+385 The only reason we have bad words is because we restricted them, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, the only reason we RESTRICTED them is because they're bad words. They used to be normal, you know, until people used them in such ways more and more to treat them as insults, turning the very meaning of the word to sheer vulgarity that needed to be restricted.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

shit piss cunt fuck cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd twat. Offended yet? theyre only words. People need to chill. We didnt NEED to restrict them, its just that people over time have become pussies. Its fucking annoying. oh no he said shit thats a bad word. No. Its just a word. Shit happens and people need to stop being immature bitches about it. Btw most of this wasnt directed solely at you, but being as u think they need to be restricted, i felt u should read.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People are being too motherfucking wimpy about goddamn expletives. Now they want to fucking CENSOR Huckleberry Finn so that the book doesn't say "nigger."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know right? Thats fuckin ridiculous. Thats a classic book, and during that time they said nigger. People were racist. Shit happens. They didnt go around saying african american back then. Its just dumb. I hate how pussyish our country has become.

by Anonymous 13 years ago