+342 It's pretty annoying that it's perfectly alright to tell a skinny person to go eat a sandwich but terrible and rude to tell a heavy person to put down the cheeseburgers, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

As a skinny person, I still can't tell for the life of me why some skinny people get sooo offended when they're told that. Like really, it's not that bad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, some people act like I'm dying of malnutrition or anorexic or something so it kind of strikes //me// as insulting.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

When they tell you to go eat a sandwich, that implies to you need to gain weight, as in you're //too// skinny. Being told I'm too (as in: to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible) anything is pretty offensive to me. They go beyond that too. I've been called an anorexic just because I declined food, and asked if I needed someone to hold my hair back when I went to the bathroom after I ate. I'm not even that skinny, I'm just small. I'm 5 ft 1 and 97 lbs. I even have a little bit of love handles.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, maybe implying that you're bulimic is crossing the line. Actually, it definitely is. You have my permission to punch them in the face. But otherwise, I'd rather be called 'too skinny' and told that 'I need to gain weight' then be called fat or be made fun of for being fat. I've actually been called both too skinny and too fat, and I felt a lot worse about being called fat -_- Overweight people have it so much worse than skinny people when it comes to put-downs. We shouldn't be complaining about it so much.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Gotta love them double standards -_-

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know many skinny people who like being told on a daily basis to eat more. And since leanness is considered desirable in today's society and fatness is considered undesirable, that could easily explain any discrepancy (if one exists).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How many fat people get told to put down the cheese burger on a DAILY basis? Telling someone they need to gain weight implies they are not ok the way they are, they are TOO skinny, as in more than desirable.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

As a skinny person, i hate how i cant complain about my body without people going "ZOMG BEING SKINNY IS LUCKY STFU." Yea, cause having small boobs and having to wear childrens clothing is the best :<

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In all honesty, I don't enjoy being really skinny. I try hard to gain weight, but it doesn't happen.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because skinny is usually a good thing and people who are skinny usually aren't as self conscious bout their bodies as fat people... Last winter i gained like 60 pounds (lost it all in the summer again) and its way worse when someone calls u fat because you know its true and you know u look bad cuz ur fat so it hurts peoples feeling... Its not just a minor annoyance

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Being thin and fit=/= people telling you to go eat a cheeseburger. People don't tell people that unless they are really skinny, which is telling them they are not good looking the way they are, they could look better if they gained weight, which is hard for a lot of skinny people. People who are skinny have insecurities too, I know I sure as hell do. I have no boobs, no hips, I'm a twig, I don't have a womanly body, that's more than a minor annoyance too. And it's really annoying when people are like "As if you don't get complimented all the time." No, actually I don't, I get insulted way more than I get complimented.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I feel you bro :c And like, most people who complain about being skinny simply cannot gain weight, their metabolism is too fast. But most fat people can lose weight anytime they chose.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Both can be offensive. I think people should just mind their own damn business, stop commenting other people's weight, and get on with their lives.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I so agree with this! Another fat vs. skinny thing is when someone tells you that very skinny models are ugly and unattractive, but then get annoyed with you when you say the same about plus size models, because 'they should be happy with how they are' and they are 'good role models'. Well, as far as I know, plus size is overweight, which isn't healthy. You can't be naturally plus size, but you can be naturally size zero, and skinny models are allowed to be happy with who they are too. Heck, they've probably worked hard for their body, so they deserve to love themselves WAY more than any plus size model. There's no such thing as 'too skinny' as long as you have a healthy lifestyle.

by Anonymous 12 years ago