-29 Why do people live in the cities? They are polluted, overpopulated and you can't imagine a simpler life or mountains, rivers, REAL TREES!! Go small towns!! amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

We can imagine that stuff. They have real trees in cities (they use them for decoration, and they have them in parks), and nearly everywhere you go is polluted, small town or not. And most people like being surrounded by other people. It can give them a feeling of safety, as it also gives some people a feeling of paranoia.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Living in a rural area sucks ass.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

i HATE small towns, and people knowing everybody and being all in your business...ugh i'm moving somewhere bigger as soon as i get a chance, and my town isn't even that small.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

if everyone moved to a small town it would eventually turn into a big city.....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Maybe not small towns, but not big cities. Towns the size of an average suburb are awesome. Big cities like NYC are just inconvenient.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I prefer big towns or small cities. Best of both worlds. :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Cities are AWESOME. Don't get me wrong, I love camping, hiking and visiting more rural areas, sometimes for long stretches, but the day I have to get into a car and drive for MILES to get to a grocery store, bar, movie theater, work, a museum, etc., I will shoot myself in the head. Also, suburbs are pretentious, boring place filled with spoiled children and lazy adults who largely lack any real cultural awareness... I grew up in one, so I know. Moreover, most cities (I live in Philadelphia) have large park and wooded areas within city limits. I live downtown, but 5 minutes on my bike gets me to a wooded nature trail, a sports field, a riverside bike/walking/running trail, a horse stable (if I rode horses), etc. Suburbs and rural areas are just boring and inconvenient.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Ditto everything. Except for the part about living in Philadelphia, I live in Minneapolis.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I agree, but I don't live in Philadelphia.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Small towns are boring. Cities do have trees and parks. Small towns are quiet and boring and nothing exciting ever happens.

by Anonymous 14 years ago