+714 I'm not against immigration; I'm against ILLEGAL immigration. There's a difference. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i dont see why people are concidered illigal. its everybodys earth. but i didnt vote cuz im not tottaly clued in on the subkect

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Good God... *I *don't *considered *illegal *It's *everybody's *Earth *But *I *didn't *because *I'm *totally *subject

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's the internet ,grammar nazi.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's just a comment, anonymous version of the user he just corrected.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

By God, this is the internet! Thank you Captain Obvious, I have been enlightened. But seriously, Helen Keller types better than that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Grammar Nazi" needs to be capitalized.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Incorrectly placed comma ono

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ugh. most of yhose are typos, or casual short terms or not using '

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What an idiot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It is so hard for people to get a green card. If it was a little bit easier for them to do it legally, then they wouldn't be illegal immigrants. As long as they aren't criminals, I don't see why it should matter. Besides, what is a border anyways, but an imaginary line.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"As long as they aren't criminals." That's the issue- by coming here illegally, they are criminals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I meant like a dangerous criminal, not because they crossed a stinkin line. If they are a rapist or murderer or robber or something, then I don't want them here. But how is a normal family that happened to be born in another country a threat?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A normal family that happened to be born in another country is not a threat. But when they make the decision to come into our country without following the correct procedures, they do break federal law. They recieve all of the benefits of living in the United States without any of the civil duties required of citizens. Public education, public hospitals, welfare, etc. are paid for by citizens and can be used by illegals. They live in our country safely without registering for selective services. That's why it is a problem.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

SUCH a myth. To receive welfare you have to have proof of citizenship. Ya, you can't turn someone away from the hospital if they really need it but how is that different from us donating money to other countries for medical issues? And they do pay sales tax and gas tax. Why not just make it easier to get into the country so they can do everything properly?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The difference comes from voluntarily offering resources to people versus having them taken by people who are taking advantage of a system. Paying sales tax and gas tax still does not mean that they pay everything which a citizen has to. And we have the system we do for a reason- there are reasons why not everyone can come into our country. I understand that it can be a long and difficult process, but the fact is that illegal immigration is just that- illegal. It's not a question of if the process is too difficult, it's a question of going about things in the established way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think they should pay tax too, so you should make them legal. Do you know when extra laws were made about immigration? During the 1st Red Scare. It was a blatantly racist move. So why do we keep things the same? It'll fix basically everything most people complain about.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are you talking about granting amnesty to illegal immigrants? Because that doesn't solve the problem at all. That says that we don't enforce our own laws and encourages others to come over and break them because we're not really going to do anything about it except hand over benefits.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, it's saying we welcome everybody and want to give them a chance to make a better life for themselves. The government doesn't have to give out welfare. And that way they'd be paying all the same taxes. If we make the laws they're breaking legal then why would that say come and break other laws?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We can't welcome everybody. Yeah, it sucks, but there it is. We can't support having that many people in our country. And no, the government doesn't have to provide welfare, but if it were to get cut it would cause a nationwide freakout. The major problem with amnesty is that it forgives those who have broken the law, which sends the message that it's okay to break the law because we'll just forgive you and grant you the benefits of citizenship.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maybe then government should grow some balls and learn to make welfare cuts. Honestly. What's wrong with forgiving? It'd be saying, "It's ok you're trying to live a good life. we'll now give you the same chance as everyone else here and also make you carry the same load"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, there probably should be welfare cuts, but it will never happen because no one will ever vote for it. As for forgiving, the problem with it is, as I've said before, that it doesn't hold people accounable for their crimes. We say "you're trying to live a good life, we'll give you the same chance and make you carry the same load," to legal immigrants. To illegals, it's letting them get away with breaking a federal law. Should people be allowed to get away with speeding, theft, drug possession, murder? Why should some laws be malleable and others not?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because there's nothing inherently wrong with coming to another country. All of the other laws were created for a pretty good reason. Immigration laws were created to be racist (if you don't believe me look up the first red scare). So... if we forgive them for breaking the federal law of coming here improperly they'll start to think it's ok to murder people? Logical conclusion...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not like we're the only ones with immigration laws. They're a pretty standard thing with a distinct and necessary purpose. If we ignore immigration laws, we have people coming in and taking advantage of benefits without giving anything back. I never said that if we forgive illegal immigration they will assume it's okay to murder people. I was making the point that it is a federal law and our laws have the same weight. If we ignore one of them, it is just as detrimental as ignoring any other one. It's a comparison, not a chain of events.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think that all laws carry the same weight so getting rid of some laws would effect the others in that their importance will be decreased. How would they be taking advantage without giving back? If they have to pay taxes they'd be giving back.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why wouldn't laws carry the same weight? They're all laws, if you violate any one of them you have the appropriate consequence. You can't forgive the breaking of a law without paying for it later. Getting rid of a law is different from arbitrarily forgiving everyone who has broken it in the past. The fact is that they are taking advantage without giving it back. There's welfare, health care, education. They don't pay taxes, they don't follow our other laws. Even if they were to become legal citizens there's no way to make that up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because murdering someone is much worse than speeding in a school zone. (I think most laws are somewhere in between there). If they all carried the same weight then they'd all have the same punishment and that would be inappropriate. How would we pay for it later? People who dodged the Vietnam draft were forgiven and how have we payed for that? More young men saved in a generation? Yes they're taking some without giving back which is why we need to give them the chance to! With how are laws are currently written there's no way for them to. And they can't get welfare without citizenship and unless they got private healthcare (which they would pay for) they can't get that either, it falls under welfare. What other laws aren't they following? Not tax evasion if they can't pay taxes because they're not citizens :P Their starting to pay taxes would make up for the money they used in the education system. There IS a way to make up for it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't say some crimes weren't worse than others. But laws are all enforced the same. If someone breaks any law, whichever it is, then they recieve the appropriate consequence, whether thats a fine or prison. If we grant amnesty to illegals, are we going to grant it again to the next hundred thousand? Then the next? What other laws are we going to decide to just not enforce? As Dannigirl pointed out, you can get welfare without citizenship. Health care comes from public hospitals- it's possible to get free vaccines and treatment. These things are paid for by taxes, which they don't pay. They won't register for selective service, but they recieve the benefits of protection. If they did become legal, they wouldn't ever be able to pay for what they took while illegal. And, it's likely that they would still recieve government support- it's possible to get more from a tax refund for more than you paid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not talking about granting amnesty, I'm talking about permanently changing the laws. Permanent solution. What state are you in? For all healthcare like that in California you need to provide a valid driver's license and social security number, and California is the state with the most amount of illegal immigrants. And if everyone is legal then they Have to register for selective service. Can start paying taxes (yes it's true that you can get a larger refund but it's not just immigrants that can do that). And why couldn't they ever be able to pay back?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I already said there's a distinct difference between changing the law and forgiving those who have already broken it. The issue isn't over how the law should be, it's over those who are violating how it is. That's California, not everywhere. There are places where illegal immigrants can get these benefits. And again, in the future they may pay taxes, etc., but right now they are not. And it takes time for laws to change. I'm aware that not just immigrants recieve larger refunds, but there will be an increase in the number of people who are doing it. They can't pay it back because it is years worth of unrepaid benefits. Sure, they can pay for their future activities, but to pay back everything from the past would be hugely expensive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What I'm arguing is that the law should change because it was made for unethical, unconstitutional reasons (I'm assuming you're in America because of how the conversation is going). I think the issue is over what the law is, not just a temporary fix. I think that's just dumb, it makes for terrible record keeping. And what I meant by that not only immigrants receive benefits is that other people would have the same issue with trying to pay back funds. It's not an immigrant issue, it's an organization issue.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The post is about being against illegal immigration. It doesn't matter what the law is, it's illegal to break it. The point is that some people obtain these benefits legally and others don't. Those that don't aren't contributing anything back. Whether or not the system is any good, there is still a serious issue when people knowingly violate it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know what the post is about, so my solution to the issue is to change the law so it's no longer an issue. That's about illegal immigration because it's in regards to it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, you don't necessarily have to prove anything, depending on the welfare program. Some specifically say that if you are an illegal immigrant or if any of the people you live with are illegal immigrants, you don't have to admit to it. My natural born, patriotic American sister couldn't get on government help to have her baby because she and her husband, collectively, made $0.20 too much per hour.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know you do in California, and it's one of the states where this is a big issue. My husband and I applied for welfare because hospital bills got out of control but we make $1500/year too much so I know how that feels :(

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wouldn't give a care if they didn't send their money off to Mexico. Most of the illegals that are over here are just sending OUR money into THEIR economy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

people need to do things legally. Say, you are 'illegal'. You can't get a license or insurance. But you drive anyways. Get in an accident. Now, the other LEGAL person...is fucked. Like me. Rear ended. NOT my fault in any way at all. 2 years later...I'm fucked with bills I can't pay, because I can't work,,because of my injuries. 21 years old. Couldn't finish my trade school. Can't do what I've wanted and trained my entire life to do as my career. Cool. But illegal fucktard that hit me? He's cool. Still working his under the table job. Doin what he wants. Blah blah blah. Bullfuckingshit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

u mad bro?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Didn't need your life story, although it's hilarious.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

he wouldn't do those things illegally if he could get a green card.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah but he didn't, now did he?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My husband and I didn't have insurance when we got rear-ended and it automatically placed him in the wrong. And you could've done something about it if it's caused that much damages. Your insurance should've paid for it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not against brutally raping young women, than slitting their throats, I'm against ILLEGALLY raping young women than slitting their throats. People are people; land is land, you're a fucking idiot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That doesn't make sense, the two scenerios are completely different...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm saying that they. Are the same things just with an "illegal" lable.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Raping and slitting throats are always illegal. Immigration can be done legally or illegally, there is a very distinct difference. That's the point.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There shouldn't be a difference. People are people no matter where they come from, land is land. The government shouldn't be allowed to claim land. Especially over there in the "Land of the free"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's more an issue of sovereignty. The United States has laws which apply to a specific area. So does Mexico, so does Canada, so do England and France and Kyrgyzstan. By ignoring established means of moving from one country to any another, you are blatently violating the laws of that country. If we ignore immigration laws, we begin give up our sovereignty, which opens us up to a plethora of larger problems.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thats what i said! everyone keeps saying "but its illegal" when it shouldnt even be illegal.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Who are we to say what land is ours? Who does or doesn't live on that land? Who can or can't live on that ground? We may act like it but, we aren't gods, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

can you guys stick to the fucking subject ?? who cares how it is spelled !

by Anonymous 13 years ago