+125 Parents: Don't encourage us to do anything and everything, don't take care of everything for us and don't try to make it all better all the time. Let us figure it out for ourselves. It's called life, we'll deal with it on our own, one way or another. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There's no reason they can't try to make it easier.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The thing is that eventually parents need to let their children solve their own problems. If parents always step in, their children will have trouble standing on their own, especially when the support of their parents isn't there anymore.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know that they eventually should start letting you solve your own problems, but they don't just have to leave you to completely fend for yourself. Most of the people on this site are teenagers and (typically) teenagers definitely cannot deal with everything in life alone.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Completely agree. I'm not trying to say that parents should never try to help but there are problems here and there that they should just let you deal with. We learn through instruction but we never learn better than when we make the mistakes ourselves. Or at least I think so :p

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didnt say completely leave the alone, I said don't do everything for them and know to let go sometimes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Luckily my parents have always understood this :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Only a fool ignores counsel. People older than us (me) have wisdom simply from living... They've experienced horrible things that they wish they would take back. They try to prevent us from doing the same... Even if it seems annoying

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thats a valid point. Bit sometimes you just gotta go out and fuck up. Its a part of life that everybody must take part in.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But sometimes parents can't help. This sn't an "always" thing, it's just for when the parents can't or shouldn't get too involved.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My parents raised me this way. I was the last of 4, the next youngest being 7 years older than me. So while my older siblings were out of the house and in college, I was home alone. My parents decided to let me learn my own lessons and live my own life, since they'd already raised three other kids they figured let's see if this last one can do it solo. I was the only kid without any sports/after-school activities. I didn't have protection over bullies, or packed lunches and shit like that. My mom had never even gave me the sex or period talk. When I started my period I thought I had something wrong with my insides, like I was dying inside-out. We hardly ever ate dinners/breakfasts together. I had to find help for myself, and learn the things I wanted to know. Life was actually really lonely this way, and although I did learn things on my own time and by myself..it fucking sucked. Life was not that fun until now and I'm almost 19, living alone in college. Me and my parents didn't have any relationship whatsoever until I was almost 18. They weren't bad parents, and it wasn't that they didn't love me, but both my mom and dad can agree they wish they'd never done this to me

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I call shenanigans.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thats an extreme, and definitely not what OP was referring to. OP was talking about how the ideal parents are ones who give you freedom, but are there for you and have your back when you need them. And didn't they tell you in health class about periods?!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Seriously, you never knew what a period was? I never got the puberty or sex talk, and I knew what the heck was happening when my vagina started bleeding.

by Anonymous 12 years ago