+317 Either God loves all or He hates gays. Pick one, both can't be true, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I believe that he doesnt hate Gays... So yah :p

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He hates the sin, not the sinner.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Still. Why do some people hate the gays then? They themselves obviously sin too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes they do. To hate anyone is a sin.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i was so just about to say that. Thank you. Narnia.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So He doesn't hate gay people themselves, but He hates the thought of a gay couple being together? I don't like that idea at all. There's nothing wrong with being gay, so there's nothing wrong with acting on it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I pick neither, since he doesn't exist. P.S., no, random religious zealot, I would not like to debate the existence of God with you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

whatever you think, it's your opinion and that is what this site is all about isn't it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

HOW DARE YOU DENY THE EXISTENCE OF GOD!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!???111!?!eleven!? He's gonna smite you for that one!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I enjoy friendly debates :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

God doesn't 'hate' gays, he hates sin. In truth I believe he is saddened by them, but he still loves them

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because there's nothing sadder than two people in love.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Romeo and Juliet is a sad story, and it's about two people in love. Their love is doomed to never be acknowledged or accepted, I think that's sad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

He isn't "saddened" by them or any other bullshit. If anything, he's saddened that people are goin' 'round spreadin' rumors about how he hates specific people when he doesn't.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-PX2Z4r-e4&feature=related OMG RELEVANT!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If gays are really born that way, then God created them that way, so why would he hate them for something that was technically his fault?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(BetterThanEzra1119):they are born that way and god does love them same as he does anybody. But the reason it is a sin is because it is a selfish sin, it is a sin of putting your personal feelings before gods word. But this is also the same as lusting over a woman. No sin is greater than another, so essentially there is no difference between a man lusting for women or a man lusting for men. Sin is sin, both are sinful but god doesn't hate you for either. Both will be accepted into heaven if the ask forgiveness of there sins and believe in the lord Jesus Christ.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So why don't Bible Thumpers yell at teenage parents? I haven't acted on lust, I've just had crushes on people. Why do they hate me instead of people who have sex all the time?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(shelbyam118):because the "bible thumpers" of which you speak do not follow the word of christ even though they claim to. A follower of christ hates no one, god hates no one. The people of which you speak are judgemental and self righteous, both are not qualities of followers of christ. God loves gays as much as anyone even though are sinners, but everyone is a sinner and no ones sin is greater than another. The difference between a righteous man and an unrighteous man is that the righteous man asks forgiveness of his sin whether he be gay or straight.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

see, I do have a problem with the idea of homosexuality as a sin. I can't choose to be gay, and people have argued that everyone is born a sinner and gays shouldn't take it personally. But it I sin by lying to my mom, it's my choice. If I believed in God, would ask or forgivends because of sins I could help. I do not find it fair that I have no choice in this matter and am still expected to apologize. I'd gladly apologize for something intentional, but not this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*See *if *forgiveness Sorry, on mobile.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

well what I have been taught in my church is that being a homosexual is not a sin, its commiting homosexual acts that are a sin. Like lusting for a man, or being "involved" with another man, that is were the sin comes from. But nobody is beyond forgiveness from god no matter the sin. I understand that you feel you shouldn't apologize because you can't help it, but we are human and we are all imperfect and are born with a tendency to sin. We must all ask forgiveness for ourselves. As ahomosexual your sins are no greater than anybody elses, so you shouldn't feel any more hampered by asking forgiveness than anybody else.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, a few things. 1.Please captalize correctly. God should be capatalized. By overlooking this mistake that you have made repeatedly, it comes across like you do not care about what you are saying. 2.How are you putting yourself against God if you are just doing what God made you to do? Doesn't make sense to me. 3. How would forgiveness work in this case? "Oh, Lord, I have sinned. Now I'm going to go back to being gay." You cant just ask for forgiveness for something and then keep doing it with no effort to stop. 4. I am interested on your take of th Bible. Do you think the rules in the Old Testiment still aply today? Just curious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(BetterThanEzra1119):I have not been using proper capitallization because I'm writing from a phone and it is a bit of a hassle. Humans are born imperfect, we are all born with tendencies to sin for which we must ask forgiveness. I believe if you do ask forgiveness you should try to resist the temptation of the sin, but regardless of what you do the lord will forgive your sin. And in regards to the old testement I do believe that it still applies only if there isn't something in the new testement going against it. For example the dietary laws of the old testement no longer applies because Christ said that what you put in to your mouth will not defile you. The word of Christ should be followed over all others.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Icouldn't help but laughing at one part of your comment. There is something that goes against the New Testiment. And that something, Hun, is Jesus. And do you think that being and acting go hand-in-hand? About the capitalization errors, I am also typing this from my cell and I know what you mean. About

by Anonymous 12 years ago

God does not love everyone, I'm pretty sure he isn't going to love the murderers and the rapists, but, yeah God doesn't hate the homosexuals, he doesn't like the actions.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hate the sin, love the sinner. That's how it works. But I think, if god made you, and you turned out gay, then damnit you were meant to be gay. Look up Misty the drag queen on Facebook. S/he goes into depth about being raised in a catholic family while gay.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You don't "turn out" gay. you're born that way.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I realize this.. I have gay family members. I said "turn out" gay, as in discovering finally that they are attracted to the same sex. You don't discover your sexuality the moment you're born.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If He hates the sin and not the sinner, why would he punish the sinner?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

the sinner can only be punished for his sin if he does not ask forgiveness, the moment you ask forgiveness all of your sin is unconditionally forgiven.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think that "God hates the sin not the sinner" is appropriate to say about it because I don't think being gay is a sin.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Most sane religious folk can agree that God doesn't hate anyone. He loves everybody, even the "sinners". However, when you say things like "He loves the sinner but not the sin," you imply that while he loves homosexuals, he hates homosexual couples. That's not okay. Accepting someone who is gay isn't just about accepting that person; it's about accepting the person they love and accepting the fact that they are together.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The Bible says nothing about God hating gays. God stands for love, so he's incapable of hatred in any form. Basically the Bible explains that God never intended same sex relationships. He thinks it's a slap in the face pretty much just like sex before marriage. Fornification and homosexuality are of the same disdain in God's eyes, but that doesn't automatically mean that he despises fornicators or gays. He just strongly disapproves of their choices.

by Anonymous 12 years ago