+819 Just because a rape victim was wearing a low cut shirt or a short skirt doesn't mean she was asking to be raped. Women should be able to wear what they want without fear of being attacked, and those guys need to learn some self control and learn how to keep it in their pants like the rest of the men do, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree. It's like saying " Oh, the cash register had money in it, it was just asking to be robbed"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The only difference is, when a girl is dressed that way she wants attention. She wants people to look at her ass and her cleavage and then she's going to be surprised when people actually do? That's ignorance. And if she doesn't want people to look then she can COVER IT UP

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Last time I checked... looking and raping were two different things.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know it's just stupid that people keep saying a woman should be able to dress however she wants. Of course being raped for it is not right at all, but a woman is asking for attention if she chooses to dress like a slut

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Women SHOULD be able to dress how they want without fear of being attacked. Attention and rape are not the same thing. You're just advocating for victim blame.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is the kind of attitude which only enforces the victim blaming. It's bullshit. Just because a woman might wear revealing clothing doesn't mean she's inviting rape. If someone says "no" that's all that matters, whether they're bundled up in a snowsuit or running around naked.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

I really hate the whole "She was asking for it" thing. It's like, a woman can't dress the way she wants without fear of being raped? That doesn't even make sense. Just because she decided to look nice one night doesn't mean she's saying "Hey, look at my tits. Come rape and kill me!"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why does looking nice have to mean dressing like a whore/slut?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't say it had to...?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The post explains how some people believe that women wearing short skirts and low cut shirts are "asking for it" and from what I understood from your comment you consider that looking nice? maybe I'm wrong

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They dont ask for it, they definately invite it. A girl in a slutty outfit is definately more likely to get raped than a girl in a turtleneck and guy-jeans

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, they're not. They may even be statistically LESS likely to get raped. The reasoning being that conservatively dressed girls tend to be more timid and thus make a better victim, while provocatively dressed women tend to be more confident and thus not a very good victim. Regardless, nobody invites rape. It's that attitude that is setting us back a few decades. http://thebestdefenseprogram.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/blame-v-responsibility/ read this, I posted it up there but I think I'll draw attention to it again. Rape has nothing to do with clothes and everything to do with the rapist.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh, I see. Well, I wasn't really referring to the short skirts and low cut shirts in my comment, just "nice" clothes in general. Sorry for the mix up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This makes me really happy that that came from a guy. I like to dress modest but I always feel like I never get noticed because of it. Since usually the ones dressed like skanks get attention, you know?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sometimes I wonder about the people who choose "no way" on posts like these. Does that make them pro-rape?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I was wondering the same thing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, not necessarily. I mean, if a post was "Oranges are orange amirite?" I would still press NW even if it's completely true. I just don't like the post.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree, although I don't think women should dryas like whores.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree if we all lived in some sort of ideal/kumbaya world. However, what happens in reality is very different.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If a kid steals a cookie from the cookie jar, they'll get in trouble. But if the cookie jar is well hidden, so that the need/want for cookies isn't being rubbed in their face, the kid will be less likely to take the cookie. I'm not saying rape victims ask for it, obviously. But the fact of the matter is that there will be a MORE of a chance of rape, if you are wearing super-revealing clothing. I'm not saying they deserve it, by any means. But it is a fact that revealing clothing will make rapists more inclined to do it to that particular woman.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly, They dont ask for it, they definately invite it. A girl in a slutty outfit is definately more likely to get raped than a girl in a turtleneck and guy-jeans

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No...that is not necessarily true. If that were the case then only incredibly attractive young people would get raped. However in reality anyone can be the victim of a rape, looks and age often do not matter. For the rapist, it is all about control more than the actual act of sex.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

More likely, doesnt mean it wont happen once in a while, but conduct a study proving that a sluttily dressed girl will get raped equally as often as a prude-ly dressed girl

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'll point this out again (the link that I posted twice talks about this), "The idea that if a woman is dressed provocatively she is inviting harassment is fallacious, however, as the harassment will come regardless of attire according to most studies (as it is rooted in the mindset of the person doing the harassing), and may have something to do with dressing less provocatively according to other studies (as the offender is looking for a target that may be more passive/will be unseen by others)." So no, dressing provocatively does NOT mean you are more likely to be raped, in fact you may be less likely to be raped.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No one deserves to be raped [except maybe a rapist or murderer or something], but girls who dress in tight, low-cut shirts and skirts that barely cover their asses should be more wary. People shouldn't have to worry about being raped, but they should be aware of the fact that there ARE sick people out there, and flaunting it attracts them. Bring a long coat or something.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

noone deserves to be raped.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That is NOT what they meant. Kattfro was just saying that there are sick people out there, and everyone has to be careful. Not that people deserve to be raped.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

she said except a rapist or murder or something. Im saying no one.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Correction: rapists and child molesters deserve to be raped.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

correction: this is an opininated site, so i dont believe anyone should. Youre just doing the same to them. If you want the harm to stop, dont make it ts prosecution.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I watched Shawshank Redemption and the guy that kept raping Andy [I think that's what his name was...] deserved to get raped. He didn't, he was beaten into paralysis, but someone like him deserves some sort of harsh punishment.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Being beaten into paralysis isn't harsh?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I never said it wasn't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not sure how to vote on this on one hand obviously no one deserves to be raped on the other hand I have never herd anyone say "oh they deserved to be raped because they were showing too much skin" the only time I herd that a woman deserved something is when guys look at their breasts, in that case yes you are asking for a guy too look at them if they are hanging out of your shirt.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A judge kept throwing out rape cases because the victim was "asking for it" because of how she was dressed. It happens all the time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People will still rape no matter what someone is wearing. In countries where women are required to wear clothes covering everything women are still raped. "She was dressing slutty" is just an escuse, that person would have found a reason to justify the rape anyway.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

iv ACTUALLY had some girl ask me for it, she kept hooking up with me and not letting me have sex with her and when i asked why she said she wanted me to get angry and just make her do it, shes into that so yes maby they are asking for it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah... but that's still consentual because she chose you to "rape" her.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

She wasn't asking you to rape her.... She just wanted you to be dominating. That is different than raping.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, she wasn't asking for it. But, people treat you the way that you present yourself. If you go to an interview in baggy pants, wrinkled shirt, talking like you do with your partying buddies, you're going to be treated like an irresponsible teenager. In the same way, if a girl goes into public dressed like a whore, she is going to be treated like a girl who is looking to get screwed by ever other guy. That doesn't make rape okay, not at all, but when a girl dresses that way, she is subjecting herself (willingly) to sexual attention from guys, and she should be prepared for the potential consequences, whether it be the simplest of things like innappropriate comments or staring, or something much more severe, like a man acting out desires to do innappropriate things to her body (that arise from her attire).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I totally agree with you. It's sad now a days we live in a world where women's fashion is tight and revealing

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No one deserves to be raped. But girls who dress like that are asking for attention and shouldn't be mad when they get it from normal, pervy (not rapist) guys.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No one ever deserves to be raped, period. Also, what you wear has almost nothing to do with it in any but acquaintance or "date" rape situations... so-called random rapists go for a type, and what you're wearing may be irrelevant or the most important thing, but how "slutty" it is won't be what triggers that kind of offender. Therefore, what a victim is wearing should never be an issue. However, the situation the victim puts themself in *is* important... not that a girl who gets drunk with 3 frat guys and goes to a private place with them deserves to get gang raped, but seriously, do you go to NYC and leave your keys on the hood of your car expecting it to be there when you get back? Use some freakin common sense, ladies... use the buddy system at big parties with unfamiliar people, never drink a drink you didn't have your eye on every second, and DON'T WANDER OFF WITH RANDOM DUDES. If they really like you, they'll like you tomorrow, too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I do understand criminal psychology fairly well, and I call bullshit on your post. Fact is, the vast majority of rapes aren't commited by "random dudes," but by some very specific people (let's call them "rapists") who work their way into the lives and routines of their victims. To tell a woman to never be alone with another person is to tell her not to date, get married, spend time with a brother/boyfriend/uncle/instructor/coach - basically, removing her agency and independence - and these are the people who are more likely to assault her. Telling women to avoid certain behaviours in order to avoid rape is *not* helpful. Her behaviour isn't what gets her raped, *his* is. In fact, she could "do everything right" and still get raped - and still get blamed because what she did wrong will be manufactured by those who wish they had the power to avoid rape and will grasp at whatever straw might be available. Or by the rapist, if he's ever put on trial, because he will use whatever victim-blaming excuse he can to shift the blame.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's obvious you know very little about criminal psychology.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Agreed, but I still don't support women dressing like whores. I would never date a girl who doesn't respect herself enough to keep her tits inside her shirt. It's a major turn-off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hurting anyone else in any way is wrong but if youre dressed like a whore it's like being shocked that someone stole the hundred you left on the counter at the bar

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with the statement "people treat you how you present yourself". Now, people who say that anyone DESERVES to get raped, is an ignorant asshole. But if you're going to portray yourself as a sexual object, people are going to look at you as such. It's stupid when people say that rape is ONLY about power, and not sexual desire. When your testosterone is up, you may have a craving for sex and power. You would be more likely to feel those sexual feelings towards someone who leaves almost nothing to the imagination, and parades around in ironically self-depricating clothing. It is true that some rapists may go for a certain "type" of girl to force sex onto. But there are many, less publicized rapists as well, such as teenage boys or young men, who rape as a result of a risen testosterone level.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

While this may be the case some of the time, for the vast majority of rapes that occur the way that the victim dresses has nothing to do with it. Girls should not think that just because they dress conservatively they will not be raped. In fact, dressing conservatively in some rapists minds gives off the vibe that the girl is a virgin; and there are many sick guys out there that get off on the idea of taking a girls virginity. My point is, dressing a certain way is not a leading factor in most rape cases.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know there are many people with sick fantasies and whatnot, but there are also everyday civilians, who just WANT to have sex. And if someone is dressed as though they are welcoming sexual attention, that person WOULD be more inclined to rape someone. I'm not talking like, a low cut shirt or shorts or anything. I mean like, dressing like a complete prostitute, like you have no self-respect. I never said that clothing is a leading factor, but my point is that you will be treated how you present yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

as a result of not controlling their urges*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'd like to see a reference for the "risen testosterone" argument. The fact is, the guy who rapes is more likely to encounter sexual dysfunction. Testosterone is key in maintaining an erection, so if his testosterone level was actually higher, erection shouldn't be an issue. In fact, the guy who attacks a woman after a date isn't attacking out of arousal he's attacking her "no," not her outfit or attractiveness.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*most. not the rest

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What if it's a boy getting raped who's wearing bootie shorts and a low cut shirt? In times like these, anything's possible. There are really just people out there who have sick fantasies in general.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I’ll just repeat what I’ve said in other comments. Wearing revealing clothes doesn’t cause rape, of course. But, it may attract the attention of the sort of man who might commit rape.

by Anonymous 1 year ago