+462 Black people seem.. whiny. I mean, there're complaints about Mark Twain's book 'Huckleberry Finn' having "nigger" in it like 250 times. I've never heard of a Mexican complain out "beaner" being in a book, or women being called bitches 800 times in every rap song, or anything of the sort, that has actually resulted in a change in the literature in question, yet Mark Twain's work was changed. Wtf... amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well if black people can call each other nigger, then they shouldnt be flippin out about a book written when "nigger" was commonly used.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you could call your mother a bitch if you wanted to, right? but you'd probably murder my ass if i did, correct? same thing buddy, they both come from a special place in the heart no one else can fully understand _And agg you guys are just jealous cause no one (with a best seller/super popular book) would ever change something in it just because of you :P :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

actually no. If i called my mom a bitch, she would kill me. I mean, like brutally murder my ass. Or just ground me. but i guess you call your mom bitch all the time then?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and for the love of God, if you called me a cracker, i wouldnt think anything of it. But if i happened to call you nigger.... shit would hit the fan. the op is right. Black people have a double standard now. If you dont wanna be called nigga, then don't call each other nigga...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you could call your mother a bitch if you wanted to, right? but you'd probably murder my ass if i did, correct? same thing buddy, they both come from a special place in the heart no one else can fully understand _And agg you guys are just jealous cause no one (with a best seller/super popular book) would ever change something in it just because of you :P :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you probably know this, but this one book company actually replaced the word "nigger" in Huck Finn with the word "slave" in all their editions. i dont understand how people dont understand that Twain used the word "nigger" as a satire and not a racial slur. it's so ridiculous.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Twain scholars are pissed about that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A lot of people aren't smart enough to realize when satire is being used. It's sad.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

exactly. it's super annoying.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Whiny? You think we're whiny? It's more likely that overly apologetic white people are the ones who want it taken out. Also, you seem to have never heard of censored songs, and there are far more offensive terms for Latinos and women, so that's likely why no one complains. Anyway, I think it should be kept in for historical accuracy and Twain's message (racism was so casual back then, he was subtly showing it), but this post assumes too much and comes off as slightly offensive. Dang, I've come off as whiny.... screw you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I actually see where you're coming from. I could imagine an uproar from blacks and whites, trying to seem as unracist as possible, try to pacify them and change it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know some people that get offended when a white person calls a mexican beaner, wetback or other things. Like wtf, you're not even Mexican shutup, I don't get offended.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"I've come off as whiny... Screw you" lol, that made my day. Apparently the secret to a homepaged post is having Anthony comment. For the record, I'm not at all racist, I don't care if your black or white or mexican or asian... I'm just not too worried about being politically correct.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They shouldn't change anything an author writes. If it's that big of a problem to people they could just not assign it in schools.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

why are some people too stupid to realize that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am waiting for that one guy that agrees with taking the word out so a comment war can begin.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Was it the black people who wanted the n-word out? Because I've always noticed it's the white people who think they're standing up for the blacks, when really the blacks don't care much...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We read some essays in english class when discussing the controversy about how black people feel about it, and, they where all pretty whiny.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

All the black people I've talked to (including me, I'm black) really don't give a shit. The only people I've ever heard complain are white.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i was making a point, and i know you what i mean. i would never call my mother a bitch to her face and i dont care who you call what you call them, im justifing the use of nigger by blacks. or "sluty whore" by best friends or "fag" by homosexuals or or or... Somethings just dont sound right when said by other people because the love and understanding isnt there either.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hate to break it to you, but its mostly whiny white people complaining because they still feel bad for the years of oppression. Personally, I don't use the n-word, could care less about Mark Twain, and think all the bigots on here are stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Whiny? Are you serious? Black ppl understand the use of the word in the context. Have you ever thought that it wasn't black ppl who wanted the word out bt rather white ppl who try and make things politically correct now in days

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with everything.. except the black-people-are-whiny thing. People above are right. It probably was pasty little Caucasian's like myself who think it is a big deal. In all of these debates- the biggest thing is CONTEXT. If I go up[ to my friend Calley, and say "Sup BITCH." She laugh and call me a bitch right back. But if you truly mean to be rude, its a lot different. Plus, if they are going to censor Twain, they have to censor almost every other book written EVER about that time period.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They already have censored it it's not like, thinking about it they already have... anyway. I commented above that in some papers we read in class about the controversy most of the complainers are black. I think the blacks need to forget about the whole oppression thing. The past is over, what's done it done. If someone says "Nigger" out of hate, they are undoubtedly an asshole, but in Huckleberry Finn that's not how it is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is how I understand it: it's not so much an issue of holding a grudge over oppression that happened before any of us were even born, but about how that word has evolved. The "only my family can insult me" argument is only half true. During segregation days, that word served as a reminder that they were inferior in society. Grudges don't die easily, and tend to be passed down, if even by accident. It became a twisted version of pride in a sense, as in "these lowly people have overcome and we share in this", but of course, if you're taught to hate white people, they can't share in it. Generally, we see a white person saying it as either racism, or mockery. I don't say it myself because i think it's a bad mentality to have. But of course being called one is unpleasant, and when you immitate one of the more unfortunate aspects of my culture just to tell me how stupid we're being, it doesn't exactly foster tolerance.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Side comment; Why even in an intellectual discussion do people shy away from "nigger" replacing it with "n-word"? Not a big deal, it's just a word. Anyway...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Did anyone else notice the post had the word there're in it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ran out of letters lol, had to invent a contraction... Wait is that a real contraction? lol

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with the post; it shouldn't be taken out, but "black people are whiny?" That's a pretty giant generalization, and that's not a whiny statement--the definition of generalization makes that a fact. Oh, and just because you haven't heard any other race complain doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't say black people are whiny. I said they seem whiny. That can quite easily mean in general their appearance comes off as whiny since larger numbers of them have complained as opposed to non-blacks and SEEM by comparison, whiny.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Large numbers compared to non-blacks? It's not like you can count all the blacks who've complained and all the other races who complain and compare them. I meant *seem and that might as well be the same thing as are since you're making a huge sweeping generalization anyway.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I... would... Disagree, but... whatever. Especially since 'seem' and 'are' are pretty dissimilar words...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I never said they were similar, but coming to that conclusion isn't hard. "Black people seem whiny." So, that would mean I seem whiny? To seem is to give the impression of, and to give off that impression I would obviously have to be acting that way in the first place, which would in fact make me whiny. Fortunately it's only a generalization.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Where I live, it's usually overly politically correct white people who freak out about stuff like that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God, you're annoying. I'd rather deal with these whiney black people (who, funny thing is, I've actually never met) than people who make HUGE generalizations like that. Yes, SOME black people are whiney and want the word nigger censored, but MOST aren't. Just like SOME white people are whiney, but MOST aren't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I fail to see this implied generalization. I would also comment that most white people are whiny... But a generalization would imply like I said something like "All those blacks are super bitchy" but I didn't I said they seem whiny, I fail to see the connection.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If someone says told me I seemed whiney, I would take it as an insult. You told me I seemed whiney (you said black people, and I'm a black person). But I'm not. I think it's so stupid that they want to censor a classic book, and I'm sure you know all the reasons why and agree that it's stupid. So, it is a generalization.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'll repeat myself, the complaints I've read have been from African Americans...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Twenty-something black kids and their parents called my school last week because our American Literature class was reading Huckleberry Finn, and they were offended by it. I'm with the OP.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not black people who are whinny. It's over-protective mothers who don't want their children to know actual history. Mothers, I'm sure of every color, complain about all sorts of books and how they need to be banned.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's kind of sad how some of the people here, in arguing the generalisation, have made one of their own. Both white and black people have whiny people. We are actually very similar in just about everything. But yes, it is quite ridiculous that they found it necessary. Some people really need to calm down.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thanks! I appreciate the support lol... I hope this get some more vote, it could be my second with a follow-up... If only i'd fessed up to posting it I'd have the +400 to add to my average... Ah well.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Black people seem whiny because Mark Twain uses the 'n' word in his books and we are trying to change it...this is the way I see this post and I believe you are generalizing. I have read Huckleberry Finn and seeing the word nigger had no affect on me. Not all black people believe that Huckleberry Finn is a racist book. I know that when this book was written the word was used casually to whites as opposed today the word is casual among blacks. Either way I believe that the book was changed to fit todays society, not because blacks were complaining, white people were also. P.s.: Also many feminist also non-feminist women do complain about being called bitch in songs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Now, some year later, I'll apologize for the now much more obvious to me "sweeping generalization", I would have tried to word it to avoid that, and if memory serves I had, but ran out of characters. Sorry again to any I offended, my intention that was not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago