+146 You dont know what to think about obama, hes an okay president but hes a nice guy, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The people who hate him are usually the ones who expected him to fix all of America's problems overnight. He's a human, just because he was able to inspire everybody and promise change doesn't mean he's a miracle worker.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But we elected him to fix America's problems. Not to make promises and "inspire".

by Anonymous 12 years ago

He has done stuff, however. People try to ignore it because it's far from what they expected, but just because you can't sense change doesn't mean it's not there.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What stuff.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know if you were paying attention to the news, but the unemployment rate is up, the economy is looking better, he got us out of the War on Terror, helped repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, passed universal healthcare, and captured Osama Bin Laden, all with a divided government. Funny how all of that happened in only 3 years.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What news are you watching?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm sure it wasn't Fox News.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Probably the news that fails to mention that in those 3 years the national debt per capita has become greater then the GDP per capita.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Which usually happens during a recession when the housing market crashes because of banks that gave out risky mortgages. That's what happens when college tuition skyrockets. I bet that trend started to surface before Obama took the presidency, and when he did take it, the term wouldn't just stop and become better all of a sudden.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Unemployment has also been at its lowest as well as highest in years under his term. It fluctuates and with no stable growth this is not an accomplishment. The war on terror is still going on, just in afghan instead of Iraq. Sure he repealed don't ask don't tell, but that isn't going to change anything about the armed forces. Universal healthcare is going to bankrupt our country. We can't even afford to fund Medicare and Medicaid so how do you think paying for everybodys physicals is going to pan out? And I live when people use the Osama bin laden story. Did he do the recon? Did he pull the trigger? Did he fly the chopper? No. He said "okay general, do your thing!" Not to mention the reason the government is so divided is because of HIS near-communistic ideas while he does absolutely nothing to embrace the other side. He did quit smoking though. Funny how he's done more to ruin this country than Bush in less than half the time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think we can be friends.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Do you think Bush has nothing to do with any of that? Obama did not single-handedly ruin our country in three years. That is IMPOSSIBLE. He had help from Bush junior, bush senior, Clinton, the stalemate Congress, the global economy, and a whole host of other things. I don't understand why people blame Obama for things like high gas prices which he has nothing to do with but won't give him credit for the constant job creation for over 12 consecutive months. Congresses shot down his Jobs Act which had majority of the people's support, and they say he spends too much, but when he advocates less military spending ( 58 percent of non-mandatory goes to the military and 4 percent to education), people go berserk. Besides, of course you spend more in a recession. It's called priming the pump.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not at all. Absolutely he had help. But you shouldn't measure a presidents success by what state they leave the country in, but by how much better it is than when they took office, which it is the opposite. And also this whole "spend-your-way-out-of-debt" strategy is getting pretty old. How much money over how many years does in take to "stimulate" the economy? So far, it has plunged us into near-servitude to China and has seen no permanent results. Yeah it takes money to make money but at this point it's just a crutch.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, Obama spends a lot, but so did Bush, and he was not dealing with a recession or implementing as many big reforms as Obama is. Many of the economics indicators are back to where they were in 2008 after falling or even better.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I would like to point out that supply side hasn't really worked, either. Also, Obama isn't the only president to pass a stimulus package. Bush did it too. In fact, many presidents do, unless they're lucky and have an amazing economy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you're going to blame Bush for Obama's failures, you should also give him credit for Obama's successes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm just saying that Bush is not blameless, and it amazes me how people can just disregard or put blinders on to the things Obama has accomplished in his VERY difficult term.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Each president has his faults and accomplishments. I don't necessarily agree with what Bush's views, but he got stuff done. Just bevause you disagree with his policies, it doesn't mean he didn't accomplish them. They're still done. He came into the presidency with the high unemployment rates. Within the first year of a presidency, pretty much nothing gets done unless it's by luck. The president is still getting situated. That gave Obama a year to try to get stuff done before he reached a stalemate in congress. Obama took all combat troops out of Iraq. That means the war is over. There are still troops helping with recovery though. Also, you aren't disproving either the repeal of don't ask, don't tell and universal healthcare as accomplishments. You're stating your personal views. Just because you think his ideas are communistic doesn't mean he didn't accomplish anything, bevause he did. It's just that what he accomplished was not to your liking.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Casualties in Iraq have double since Obama took office.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

While I think the Osama Bin Laden thing was really awesome, not all people agree with those things he did.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I completely understand that. Just my opinion, I count that as an accomplishment. Others don't. Of course, that project was started by the Bush administration, so not all credit goes to Obama.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, but he made them worse, or lied. I think he's probably a cool guy to hang out and have a drink with, but as a president, no.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No but we don't expect him to make things worse. Also you'd think that four years is enough to make some sort of progress that doesn't reverse itself the next month

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There's no such thing as succeeding as President. There will always be a huge group of people who hate you and say you were the worst president ever.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Three years into his term, I view Obama as a good president, but he isn't up there with some of the greats.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Might I add that he was dealing with the worst economic situation since the Depression?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well he's better than Bush.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

He's spent more than Bush in less than half the time...

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Im talking dollars not percents. It's simply subtraction. Bush leaves us $8 trillion is debt. We are now $15.3 trillion in the hole. And in only three years. I actually laughed at that journalists stupidity. He writes out all these graphs and finds all these percentages and uses rationalizing (however unsound) logic to compare the big spenders, but doesn't know how to subtract. lololol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm glad you chose one of the most bias news sources in the history of the entirety of human existence and civilization.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

He also had more targeted killings performed than Bush did.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I would like you to keep in mind that it goes up with each president. Clinton is the only president in US history to ever balance a budget. According to my government textbook, Bush spent more than all of the precious presidents combined in his term. It happens to all presidents. Also, you have to take into account not only what is being spent, but also what is being earned, the GDP.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But if a candidate promises to balance the budget and cut back on spending, you wouldn't expect the debt to double. If Bush was really THAT bad, then Obama's fiscal incompetence can not be overstated as he has spent MORE than Bush in less than HALF the time. And while return on investment is a crucial part in fiscal decisions, we have to look at what has really been gained. Have the temporary jobs that come and go within the month been worth the trillions of taxpayer's dollars he spent in bailouts? Honestly, all stimulus packages are good for is a crutch. If an economy is on the brink of collapse, then it could use a boost, but when that money inevitably runs out the jobs go with it. Not to mention, last month the national debt surprassed the entire GDP. We now owe more money to other countries than we make in a year. Yes Bush was bad. We all know that and I hate when people use that to boost Obama up. Obama is his own person and makes (some) different choices than Bush did. And after three years, the situation has hardly improved if at all.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hey, I just got around to responding to your shaky argument and I am glad you mentioned GDP, you should look it up and see how it compares to our national debt per capita. Also, the last president to leave office with ZERO national debt was Andrew Jackson in the 1800's. Clinton borrowed money for Social Security to help amend some of the spending projects he created. Edit: Textbooks give faulty information by the way. Don't trust everything you read in those school textbooks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's hard to accomplish anything with a divided Congress. But even then, he's still managed to accomplish some things.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So you know exactly what to think about Obama?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The wording of this post confuses me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago