-76 Let's say there's two groups of really big and strong looking guys. The first group is carrying a bunch of Bibles. The second group is carrying a bunch of Qu'aran's and are wearing headscarves. Regardless of your religion, you would be more scared of the second group. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

* Qur'ans I wouldn't be afraid of either of them, personally. Why should I be?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I would be much more scared of the muslim ones. In my area, even the relatively radical christians are pretty peaceful but the muslims? They'll kick the shit out of you if they think you're offending their religion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Have you ever even met a muslim?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Note the "in his/her area" part. Obviously the Muslims where Anon lives are different than around you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I understand. My point is it's not being muslim that defines those actions, it's the kind of person that muslim is. Offending someone's beliefs for the sake of offence isn't exactly a respectable thing to do. However, kicking their ass in response is a waste of energy and would only prove you don't have the required logic to do so verbally. It saddens me that's the way muslims in anon's area behave.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yeah loads of muslims go to my school and most of them are really nice because they've grown up around people who aren't of the same religion as them. Most muslims are normal peaceful people. But there's a lot of them where I live and some REALLY don't like westerners and it can get dangerous, like I get screamed abuse at for wearing a "short" skirt while walking through some muslim areas on my way to school (it's nearly down to my knees and it's part of school uniform so i couldn't change it if I wanted to) and a lot of older muslim guys basically think white girls are fair game. Also this guy I know once drew a robot and jokingly labeled it Mohammed (stupid I know) and got chased all the way across town and pushed under a car.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I grew up around a majority of muslims not "people of different religion to mine" like you said, it didn't make of end up bombing whoever disagrees. It's ironic to me that I'm encouraged to do the exact opposite of what you've mentioned by Islam its self.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why should I be afraid of either? Big and strong doesn't automatically equal violence.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Muslims in Egypt just burned down some Christian people's houses because of a cartoon that some Christian kid drew that depicted Mohammed. So yes, I would be more afraid of the group that most often burns down houses because they take offense to a drawing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

what are their facial expressions? frankly i would avoid both of them, but thats just how i feel about religion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'd probably avoid both as well, but I wouldn't be afraid of either. I just wouldn't want to get preached at >.>

by Anonymous 12 years ago

basically, yeah, but if they are both angry and had weapons, i would be terrified.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, 'cause headscarves are terrifying.

by Anonymous 12 years ago