+549 Ok so I'm probably going to get alot of "no ways" but stores like American Eagle, Hollister, Aeropostale and Abercrombie really need to chill out, like do they really need to advertise their logos on EVERY shirt? I like their stores but come on all the clothing from their stores that I have have no logos which were hard to find. (one shirt each except for American Eagle) Amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why would you start off a post like that? Just say your opinion and we'll see if you get a lot of no ways

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ya know, sometimes I look at all these clothes that we wear, and I start to wonder why we don't get paid for advertising their logos. I mean think about it: we're buying advertisements and wearing them around, causing other people to buy them. Are we not essentially a distributed marketing system, perpetuating the same tired logos day in and day out, thinking we're cool for it? Aren't we being duped here? </existentialism>

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thats why the call us people, walking build boards

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Bill not build..

by Anonymous 8 years ago

The reason they put their names and logos is because people pay money to show off the logo, if you don't like the logos then just buy a pack of plain t's and call it a day.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why do stores like Abercrombie, Hollister, Aeropostale and American Eagle need to advertise their name in huge letters on every shirt, amirite? Maybe I would've voted YYA if you just got to the point and spared us the details about your wardrobe.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think they are exactly advertising having the logos on your shirt is like showing off you're cool enough to shop there if you don't like the logo deal, then don't buy the shirt...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how the hell did this get homepaged?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

took the words right out of my mouth. (Metaphorically speaking)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't you ever notice the questions of the day are all the lame things that really don't cause much interest?

by Anonymous 8 years ago

It's not like their logos are huge and noticeable on every single piece of clothing, I have a lot of clothes from there that just have a little bird or noose on it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

noose? i didn't know those stores were so dangerous :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What kind of person wears any of those brands. Be classy and wear Brooks Brothers, Polo Ralph Lauren or something of the like

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ralph Lauren Yes one of my favorites usually a little logo but it is cute

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Who starts their posts with their insecurities? That's pathetic

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hate these stores, I find them soul destroying but thats just my opinion But anyway, the reason their logos are on everything is because these stores are all about brand names as are the people that shop there. I mean honestly, if you weren't into brand names why would you pay $80+ for a pair of pants or $50 for a shirt.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And that's why I won't buy their clothes anymore. I don't like being a walking advertisement.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i dont mind the little logos in the corners, it just gets out of hand when the name is stretched across the chest

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That is their brand they want everyone to know you bought it there. Don't want logos Go to walmart or a thrift store.

by Anonymous 8 years ago