were being questioned, it would say you were not lying, but if you only lied to one question, it would pick up on the difference in your face or voice, particularly if you had to think of the lie on the spot. But yeah, I agree.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ESPECIALLY if I didn't commit it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lie detectors are valid evidence in most countries court systems although not enough to convict someone on that alone, it is used mostly to confirm that witnesses are being truthful. it measures stress levels but first they establish a baseline, then when it comes to the point where you lie your HR, sweat levels ect would jump even if you don't necessarily notice it yourself, it doesn't matter if you are nervous at the time only that you don't want to be caught lying. It is possible to beat the lie detector but now they are developing a brain scanner to determine whether or not your lying, the accuracy of a device like this would be near 100% the normal lie detectors have between 60-90% accuracy depending on who you listen too most independents getting levels of around 75%. the polygraph is useful but it's not definitive and the cases still need trials.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

exactly the same reason we dont get them to pinky promise that they didnt do it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My pinky promises are legitimate, but in court, people will lie. ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A better option would be to use veritaserum.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Now where are we going to find the shredded skin of a boomslang?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

your mom's pants. HIGHFIVE

by Anonymous 13 years ago

boomslang skin is for polyjuice potion. Nice try though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We could always just call in the Lightman group, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Mmm. Not a huge fan of Lie to Me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lie to Me is amazing

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Supposedly, the CIA used marijuana as a truth drug because the subjects were a lot looser with their information. Why not use that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I heard it was LSD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've never noticed any particular inability to lie when I'm stoned, nor has anyone ever mentioned to me letting something slip for the same reason. On acid/shrooms, though? I've heard it's almost impossible to lie mid-trip... but then again, it might also be impossible to tell what's real, yes? Alcohol definitely loosens tongues, though xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't know lie detectors were made yet ... Wow, I gotta buy me one! ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago