-100 America does NOT have an official national language, it's part of free speech. People need to stop complaining about the spanish speakers, etc. in this country, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's my decision, as a free speaker in America, to tell those damned Mexicans to GTFO, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It would still be easier for the immigrants to learn the de facto language. Even though the U.S. as a whole doesn't have English as the official language, many of the states do. Think about it: if you moved to China, wouldn't it make your life so much easier if you invested some time and energy into learning the local language? You would be less of a burden on everyone else, and would probably be more welcome. It would be pretty arrogant or at least stubborn of you to want everyone to accomodate to your foreign language.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You mean like the pilgrims did when they came "discovered" the new world? In many of the European countries, almost EVERYONE knows more than one language... saying that we should be more like a communist country is just ignorance. If every knew how to speak Spanish AND English, then this problem wouldn't exist. Think about it, if you go to Mexico the country speaks Spanish AND English, if you go to Canada, the country speaks French AND English. Nobody outside the US is ignorant enough to say, this is the ONLY language we can accept, most other developed countries are open minded enough to let different cultures in and allow them to keep it instead of losing it in the masses, which is mostly what happens in the US

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe you're right that Americans should be able to speak multiple languages like people in most other countries can. But until that time comes, people should learn English if they expect to thrive living in America.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hahaha, what? You just said, if we wish to go forward, we should go backward for a little bit... and what a teleportation device appears to just jump everything and land in utopia, where everyone speaks every language? This is the step we need to take... THIS is the way, we should be headed. If we allow people to speak their language, then that's how we will end up with having bilingual citizens. If we shut this down now, then we will have to start over another time... but when will that other time come?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, he said if we want to go forward, we should strengthen the position we're in now, first.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We can do that without forcing everyone to speak/learn English. If we decide to learn Spanish after everyone only knows English, what good would that do us?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Those who go to the US should learn to speak the predominant language even if its not the official language if they don't already know it. It will make life much easier for them. Also remember that the US population is hundreds of millions, but how many immigrants do you get per year? There are also many illegal immigrants from Mexico, as well as the legal ones. I doubt you guys want to so easily take away the only possible disadvantage of them jumping the fence ? See my comment below

by Anonymous 12 years ago

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/...ed-states.html This does not include illegals http://upload.wikimedia.org/wik...-by-County.svg And in the lower part of the country, there are a lot of states that don't have an official language. New Mexico's official language is Spanish. Texas a huge state, doesn't have one. These states will soon be dominated by Spanish speaking people, I predict and it really wouldn't be a stretch for Spanish to play a more dominant role in the US (not as dominant as English, but more so than it has in the past). I assume since the drug cartels aren't getting dealt with, more Mexicans will continue to come here and the Southern states will keep getting more and more Spanish speakers. They are getting jobs as baby sitters, so they will probably keep teachings little kids Spanish. I really don't mind the fact that we're getting more immigrants. I believe that globalization is a good thing, because there are so many untapped resources that people don't want to take advantage of. Having a global market will only help us make the most of this world.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If Americans should be expected to know 2 languages, than the immigrants who come here should be expected to as well. Like someone said before, it is just a courtesy to respect a foreign culture by learning their language. You can keep your own culture and language as well, but at least try to fit in

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Listen to yourself... you're saying, if we're expected to have better lives, then so should the poorest people in the world? Why can't everyone just be rich? Why can't everyone just be educated and well fed? WE have the opportunity, this is a great addition to this already great nation. Having people who fluently speak two or more languages is a GOOD thing. Foreigners who come here, being able to speak English is also a GOOD thing, but they can't... just like people here who can't learn another language, even with all the resources that they have. If you can't get a millionaire playboy to learn a new language, how do you expect a poor man, who works in construction with people who LIVE and WORK with people of their own race to learn a new language? The only people these people interact with on a regular basis are people of THEIR race, not because it's their choice, but that's their only option. After a certain age, learning a new language becomes extremely hard to do. AND I was just saying learning Spanish would be good. So other races can have a choice of which language to learn when they come here.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Are you retarded? If we went to another country, other people would hope for us to speak their language, but you're saying that a person has to learn every single language in the world to be able to communicate with anyone in a foreign country?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How are you going to be incapable of understanding my simple sentences and ask me if I'm the stupid one? There are two main reasons for people to move, one based out of need and another based out of luxury. If you can move to a different country, because you're poor and starving to death, communicating won't be your first issue. In addition to that, having two main languages is better than having one. Even if you don't speak either language... you at least have the choice to learn one or the other.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Language IS a first priority, how do you get employed ESPECIALLY in this economy if you only speak one language that a majority of the people here do not speak? You'll starve anyways, you won't have work, and if you do survive, it's because you use the government's money just because you feel like wasting your money when you're just a stupid freeloader.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh because you can eat, drink, and sleep in a warm nice bed of language? When it rains, you speak English and it will protect you from getting wet, doesn't it? When you haven't eaten in 5 days, you speak and all the sudden all your hunger is gone. When you're dying of thirst English comes to the rescue and whisks you away to Strawberry juice fields. There are plenty of jobs that illegal immigrants do? What do you call that? Work that no other American touches... what about that?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Some Americans will do any job they can find in this economy. And my hunger doesn't go away when I say so, it goes away when I'm done working after the day, I don't rely on others for money.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes... anything, but the jobs that the illegals do. Let's face it, Americans are too used to the good life. Most of them, if not all will not do a job, that they believe is "below" them. And I can't really blame them, because the pay illegals get is below minimum, they can't support their large mansion with $2 an hour or pay off their 5 baby mamma's or do anything productive with that small amount of money. You're like the idiot Herman Cain, who says, "If you're not rich, it's your fault." If you agree with that statement, then tell me, so I can stop arguing with you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"If you're not rich, it's your fault." What does that have to do with anything?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're said that your hunger goes away at the end of the day, because you make enough money to feed yourself at "the end of the day." There are a lot of people out there, who cannot "feed themselves at the end of the day" even after working all day, some of them don't even have an "end of the day." It's all just a continues blur....

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Tell me, what are you good at? Is there any outstanding talent you have? Everyone has one, some people don't find it though, they need to find whatever it is, and build a career off of it. Everything is useful in a certain career, no matter how seemingly useless. All they need to do is be good at something that sets them apart from others, and then they can find a very good job. But how do they do that when they don't speak English? Many are annoyed by those who don't speak English in America, it won't be in their favor if they find something their great at, and then since they don't speak English, they don't get the job.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh I'm good at a lot of things, like I said earlier, I'm interviewing for a job that is offering me $70,000 straight out of college. See that's what I was talking about, you believe that if everyone knew their secret talent that we can all be rich, but what you fail to realize is, if everyone was rich, then no one would be. Either that or the ones even richer will still be even richer, prices would go up and we would be poor again. America NEEDS poor people, there are things in this world that rich people are just not willing to do. The rich DEPEND on the poor. By the way, speaking English doesn't necessarily get you a good job. There are a lot of people in America who are fluent in English and still can't get a job... while a company pays MONEY to import Indians to do their work for them for cheaper. So they would bring an Indian who barely even speaks English and just get him to do that job. And sure he will have a nice living, but it won't be nearly as nice as the ones who are natural citizens.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's a stereotype. My grandparents came here illegally, not speaking a damn bit of English. They both found work, raised five kids, and never took a fucking dime from the government. Same with my boyfriend's parents. They aren't anomalies. People come to America from Mexico because they are getting murdered right and left and there's nothing they can do to stop it, the drug cartels run EVERYTHING. It's disgusting how when so many people are hurting all Americans do is bitch about is what language they speak and how they're draining our economy. Bullshit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(KickAss):if Mexico speaks English and Spanish then why can't they speak English when they come here? A huge number immigrants that come here don't speak english, it would be much easier for everyone if they learned the language that the vast majority of Americans speak. They can at least show this country some respect and speak the language our population speaks if they are going to live here.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Show respect? Did you completely skip over my personal history lesson on how the first European settlers showed their "respect" by killing off and raping the Natives? Then pushing them away? Yes there are immigrants here from Mexico who do not speak English, but that just may be which part they're from and if they're poor, then they probably don't have the opportunity to learn, like the other Mexicans. They wouldn't be coming here, if they had a good life over there, now would they? You act like it's a good thing that we can only speak ONE language.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(KickAss):this is not about the past, this about now. I could do the same shit your doing by going around bitching about my ancestors being slaves but I don't. Dou you know why that is? It's because that's the fucking past and our country has come beyond that point in the history of our social policies. If they are here illegaly then they have no right to be here regardless of their motives. And if they are here legally to stay then it is there obligation as an American citizen to learn the language that Americans speak. When we all have a single common language then we all benefit because we can all speak to eachother. This does not mean knowing other languages is a bad thing, it means that when there is a common language spoken by all then you have an obligation to your peers to know how to fucking speak it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hitler using your logic, when put on trial if he hadn't committed suicide: THAT WAS THE PAST, I COULD BE STANDING HERE TALKING ABOUT ALL THE DAMAGE I DID, BUT LET'S LIVE IN THE PRESENT, I'M NOT CURRENTLY KILLING ANYONE, NOW AM I? Having a single language just creates division. The people who can't speak it, won't be able to get along with those who can. How do you propose a 60 year old man who came here, escaping maltreatment in his country (who has no money) learn to speak English? Should he pay for private lessons? Should he live in the nice urban English speaking part of the country? What do you propose? So we can all be robots, we can all be the same and not accept the fact that everyone is different. Should we also kill off people with different eye colours? I think we should kill off everyone who doesn't think like me or speak like me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

you really are a great imbecile aren't you? Hitler committed those crimes himself, there is a big difference between you doing something and your predecessor from hundreds of years ago doing something. then maybe the people who can't speak it need to learn how to speak it hmm? it is not my problem how he learns to speak English, but if he is in our country then he should respect it and find a way. we are all different of course, but when people are different they often have a common thing that brings them together to work to all of their benefit, that thing that brings them together is the language they speak because it allows them to communicate.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I can't keep arguing with you... you contradict yourself and then try to use that thing that CONTRADICTS your argument to SUPPORT your argument?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no, you can't keep arguing with me because your argument is poorly thought out and unsupported, and probably based solely on the fact that you yourself are of Mexican descent.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm actually not... I am an immigrant, but I have a job, in college and actually just had an interview with a company that is offering to pay me about $70,000 straight out of college. My example is directly a response to yours. It doesn't matter if it's one person or a hundred, you said let's focus on present not past, but the past HAS A GREAT INFLUENCE ON YOUR PRESENT. I'll give you an example, the other day I went out to the pitch to play soccer. There were a lot of people there from different walks of life and languages, but you know what? When it came time for playing, they didn't attach themselves to the people who spoke the same language as them... they chose people who they thought would help them accomplish their goal... of winning. So even though there were two or three Koreans and two or three Saudi's and two or three this and that, they mixed together and played with and against each other, even though most of them didn't/couldn't even speak English!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

congratulations, I hope you get the job even if it has an influence on the present does not mean we should treat the events of the past as if they are still going on today, they have already been dealt with. that very example just validates my earlier argument, different people coming together around a single similarity. with sports teams verbal communication is not always necessary as they can often "feel" in a way the moves that their teammates will make. in a society the common thing that people come together around is the language they speak. it allows them to communicate to benefit the society in which they live. in the U.S. we go by the system of majority rule, meaning that the majority decides what happens. so why should the majority change to accommodate the minority? our system is set up so that what the majority says goes, while still being fair to the minority. the only reasonable thing is that the immigrants must learn our language to fit into our society. otherwise they are a burden to the majority because communication is very difficult. we do not force them to learn English, but for them to live here and not do so is disrespectful to our society as a whole.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How is it disrespectful? They come here for the opportunity that America promises, not for the people, not to take on our culture, not to leave their own. And besides, we might not have made it illegal yet, but it might as well be. It's one of those unwritten rules, since everyone does it, it's almost as bad as it being law, it's not a good ideology. Most of the ones that don't speak English don't interact with the everyday people, they usually have one person who does speak English doing all the communication. Even then people complain they can't understand the person, because s/he speaks improper or broken English. Why would they want that? Unless they pay and go to school, there is no way Americans will be satisfied with their English. They might as well be speaking Gibberish.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

opportunity does not come from the land but from the people who govern the land. they do not have to replace their culture with ours, but just respect ours and speak our tongue so that they may not be a burden on our society. if it were law it would be punishable, as it is now they just piss people off because of their failure to communicate. it doesn't matter what level of satisfaction someone has with the way you speak, the point of having a common language is not so you can enjoy the sound of each others voices, it's so you can communicate. speaking with someone who speaks broken English is MUCH less infuriating than someone trying to speak to you in Spanish. I live in southern California and I have to deal with that shit all the fucking time. and when that happens and I tell them to speak English and they get offended, it is very difficult to describe how much I want to put my boot in their face.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm in college and almost all my professors have been Indian and I have a lot of friends who have had Russian professors, I can guarantee you, that a lot of the Americans (the ones who only speak one language) have no clue what goes on in the class, most of them end up not going to class and just reading the book. Not only does knowing a second language help YOU, but it also helps the people who are trying to communicate with you, no matter what their native tongue may be. There is punishment, everyday of their lives is pretty much punishment. Do you have any idea how much they're discriminated against? There is so much negativity towards them, just because they can't speak English. Oh and thanks, I hope I get the job too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

FYI I do know a second language, Kannst du Deutsche sprechen? Ich kann Deutsche sprechen. Ich bin ein Deutsche drei student. but I am learning a second language voluntarily and that language is not Spanish. you can not force the population of the US to learn Spanish to accommodate the rush Mexican immigrants many of which are not even supposed to be in this country. if they are coming here then it is their responsibility to learn our language. if Americans were forced to learn a new language to accommodate every minority group that comes here then we would speak every language on the planet. what makes the Mexicans so special? why do we have to give them special treatment and learn their language? if that is a punishment then they are the ones punishing themselves. they are discriminated against because they are a burden on our society. if they want it . why is it a problem to you when Americans can only speak one language but when the Mexican only speaks one language the Americans have to cater to them? sounds like you've got quite the double standard going their, and you said my argument was contradictory.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not saying that Americans should learn every language, Mexicans are the biggest immigrants to the U.S. and in the top 10 list of the people that come to US most are Spanish speaking countries. The concentration of Spanish speakers in the south is extremely high. With Mexicans covering the South West of the country and another set of Spanish speaking people covering the south east. Because who can afford more to learn the second language? People with access to good education or people working a quarter of minimum wage paying jobs? If more people knew both Spanish AND English, then THEY can teach the ones who ONLY speak Spanish, English and vice versa, but you need more people who speak both languages. And I speak 3 languages and am trying to improve my third one, because I've stopped using it and forgotten a lot of it

by Anonymous 12 years ago

well at this point arguing on this subject is pretty much futile, neither of us will change an opinion that is already decided. so I will take this moment to end my participation in this discussion. farewell to you good sir/madam.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why should everyone learn how to speak Spanish, instead of the immigrants all learning English? First of all, (although the majority are) a lot of immigrants don't come from Spanish speaking countries. Second, there's a hell of a lot more people who only speak English than only speak Spanish in the United States, so it's only common sense that the minority should be the ones to bow down. (No I'm not saying we should kill all the Amish, or whatever, I'm talking about basic reasoning).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's basic --reasoning-- fact, that people who speak more than one language do better than people who only speak one. It's basic --reasoning-- fact that there are a lot of people who speak Spanish in this country, it's also basic --reasoning-- fact that a lot of people end up losing their individuality and culture once they come here, because they end up assimilating. What I'm saying isn't going to hurt people, it's going to help them. Learning a second language WILL help this country. I mean look at where this country is headed, due to the ignorance of most of the people and our government's care for only the rich, we're obviously headed downhill, if Mexico ends up getting their shit together, then we would be powerless to stop them and THEN what? If we already know Spanish on the other hand, the take over will be much more smoother. We won't be forced to learn a new language. So what I'm saying is, let's CHOOSE to learn Spanish, before we're FORCED to learn it. One way or another I predict this country will become a bilingual country and probably be better for it in the long run.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not talking about whether or not it's good to speak more than one language; it clearly has benefits. What I'm saying is that it should be the minority who should learn a second language so that they can succeed, instead of everyone else learning a second language for the minority to succeed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hmm, alright let's think about this, there is a group of 10 who speaks nothing but English and are two guys who speaks Spanish, now it would be easier for the two people to learn English than the 10 people to learn Spanish, BUT the two Hispanics have no reason to try to go through the process of learning a new language, so long as they have each other, they have jobs and lives of their own, they will just separate from the group and create their own. This will just end up creating division within the group. I mean how would two guys with no idea of English learn English? However within the 10 man group one spoke both English AND Spanish, then that person would be able to communicate with both groups and arrange something AND it would be easier for the two man group to learn the other language.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"I mean how would two guys with no idea of English learn English?" So how would 10 guys with no idea of Spanish learn Spanish? As you say, the Hispanics have no reason to learn English, because they have their own lives and each other. It will create division, you're right. But the 10 other people have even less reason to learn Spanish, because they have 9 other people, not just one. Why should 10 people put in effort instead of 2, to reach the same working results?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There are multiple answers for your questions 1. It would be easier for a group of 10 to learn, because if one doesn't understand something, then s/he has more people to fall back on. 2. With the group, it's about being the better man, someone has to make an extra effort to get agreement, if the 10 English speakers don't wanna make that extra effort, then do they have the moral strength to lead the group of 12? Those 10 people are all unwilling to learn, so why would the 2 Spanish speakers end up being under their authority? The leader has to be the bigger person, s/he should be the one taking the step towards uniting the two groups, in some form and in order to do that, he'll need to communicate with them, both. 3. Also has to do with authority. The English speakers being the majority, will probably be the governing body. With that, they probably want unity, however how will they have that unity, if the two Spanish speakers don't want anything to do with them?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well why should the English speakers care whether or not they speak the same language as the 2 people? It's the 2 people who really stand to benefit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Mexico take over the U.S.? That's a laugh.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah I know... but you know what's more of a laugh? The argument against America becoming a bilingual country.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

See the thing is.... I was here first why should I be required to learn a language I am uninterested in learning? If someone that doesn't speak English wants to live here and wants to live the American dream how much of a hassle is it really to learn the language?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I've already argued this so many times. How much of a hassle is it? Think about it, if you're an illegal immigrant or maybe even a legal one, but too poor, what are the chances you will be living with a bunch of well endowed Americans (unless you're working for them) chances are you will be with others just like you, you can't pay for English lessons, how will you learn? Even if you learn, it will be so improper, people will have the hardest time understanding you. You might have been here first, but you have no more right than anybody else. This land wasn't exactly gotten by the "right" means, just because it was some hundred years ago, doesn't make it right how we got this land.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay who told you they charge people to teach them English? Okay when most people start off learning a new language their ability to speak it "properly"doesn't come until much later... Also who cares how the land was gotten, that's the past and you shouldn't complain unless you are for all the people who have slaves in their families to get paid back. I was born here, I should not be forced to learn Spanish because it is useless to me, and if they want to live here they don't need to stop speaking Spanish all together I'm saying they need to learn English because it's the most spoken language and easier on the //native// people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You actually do have to pay for English lessons... it's a course you can take... for foreigners.... It isn't useless to you, even if it doesn't directly help you, it will have a positive influence on your life. Well technically Native Americans still exist, so THEY are the true natives.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It would be useless information unless to me because I'm in an area without many Spanish speakers. And when I said natives I meant every person that was born here not the Indian tribes that are still around.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't care if they still speak spanish in their family or whatever if they wantt to. The problem is when they dnt even know english and expect everyone else to learn spanish for them. No, ur in our country, learn our language

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*Spanish *want *don't *English *You're *language. Looks like YOU'RE the one who needs to learn how to speak English.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Go be a spelling nazi on Facebook or something, cause no one wants you on amrite.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Normally I might agree with you, but AllyKat was actually making a point. She wasn't just correcting him to be a douchefuck.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Seeing shortened words and correcting them is a good thing? It's proof he knows the language if anything, he knows them to an extent where he can make his own life easier by shortening them. So I have a feeling she was trying to be one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

At least she can spell, dumbass. She makes a valid point that not every native English speaker can actually speak it very well.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How is it that he can't speak English very well? People assume too much about others, just because someone shortens something to type faster doesn't mean their less intelligent or anything, it just means that they're smart enough to find out that they can do things in a shorter way and still get the point across.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I never bother correcting anybody's spelling, neither on Facebook nor Amirite?, because I think it's an asshole move to do and I know I've made my own share of grammar/spelling mistakes. But this guy was trying to acting superior just because he's a native English speaker. I just pointed out that his English isn't that good either.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe you have the English problem, because you seem to have not read any word I said. I said that just because he simplifies words and still gets the point across doesn't mean he's stupid. And you're saying his English is bad? It's to make life easier for all of us, takes up less space, takes less time. And we still understand it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't really mind when people shorten words. I just didn't like how this guy was acting so I told him my opinion about his English. I didn't call him stupid for shortening words. I just said said that it's pretty hypocritical for him to bitch about other people's English when his spelling wasn't up to scratch either.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Over 607 million people speak English, while only 500 million speak spanish. You'll be able to speak to 107 million more people, so apparently that information means that English is LESS dominant than Spanish?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I never said English is less dominant than Spanish. I actually think that everybody should learn to speak at least basic English, since it's so commonly spoken and most businesses are conducted in English. I didn't even vote on this post because as a non-American, it's none of my concerns. All i said was that Amen! was being a hypocrite by preaching to people that they should speak English, and yet refusing to properly spell common English words.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People living in america know very little about this country and how it was founded. The first time the Declaration of Independence was read out loud to the public it was in GERMAN. German was almost made a national language, it only lost by a few votes. Since it was so close, they decided not to have an official national language; Nobody can tell us what to say, what not to say, or what language to say it in.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well we can't say whatever the hell we want whenever we want. There are laws regarding certain things. Ever heard of libel? Yeah, you can't go around writing in the newspaper that someone's a liar and a thief if it's not true. Also, the thing about German almost being our language: untrue. http://www.snopes.com/language/apocryph/german.asp

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How is that relevant to the current debate? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass I'm genuinely curious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, Sometimes trying to learn a language is hard. If you've ever tried learning a forieng language that you're not used to, it can be difficult. I mean I'd get rather frustrated trying to learn English.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You learned it didnt you?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No I actually grew up learning English. I'm just able to put myself into other's shoes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...And it's not difficult to learn Spanish?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

and that is a valid justification for refusing to learn how to communicate with the majority population? because it's hard? maybe well it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder to get by without knowing English.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay... they could learn the language, then be given shit about their accents... Works out well, doesn't it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hardly anyone gives shit about peoples' accents. Most people like hearing people with other accents, from my experience.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

they could also not learn the language and piss people of because it is impossible to communicate, nobody gives a shit about your accent as long as they can understand what the fuck your saying.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There's a difference between not having an official national language (which we do) and being allowed to speak whatever language you want.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If I move to Mexico, I must learn Spanish. If I move to Italy, I have to learn Italian. If I move to Germany, guess what? I have to learn German. Son of a bitch, look at that! If you move to America, you have to learn English. You don't have to forget your native language, as that is completely unreasonable. Just learn English because all business is conducted in English. Only in America does that majority have to change and adapt to accommodate the minority.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I won't complain about the Spanish speakers, but they might complain about not being able to communicate with the majority of this country.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Americanism is basically a system of ideals and the assimilation of cultures, and this common understanding between different races is expressed through the English language. To call oneself truly an American, the language is an essential part of culture, but simply from a legal perspective any person living within the US is considered an American.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agreed with this post. I think that it's perfectly fine for people to speak another language in the united states. I mean, they have every right to. How about, instead expecting of the spanish speakers to accommodate to us, and acting like the self absorbed country that the rest of the world thinks we are, we try our best to accommodate to them? America is supposed to be a melting pot. How can we be that it we're shunning everyone who comes into this country who dares to speak another language. Anyway, if you think about it practically, anyone who comes to the united states will learn english eventually, if only by be around so many people that speak it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think your argument is invalid. Based on my interpretation, you seem to be saying that by trying to make foreigners learn our language in OUR country is selfish and that by them being foreigners we should try to accomodate them. . . Does nothing about that seem hypocritical?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with this post to an extent. There is nothing wrong with those who only speak Spanish, for example, however I think that if they decide to move to a country that predominately speaks a particular language, whether it be English or French or whatever, they should make an attempt to learn the language. Immigrants should not be expected to be completely fluent upon their arrival, but no matter where you're from, I think that if you plan to move somewhere, you should expect to learn the language, which inevitably takes time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We don't have a national language because it's not in the Constitution. Not because the founding fathers wanted racial equality.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

here in South Africa we have 11 official languages

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If 80% of a country speaks English, and 15% Spanish and 5% something else, you should learn English to go to that country, but Spanish would be good to know as well.If you're going to work with other Spanish speakers, its fine, but you should not get annoyed when the others don't speak Spanish. Come if you want, but don't get pissed if we don't go out of our way to accommodate you. Its not like you have antimatter and can force us into submission, like the Europeans who first went to America(forcing into submission, not possession of antimatter).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, learning a foreign language is hard. But it can certainly be done. No, (practically) noone expects an immigrant to give up their culture. Yes, it's reasonable to expect immigrants to do their best to learn the language of the majority, for communication purposes. Yes, language is one wayfor groups of various backgrounds to find unity. No, we don't expect immigrants to learn english in the first week they're here, or to speak accent-free english. And finally, this is not a means of segregation or a way to turn our backs to immigrant Americans. If anything, it's an opportunity to gain a commonality between all Americans that makes business, socialization, and basic interaction possible.

by Anonymous 12 years ago