+139 Fears are meant to be irrational. Therefore, I do not care that your dog doesn't bite. I am still terrified of them. Invest in a leash, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Or stay away from the dog...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A dog should be on a leash in public, but if it's in environment where that's not necessary, then no, I'm not going put my angel on a leash just because you're a pansy. You need to face your fears.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My neighbors have a dog that always growls at me and jumps at me as if it's going to bite me. Even if she's never *actually* bitten someone, I feel uncomfortable babysitting for them if their dog is just running around all the time. I think this situation is the kind the post is referring to (in addition to in public).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But you don't put a leash or a chain on a dog at home. Maybe the dog could be locked outside or in a certain room while you're babysitting, or in the kitchen with a piece of furniture in the doorway. I'd just ignore her - growling and snapping is just to show you that it's //her// house and she doesn't trust you, rather than actual aggression.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

actually, that is completely rational fear. at first encounter, there is no way of knowing if a dog is completely safe or had all of its shots or anything really, and, therefore, one could be afraid with reason. not to even mention how the media spreads and glorifies all dog attacks on children resulting in permanent physical damage.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Being afraid of dogs isn't very irrational, it makes some degree of sense. Being afraid of jello, now that's an irrational fear.

by Anonymous 12 years ago