+312 Asking a woman about her weight is just one of those things you don't do. Unless you're her doctor. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Or unless she just dropped 50 pounds and is down to 125.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Which I've always thought is dumb. Its not like you can't see if someone is fat or skinny. Big deal. I'm the heaviest I've been in my life. Gained 45lbs after a car wreck. Was 180 give or take at the heaviest. 172 now. Funny though, noone believes I gained that much. Lucky me I guess?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(-_-): Well, even though I think its a pretty insignificant thing, I know a lot of girls who are very sensitive about it (even though they're no where near fat). And since its one of those "rules" that has been instilled in society for so long now, many women already have it in their minds that to inquire about weight is some sort of unspeakable act.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah, I understand it. I just wish more girls could have more self confidence. Like, when I was 135 I thought I was fat. But to say I'm 172 now at first I wouldn't dare say it..when I finally told a few people they genuinly said they couldn't tell. (Not just saying it to make me feel better) some people said they would have guessed 5-10 lbs at the most but yeah, its weird. Even being this heavy I'm probably the most self confident I've ever been.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(-_-): Well thats great for you :) It would be nice if more girls (and guys too maybe?) could possess that confidence. There is no fat or skinny, there's just people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago