+374 When you think about it, before we had such scientific knowledge, a certain fruit/vegetable could have been presumed poisonous for hundreds of years because the person who first ate it could have been allergic, which could have lead others to believe that it is poisonous. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, gee, thanks captain obvious.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Like the tomato.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

for a long time most europeans thought tomatoes were poisonous because their plates were made of lead, which reacted with the tomato juice in some weird way, that could put people into a coma. also the origin of the concept of zombies :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's pretty good thinking there y

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i highly doubt this is true, even before someone coined the word "science" (in any language), im sure early humans went around making scientific observations. For example: Guy 1: eats nut ---> gets rashes *everyone concludes nuts poisonous* Girl 1: eats nut ---> no allergic reaction *everyone concludes nuts are only 'poisonous' to males* Guy 2 (a DARING guy): eats nuts ---> no allergic reaction of course they have no idea what an allergic reaction is, but they get the idea that nuts may be harmful to some while perfectly fine to others. Science is just a deep study of logic, and experimenting to conclude and support logic. Most of the things we eat today were derived from ingredients used culinary by some culture or the other centuries or even millenia ago and most of these observations happen over a long period of time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand what you're saying, but if Guy 1 and Girl 1 both had allergic reactions, other people in the community would not eat it because they would think that it is poisonous.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yes but there is always the chance that someone else will be curious enough to try it. Perhaps guy 2 wasn't paying attention, perhaps hes from different community, perhaps theres a drought and only nuts to eat guy 2 might suggest they give them another chance. like i said these kind of observations happened over the course of many many years...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's just a thought.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't worry, i understand what you mean :] people were often pig-headed too....they thought the earth was flat for a longass time..

by Anonymous 13 years ago