+51 When choosing which house you would be in you choose gryffindor, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ravenclaw :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hufflepuff. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why hufflepuff??

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not brave, I'm not smart, and I'm not evil. So, hufflepuff seemed like the most logical choice to me. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because Hufflepuff is the sex.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What the HELL is a hufflepuff?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

#1 Reason to Be a Hufflepuff: The common room is right by the kitchen.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hahaha. Well, I do like food.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

The fuck? Do you not know what house Snapes in?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"You know, I sometimes think we Sort too soon" -Dumbledore

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Severus Snape is one of the kindest, bravest, gentlest, sexiest men I have ever met." - also Albus Dumbledore

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Duh :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd want to be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin but I have the qualities of a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Oh cruel fate.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd want to be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin but I have the qualities of a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Oh cruel fate.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would choose Gryffindor because I value bravery more than anything, but I have traits of all the houses excluding Hufflepuff.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I never knew you think of these things Batman.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ravenclaw! :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would be a Hufflepuff, but I would like to be a Gryffindor.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Every quiz I have ever taken puts me in Gryffindor. I hate it so much. I'd much rather be a Slytherin, but I guess I just like helping people too much.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd be either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I FIND that your opinion doesn't apply to me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd be Gryffindor or Ravenclaw

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh hell no! Hufflepuff for the win!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd either be Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Maaaaybe Hufflepuff. But I'm too chicken for Gryffindor. (btw, Gryffindor is the only house that my phone didn't wanna spell. Go figure)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Gryffindor and Slytherin are too stereotypical and done. I'd pick Ravenclaw.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

if like to belive that id be a ravenclaw, but i would probaly end up in hufflepuff.

by Anonymous 12 years ago