+293 It's annoying when people complain that stories with girls living happily ever after with their true love are bad for kids. Let them see a happy love story. What little kid wants to see to see Princess Tiana throwing away her chance at a happy family and stay a lonely workaholic forever? amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol that was a more realistic story for girls today because even though she found her prince, they DID open the restaurant together that she worked all her life for.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*to see my bad.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not that it's necessarily bad, but when every disney movie ends with the girl only becoming happy because prince saves her, it conditions girls to think that they can't be happy unless they find love with a man. Where does that leave divorced women, lesbians, single mothers, women who choose not to get married, women with multiple partners, etc..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Women with multiple partners? Seriously? Polygomy in a kids movie? Taught as a GOOD thing? Just.. no. Tiana earned her restaurant and her dream, Naveen was there to get the message that family is important too across. Would you prefer a Disney movie where little girls learn that the hero is a divorced woman who got dumped several times? Of course you don't need a man to be happy, but it's depressing to see a movie where a girl got jerked around and can never trust men again because she was dumped repeatedly. The girls usually learn that they can achieve their own dreams, the guys are just an added bonus. It's not a bad thing for women to coexist happily with men. A lot of the girls needed help, but the princes needed help too. Are we also going to argue that its bad to teach boys they can't live without women?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Besides that, I grew up on these movies. I love these movies. However, I don't plan on getting married, I might ut I'd prefer not to, and if I have kids, I'll most likely adopt them as a single mom. So the idea that it makes girls think they can't do anything without a guy is just ridiculous.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't mean that they should portray polygamy in a kids movie. That's clearly ridiculous..I'm just saying its good to have diversity in how the films end. They usually end with the princess only being happy because of some action by the prince. You obviously have the right to enjoy these movies, I'm not saying they're horrible. It would just be nice if they had more themes that didn't involve falling in love with a man which evidently solves all the female's problems. Like maybe one could end with a boy and girl being friends, for instance. Also, I've never even seen this movie, I'm just talking disney movies in general

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would prefer to see it end with friendship in some cases, but it's still not bad for anyone. The onyl problem is it gets old after a while. Wether the girl ends up with someone or not also depends on the moral. Princess and the Frog was about taking care of your family and knowing that family is what's really important, so it made sense that she would get married and start a family in the end. Aladdin basically showed that it didn't matter where you came from, you can still accomplish something if you set your mind to it. Jasmine was mostly needed to motivate Aladdin to get into the palace. He Aladdin wanted a better life, he just didn't want to do anything about it until he met her. But Jasmine was a pretty good character because she didn't want to get married. She didn't even care about being a princess or marraige until she spent time with Aladdin.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A few of them they could have stayed friends. Like Cinderella, they actually could have just had the prince be friends with her and think: "Hey I don't want this horrible family to treat my friend this way", so he could have given her a job as a maid at the palace. The main problem is without love, there wouldn't be much motivation. If you met a pal at a ball, you wouldn't go hunting them down, you'd just kind of look around a bit after the party. If you felt like you were in love with them, then it makes more sense that they'd go after them. Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, however, could have fought the dragon and freed the princess out of the goodness of his heart, not because he was in love with any of them. that would have been cool.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Let's be honest with ourselves here. Disney is marketing to their audience. Little girls like the princess to marry the prince...I watched an anime yesterday about a guy and girl who are in love when they're young, but then they move to separate parts of the country and can't be with each other anymore. They write letters to each other, but the relationship doesn't really work long distance; by the end of the movie they've gotten over each other and moved on with their lives. I enjoyed the movie, because I am an adult and can appreciate things outside the formulaic happy ending. Little kids do not have this ability; if I showed this movie to a 5 year old girl she would have just been pissed off. What I'm saying is, while you might enjoy a diversity of endings, the kids don't, and Disney isn't going to make any money if they make movies that kids don't like. That's all there is to it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What anime was that? That sounds good.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're right, most kids wouldn't want to watch that. But a movie doesn't even have to feature love in it all. For example, a movie where friends go on an adventure of some sort. It would even still have a fantasy element, but no one ends up in love. I'm sure kids would want to watch that

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They did that in Treasure Planet and it was underated. Awesome movie, but not very popular. Then there's, The Emperor's New Groove, pretty much every Pixar/Disney movie, Brother Bear, Lilo and Stitch, The Junge Book, Peter Pan, 101 Dalmations, and Pinnochio. Now, taking out the ones with romance as even a subplot we are left with Tresure Planet, The Emperor's New Groove, Some of the Pixar movies, Brother Bear and Pinnochio. Only Pinnochio and a few Pixar movies out of all of those were actually considered popular.While it can be good, Disney cartoons with princesses and romance tend to appeal more to kids. Keep in mind, my point of the post wasn't that they had to have romance. I actually like the movies about friendship or family love.The point of the post is that Disney movies with romance aren't bad for kids.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow I didn't realize there are so many movies without a romantic element! But back to your original post, once again, I didn't say the movies are bad but from personal experience, as a lesbian, I have definitely felt like they didn't represent me or what I would like to see onscreen. Obviously other factors in society can make a someone feel like an outsider, but movies for children where a woman only finds happiness with a man stand out to me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually all those I didn't even spend much time thinking about. There are probably even more if you look. Things we dislike ALWAYS stand out to us. To people who hate Twilgiht, it seems like it's everywhere, to people who are sensitive about race, it seems like there are no minorities, to all people, whenever we notice that something we don't like is present, we often fail to think of all the places the things we like actually show up.It's not a new thing. My point is, it's not bad to see a movie where a girls falls in love ith a guys.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I see what you mean, I just don't think it should be the only type of love being portrayed

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Do you mean straight versus gay, or romantic love versus friendship love/family love/the love of God/the love of nature/the love of mankind?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I guess I mean both because I felt like it was prominently male and female love down in movies, specifically where the female has a happily ever after only after the prince saves her

by Anonymous 13 years ago

For certain social, political and releigious reasons I'm not getting into it's going to be hard to find a gay/lesbian disney movie. Along with those, it's not true to the original story if they change the gender of a fairy tale character. In a lot fo them they fell in love with them before they were saved, or in some the guy doesn't save her. Mulan, she saved Shang AND everyone else in China. Aladdin, Jasmine loved him when he was a just a normal guy. Tiana actually had to save Naveen's but most of the movie. Sure he helped her, but she helped him big time and beat the bad guy herself. Belle didn't love Beast until months, and in the book years, after getting to know him personally. They helped each other too, because she's the one who cured him of his cynicism, pride and hatred of the world and he fought off Gaston. Well, really that was more self-defense than protecting Belle. What he really did for Belle was listen to her when she asked him not to kill Gaston.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hercules didn't get Meg's approval even after he saved her. He had to get to know her as a person before she liked him. David had to practically beg Nani to go out with him, and even then she didn't date him until the end credits. And Actually, in The Pincess and the Frog, Tiana's friend Charlotte, who was boy obsessed, was happy and single in the end.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand that there are movies that are different, but I was thinking classical disney movies such as the little mermaid, cinderella, sleeping beauty, snow white, etc.. Guess its just a personal thing and may not have affected you in a similar way

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nope. Because there are just as many good role models as there are crappy ones. Some were crappy role models, but just as many disney princesses were okay.

by Anonymous 13 years ago