+210 I don't need to worship anything to be a good person or live a good life, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I loveee this post. (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Finally. I have gotten so much criticism for being an athiest, someone even said I'm probably only an athiest because "it seems to be popular nowadays." Wtf? Who picks a belief because it's the "popular" thing? I don't....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I've heard this before aswell and it really angers me. stick to what you believe even if it's not popular.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

exactly! my thing is that you should do something because its the right thing and not because you're savior jesus christ spoke to you and told you to do it

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I totally agree!!! In fact that was my argument against two devout Christians that stopped me on the street to preach to me. Once they found out I wasn't religious they promptly told me that I was a bad person and was going to be sent to hell.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i had kind of an epiphany right there and i just turned it into a post :) also, when you have religion as an excuse i feel like it allows you to do things you shouldn't. "you're going to hell. but just because god told me and not because i hate you or anything"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Exactly. The Christian guy that stopped me only asked me questions like "Have you ever lied," "Have you ever hated anyone," "Have you ever cursed?" But not "Have you ever donated blood?" "Have you ever volunteered?" or "Have you ever done something nice for a person without wanting something in return?" I felt he was only searching for a way to prove my being a bad person in his well, his God's eyes.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

im sure he's lied cursed and hated! lying and hating is almost human nature!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

To quote him he was like "To hate in God's eyes is to have murder in your heart" so I said, "So...to hate Hitler is bad?" He moved on to the next question after that one.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

hahahahaha thats hilarious! i can just picture it. i remember this one girl i was talking to was saying something about gays and god and i asked her "why god put gays on the earth if he hates them so much?" and she said "uh... i don't know... he just did"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Are you sure those weren't Jehovah's Witnesses that you were talking to? Those are usually the crazy ones who like to preach to people on the street and aren't even true Christians. None of the Christians I know would say straight up to a random person that they're going to hell because they're a bad person. They'd definitely be a bit more tactful than that.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But it's still what they think, isn't it? Therefore, what you're saying is beside the point.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You wrote - "I don't need to worship anything to be a good person or live a good life." Absolutely true! And, being a good person / living a good life won't get you through the Pearly Gates either!

by Anonymous 7 years ago