+442 People misunderstand criticism of government as a dislike for country. You can love America and still hate the people that run it. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's untrue. Either you worded that wrong, or your own thought is wrong. That's like saying "I love X-brand chocolate, but I hate the factory of X". America is but the product of the leader's manufacturing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That sounded intelligent, until... I realized what you were saying, so for like a second you sounded intelligent. CONGRATULATIONS! But seriously, come on... the leaders might have something to do with the shaping of the country... but it's not completely up to the government. The people who live in it also shape it up, just as much.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, they do have an impact, but not a very big one. I mean, the government is what makes the people act the way they do anyway, with all these gays being mad and all. How can you not see that the leaders have the most impact? Just the slightest change in the government would turn the country upside-down and inside-out, and even those people you mentioned would turn completely different as well. A country can't just exist, while the government is somewhere there in the corner making snide little comments and stealing wallets from people; the government is the teacher of the class and class would not be anything like it is without the teacher.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Do you try to talk like that? Or does it come naturally? The answer to my question lies in your age, gimme a range.... Anywho, I was being a little sarcastic, when I said, they "might have something to do with the shaping of the country". The government does have an important role in the country, however I don't think it's as important as you're putting it out to be. Government is only important when the country is at peace and the people are satisfied with their lives. Because they are doing their job and it's as if they don't even exist. Even in this scenario people still find a reason to criticize the government and try to deviate from it. However most of the time there is a lot of trouble running around and the people are unsatisfied, because the government is as useless as chopped liver. These times usually end with a revolution or something like that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, nearly every country these days has its own special government that makes the country itself differ from those other countries. If you like the country, you just have to like the government, because all it is is land under the control of those people who run it. You can't just like the land, then you'd like Earth as a whole. How do I talk? Sorry if my comment was too long, if that's what you're implying. I'm not too good with compacting thoughts into puny 2-sentence comments.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No it's not too long, that's not an open invitation for a long comment though. Just curious

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just curious about what!? You're really bad at communicating clearly, you know.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It seems like you guys have this discussion covered..... Im gonna go eat.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

NO YOU'RE NOT! If you love the country, then you have to take it whole. That's like saying, "HEY I LOVE PIZZA, BUT I'M NOT GOING TO EAT THE CRUST!!!"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's actually a pretty bad analogy, considering many people eat the pizza and leave the crust.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're a quick one aren't ya? I was being sarcastic again... that's why I was arguing with you, because I was on the ops side.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not my fault you suck at sarcasm. How am i supposed to know which side you're even on if you're such a wuss you won't display your votes and have all comments the neutral colour?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't vote, because I didn't care. I was arguing with you, so I naturally assumed that YOU would also ASSUME I'm on the ops side

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, you're a butt trumpet, you are. I'm done with this.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lol...he just won.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thus, why they invented stuffed-crust pizza ... or square pizzas (no crust edge without toppings)

by Anonymous 5 years ago

Disliking who ruled us and acting against it is what formed our country. Its an American right, privilege, and expectation to question our government and vote/protest to change it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

damngirl's got it right.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's a 2-edged sword. It is American to be mistrustful of government ... going back to the founding of our country. But on the other side ... the American people ARE the government (in theory).

by Anonymous 5 years ago