+193 When you think about it there's no real sexism in women to be the one in the kitchen. In fact most most of us have grown up in a society where tasks had already been categorised. That's why guys learn how to repair a car and that's why girls know how to cook. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Except it's mostly said like this: "Hey Bitch , why don't you get back in the goddam kitchen and make me a fuckin ' sammich." By a twelve year old. And besides, that in its self is sexism, but just taught at an early age.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can't cook. If my husband can't either, we're screwed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Cool story brah.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So, because society dictates that something is one way, that automatically makes it right? Years ago, society dictated that black people were inferiors and should work as slaves. Is that right? Society is wrong sometimes. Just because gender roles and stereotypes are already in place in our society, doesn't mean that this is right or accurate.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can replace a tire, change the oil, change the power steering fluid, etc. yet my cooking abilities are limited to a PB&J sandwich, ramen, pasta, cereal, and anything else with directions on the box. I am a girl. I feel like I just defied the laws of life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You probably did though these aren't really the laws of life :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Its more cultural then anything. That being said, i would prefer things to go back to the way they were in the 50s. Men got shit done and made the cash while women took care of the house. Nowadays many women are becoming spoiled brats that dont want to work or clean. Women are gold diggers at heart anyway, whether it be material or emotional gold, no matter how much they deny it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

At least someone mentioned the cultural aspect of the whole thing! Yes, society as we know it nowadays is the result of the past cultural heritage, though this is rapidly being replaced by new norms, values and traditions.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not sexism.. If the twelve year old also said 'Hey asshole, why don't you go to work today?', it counterbalances everything and here in the case you put forth, I think it's total rudeness, lack of manners and probably a faulty upbringing. So sexism if it could be considered here, is not the biggest of problems.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with you, it's not how the roles of society have been distributed between the two genders that's the biggest of problems. Society SHOULD be divided to some extent so that it maintains a fair organisation. To a certain extent the disparity between man and woman should exist, the problem arises when people try to force onto that disparity to a point where it's no more healthy for global stability, socially talking. As you said, gender roles have been present in other places and this is probably why things got thorny; that's just where people exceed a certain limit as I said before. I can give you the example of Sati as practiced in India.. If you don't know what sati is, google it.. This was clearly a gender role for women in a family or couple as an institution of society where everything went too far. The day there is eradication of sexism and 'sexism', our society will downfall to chaos.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In my opinion, the entire existence of those gender roles is sexism in itself to both women and men, to the very core, no matter whether they are generally accepted by society or not. Why should men be expected to repair a car and not cook, and women cook and not repair a car? It's limiting both sexes by telling them what they can and cannot do because they are a certain gender and society deems it "wrong". It's like how from a young age men are fed things like "be a man" and "real men don't cry" and are given toys like trucks and cars whereas girls are told to "be a lady" and play with tea sets and dolls, and when a child crosses these lines, it's frowned upon. Kids are limited and censored from a young age, and society allows them to believe that there are certain things that, as a boy or girl, they shouldn't do. The fact that these beliefs even exist is sexism. Why should your sex be the limiting factor to what you should and should not do? Just my opinion :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think you should expand your scope of thinking here. I'm not saying it's wrong or right. Society need certain foundations on which it can grow and these foundations don't need to be moved each day. You said 'society dictated' and sorry but here you are wrong! Society never dictated that because society is a whole thing and society in its whole never dictated that black were inferior to whites and should be treated as slaves. It was a community that dictated such a thing, the white community. There's a big difference between society and a community. Here, we are talking about society and not a community in particular. Society never dictates anything dear, society just follows a trend. It's almost impossible to find something something on which everyone agrees on.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with you, it's not how the roles of society have been distributed between the two genders that's the biggest of problems. Society SHOULD be divided to some extent so that it maintains a fair organisation. To a certain extent the disparity between man and woman should exist, the problem arises when people try to force onto that disparity to a point where it's no more healthy for global stability, socially talking. As you said, gender roles have been present in other places and this is probably why things got thorny; that's just where people exceed a certain limit as I said before. I can give you the example of Sati as practiced in India.. If you don't know what sati is, google it.. This was clearly a gender role for women in a family or couple as an institution of society where everything went too far. The day there is eradication of sexism and 'sexism', our society will downfall to chaos.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i think it's interesting that women are expected to be the better cooks, but when you watch cooking shows the majority of the chefs tend to be male. if you've ever seen hell's kitchen - the men are always saying how no girl could ever be a better chef than they could.

by Anonymous 13 years ago