+483 The expression "there are other fish in the sea" is stupid. Obviously I know there are other guys out there, but the only one I care about right now is THIS one, or else I wouldn't be crying over him. Amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

This post just made me miss my girlfriend..... :'(...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

wanna catch the big one eh.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well, I just love her.... and poeple tell me that "there are other fish"... that I am stupid for settling for one girl :/... I say... FUCK them! :O...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

this made my year. i have loved this guy and ppl say get over him and that i will find someone else .when i cant they get upset with me cuz i talk about HIM so often.

by Anonymous 14 years ago