+354 Women who fake orgasms have no right to complain that the sex isn't good. Amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if the sex was any good she wouldn't have to fake shape up, boys

by Anonymous 13 years ago

As soon as a guy sticks it in without bothering to make you cum first, you know he’s a selfish prick & the sex is gonna be crap. Faking an orgasm is the quickest way to get him off, then get him off of you! Then, when he’s asleep or gone home, you can relax & do the job properly! You’d think guys would be ashamed that we can give ourselves much more pleasure with one finger than they can give us with what nature has provided them with. A considerate lover who puts your sexual needs before his is a very rare find indeed; if you come up against one(!), hang on to him. Everything else you need from him can be taught!

by Anonymous 1 year ago