+199 The whole get up, go to school, get home, do homework, go to sleep school cycle really gets on your nerves, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I like to have a routine, it's comforting. I'm a creature of habit to the extreme. Plus I like school. And I used to hate homework, but now that I'm in college and I love all my classes, homework just feels like fun.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I KNOW! I actually like to do my homework now that I'm taking classes I actually enjoy, it's awesome

by Anonymous 11 years ago

College: Get up, go to class, sleep, go to class, sleep, remember to wake up before the dining commons closes, etc. Then do homework from midnight to whenever. Although I do think timing my naps so I can get to class on time is a skill to be proud of.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Your schedule is fuuuucked, I can see why you hate it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Most of the aspects of the schedule listed above that are fucked are probably my fault anyway. Most of the problem is the actual classes I'm taking though; they do not have anything to do with what I'm studying. I would just like to start the next semester now. You mentioned in one of the above comments that you love all your classes. Half of my classes are gen eds, and English Composition and Western Civilization are causing the most stress this semester. Once I get past first semester, I'm sure I will still have to do an extensive amount of work, but at least I will be studying things related to my major and that I would be more interested in.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That sucks, I'm lucky to like all the classes my major needs me to take. I'm getting an associates in Science (before moving onto a PhD in physics), so my credit requirements are math, physical science, social science, humanities, and I have one English class that I finish this semester and never have to worry about again.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I actually rarely do homework at home so there's really no cycle for me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago