+387 Vegetarians think eating meat is cruel, plants can't even defend themselves! amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Interesting point. It's part of the argument of, if you believe eating animals is wrong, why do you consider eating other living things, like plants, to be moral? If you believe a life is a life, than why is one not as a valid as another. Research has proven plants do have a nervous system, and can feel something similar to "pain" when harmed. A carrot is no less alive than a cow.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some people don't eat meat because of religion. I know (at least I'm pretty sure) Jains believe that human souls are reincarnated into any living being and will not kill anything. This includes plants you have to kill to eat. So, they would eat mangoes or apples, but not carrots because you kill the plant to eat it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Personally, I don't think the issue is so much that animals are killed (after all, lions/bears/wolves kill to eat as well) as the way the animals are treated prior to death. I love animals. I'm an animal rights guy. But I eat meat. Just.... not cruel torture-chamber-kill-animal-in-sadistic-manner farm meat.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because plants dont have pain receptors so they dont feel pain the same way animals do. Yes, they are senstitive to their environment and can feel what is going on around them to be able to protect themselves. But they also don't have the same type of life system animals have, they don't have a brain in the sense that we dont and they aren't capable of thought. I went vegetarian because the way the animals are treated, which I'm sure is not even close to the way plants are harvested.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey, we mass murder plants to feed thousands of people. SO INHUMANE! lel.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Many plants are poisonous, which is their way of protecting themselves. If you don't like the way animals are treated in most slaughterhouses, eat local and organic. No point in becoming vegetarian, which can be harmful to your health if not done right.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I believe the key words are if not done right. Being a vegetarian is actually very healthy as long a you use some common sense and eat what you should.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

very true, if you eat the right things then being a vegetarian is actually a lot healthier than eating meat.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not all vegetarians think eating meat is cruel. But that was just a minor thing, I still agree with the idea of the post :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yea bcuz animals in slaughterhouses can defend themselves ur kind of a dumbass

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I became a vegetarian because of how animals are treated in slaughterhouses. Like, is torturing them and skinning them alive gonna make them taste better? No. People don't torture vegetables. They simply pick them, and even if they DO feel pain, I'm sure they wouldn't feel it for very long. Maybe a second or two.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thank you. No one seems to understand the fact that defenseless animals are being beaten, scalded, and beheaded all while conscious. Vegetables are simply pulled from the ground, that wouldn't hurt them considering how fast it is done. Plus, a vegetable that is being grown for human consumption gets to live its life the way it was always meant to, slaughterhouse animals dont.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't care about the arguments....I'm just here to point out that this was a "Dear Blank, Please Blank" today.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Industrial agriculture is generally fucked. Most of the things you buy at the grocery store were grown unethically in some way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To me both, killing animals and plants is wrong! So, let us starve to death, which seems to be wrong, too. Or let's just be part of nature's cycle, such as one kills the lower species in order to survive. The cow kills the grass and we kill the cow to survive...

by Anonymous 11 years ago