+619 It would suck to have a psychologist as a parent. Just imagine "CRAP! I spilled the orange juice on the floor!" "Good, and how does that make you feel?" amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and you'd bearly be able to have any secrets

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Well at least it's not spilled milk. Then I'd be in tears."

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

don't you mean psychiatrist...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There's really not much of a difference. A psychiatrist can prescribe medicine while a psychologist can't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

there's a bigger difference than that... a psychologist is someone who studies the mind and behaviors and stuff while a psychiatrist is the one who talks about your problems and prescribes medicine and stuff

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oops lol sorry. I guess i used the wrong doctor. my mom is a psychologist, so i posted this from what i know her from. Sorry if i was mistaken.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hahaha stop apologizing! it's not a big deal... i was just saying xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i have one.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Hey mom I'm pregnant.." "Oh okay look at this picture and tell me what the first thing that comes to mind is."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

:P My dad's a psychologist also. That actually happens a lot (not the spilling part, the other part)

by Anonymous 13 years ago