+628 Suicide isn't the result of weak people, it's the result of people who lose hope. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

inb4 a huge debate on depression/ if people should commit suicide or not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So you're saying that a weak person can't lose hope and a person with no hope can't be weak? I think the two go hand in hand fairly often, no?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No. I'm saying most people don't kill themselves because of the fact that they're weak. They kill themselves because of the fact that they have no hope left. Weak people can have a hope of becoming stronger to cling to. But hopeless people can't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I dunno, George Carlin was pretty cynical and he never struck me as weak. ;P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

IDK but l wouldn't judge unless I've been there and back.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not making a judgment any more than the OP is. (This applies to the other person who implied I was judging anyone.) I was making the observation that a weak person CAN lose hope and vice versa.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

sorry, i misunderstood.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

been there, (almost) done that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(close call): I'm glad you didn't. I've been there too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

people often assume depressed people are weak. this isnt true. they always assumee that they only have to worry about the kids who seem like they have a problem, when the kids with real problems hide it so well that nobody can tell. then they feel abandoned because they feel like they cannot trust anyone, until they feel like they have lost everything. they are not week, they just cant see the point of living anymore. dont debate over this unless you know. ive been there. im trying to get out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've been there too. That's why I was able to say it with confidence. When I found hope, everything changed for me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

its funny though, how people like us can go through a day laughing at the people who pretend that they cut, the people that just want attention, but really we are constantly jealous that those people are getting noticed, even if it is for the wrong reason. by the way i was the anonymous that you responded to.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, that's a good point. Most of us suffer silently. The most common thing you hear on actual suicides is, "We had no idea." That's WHY they kill themselves. They keep it bottled up, and that is why they lose hope.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I find suicide acceptable in the event that the only other alternative is a slow, painful death. Other than that, suicide is the product of people who don't know how to handle their problems, make any attempt at facing them, refuse to get help, let their bullshit cloud their vision, or simply can't handle the stresses of day to day living. In any case, they're weak. Strong people don't lose hope. Hope is what makes a person strong, if they lose hope, they are weak. If any healthy person in a developed country truly believes that they should commit suicide, maybe they should. I'd hate to see what a real problem does to them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's ridiculous. You might be right about the fact that they don't know how to properly handle their stress. I struggled with figuring that out. But saying they're weak is completely wrong. You would have no idea what it's like. Every day is proof of your strength. I'm not saying it's right. But I do not agree with you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You talk like you know me. You don't, though. You don't know that my entire family (me included) stuggles with severe bipolar disorder. You don't know that everyone in my family (me not included) has attempted suicide at least twice throughout their lives. You don't know that a few family members and a majority of my friends struggle with depression and have scars up and down their arms/legs. You don't know that suicide is at the forefront of my thoughts multiple times a day. The thing is, I'm simply too strong to consider cutting as a crutch. I'm just too strong to turn to substance abuse. I'm too strong to commit suicide. I'm not a selfish bastard, and realize the effect that my sudden suicide would have on my friends and family. That aside, I'm just not an idiot. I'd go get help, confess all my feelings, etc. Before even thinking of seriously commiting suicide. I'll be the first too admit that I lose hope on a daily basis, I just don't give in.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You should've explained that first. I'm glad that you don't. And I applaud you for it. I'm not saying committing suicide is right, and I'm not exactly saying that they have an excuse. Because it is possible to get help. I did. But what I said is true. Hopelessness is easy to fall into. And once you get to that point, you don't know how to get help, even when the answer is obvious.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's you. Not everyone is like you. That's one of the basic truths of the world, and if you don't understand that, then empathy doesn't come easy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Me being me doesn't change the factor that prevents my suicide. It's not as if I have some sort of advantage over anyone else. I'd go more in-depth, but it's really late and I'm really tired.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It does, actually. Some are more psychologically prepared to deal with stress than others.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not the psychological aspect that matters. It's the facts that matter. The facts are, cutting, suicide, negligence to seek help, etc. Are all conscious decisions by the individual. They are also all options available to everyone. If a person fails to resist the temptation to cut or kill themselves, the blame rests with them for choosing that route instead of the plethora of alternative options. That's where it gets harsh. If, in spite of this, someone STILL feels the need to commit suicide, then we simply don't need their genes for defective brain chemisty floating around.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You still don't get it. It's absolutely the psychological aspects that matter. The science states that some people are naturally introverted, and will be very resistant to seeking help. Consider also that not everyone who seeks help gets it. People are cruel, people don't give a shit. People don't have time. It happens. You of all people should understand this. As for your last statement, I can only say that eugenics is a sick sport.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I was going to yell at you before I saw this comment. I applaud you for thinking of others. I've thought about suicide but I could never do it considering how much it would hurt those around me, though I have depression and body dysmorphic disorder and it's hard to want a future sometimes, you're amazing for being so unselfish.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Someone who commits suicide is weak 100%. My story? I'm 21. Car accident may09. Horrible back/neck/shoulder/hip/wrist/etc injuries. STILL have horrible pain, weakness, etc. Bad anxiety of anything to do with driving. Gained 40lbs the 3 months after cuz I couldn't get out of bed. 21 years old, diabetic, testing around 400 (should be under 120) could easily go into a diabetic coma testing over 300. Hypertensive. Super high cholestoral, a1c, triglycerites, blood pressure & other shit. Likely need my galbladder removed. Anemic. On the track for a heart attack before I'm 25. Could lose a toe..foot..leg..can't get a job with the se injuries. Need to lose the 40 lbs to get all these health issues down. Kinda hard with back probs. Blah blah blah. Maybe I should just kill myself yeah? HA! No way. I have so much fucking more to live for, thanks. Yet bitches kill themselves over someone that doesn't mean shit calling them fat ugly fag whatever. Damn.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Losing hope is the sign of weak people

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Unless you've been there you have no idea what it's like

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Been where? In a hard situation? Having a sucky life? We have ALL been there in our own way so yes we all have an idea, and we decided not to commit suicide.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Um ok? Damn your making it seem like I tried to commit suicide.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's not what I'm doing at all. I'm trying to say don't make excuses for people who do commit suicide.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People who commit suicide are brave,they are not afraid to die,they are not weak at all.I guess any of you are afraid of plane accidents right?well if yes you are weak,not that pearson,because you are afraid of dying.For some people it is better to die rather than struggle to remain alive,if this is how they feel we must let them do what they want.If our support doesn't help at all we must let them.We must voluneer for them we must listen to their problems,try and help them.I am not sure how many people would do that-help the people who really need it,be there for them,give a piece of advice! Society nowadays is very cruel,there are friends (you actualy think) who talk about you behind your back and so on...no support,family is too busy to make money...then you get to be alone,nobody is listening to you,if you are introvert you will get closer and closer to suicide. If all of you who think are brave would try to change the society,then you will really be brave!

by Anonymous 13 years ago