+460 People would put up with commercials more if they were as good as the Super Bowl ads, and not repeated ad nauseum, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I shall await the spelling nausees. Also, I thought of that. Like why are all-well, most of- the commercials on television dulls, when it's possible to make "Superbowl commcercials?" and then if you think about it, that would be a ridiculous amount of work to come up with something that creative every time, and we'd just get used to it and no one would care.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Head-on: Apply directly to the forehead. Head-on: Apply directly to the forehead. Head-on: Apply directly to the forehead. Head-on: Apply directly to the forehead. Head-on: Apply directly to the forehead. You hate this commercial, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago