+210 It's so rare to see a normal, easy to pronounce name in history textbooks. It's always "Sir Clementon von Crailreign was the prince of France between 1623-1654", never "In 1698, Mikey Smith invented the railroad spike, a very important tool relevant in the upstart of the Industrial Revolution". amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

john adams? james madison? john marshall? george mason? james monroe? andrew jackson? really not that rare... :P

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A lot were hard, but easy ones weren't that rare, even among foreign figures. Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin Mao Zedong Christopher Columbus Nelson Mandela Napoleon Bonaparte Marco Polo

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ours were fairly easy. Like, Apolinario Mabini, Emilio Aguinaldo, all that shizz.

by Anonymous 12 years ago